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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I give my time, money and talents to church and it winds up way more than 10%!


    How many here give 10% of your income to the church??? I believe that it is written in the bible that you should.


    Most had no problem voting for a bill that banned Gay rights because it's in the bible. How many of you follow this other rule as well??


    If one person can honestly say they do, I'd be incredibly surprised.

  2. It is really simple. When you see that Lear was started a thread, there is a 99.999% chance that is it homosexual related. Don't read it.


    We have all read Learjet25d' post on his homosexuality. And how he is right, and everyone who disagrees with him is wrong and christians are the scum of the earth!


    If he would express his opinion in a more positive way and actually be accepting of others, like he wants everyone to be accepting of him. Then perhaps people would listen to him and not just laugh!


    What is everyone's thoughts on this one?

  3. Apparently, they met each other in a drug rehab program.


    I wonder if this boy was in any trouble prior to the murder of ex girlfriends step father? It is so sad to hear the circumstances of the murder. I mean did this man rape this girl? That explains the bond for him I guess. I pray to God these kids stop the craziness and turn themselves in to police.

  4. Christalmighty. Would you people stop saying that it is okay to cheat because you win when you do! Dobbins made a mistake. MISTAKE. If they would have outright cheated, of course they shouldn't have been allowed to play.


    Actually I wouldn't say that the Jaguars kicked but they only won by 6 points and the whole game was close.  Considering they shouldn't even have been allowed to play in that Championship game I guess they did kick butt they kicked all of the other middle school teams who follow the rules butt.  But whatever it's over now and there is nothing no one can do about it.  So now every kid on that team thinks that it is ok to cheat because you win when you do.

  5. ejjlj, I am beginning to think that there is no way to talk any sense into IJAR. When faced with the facts and the truth, it doesn't matter. Dobbins=evil.



    I.J.A.R. - For your information, South Paulding Middle School hosted the championship game at Hiram High School, thus receiving the financial benefits of the gate and concessions, not Dobbins.  By the way, the Jaguars kicked butt!

  6. IJAR, you dont seem to understand that Dobbins did suffer consequences from their actions. If it is not what you wanted to see, talk to the principal of your supporting school. Just because YOU wanted them to forfeit and they didn't have to seem to really get your goat. The "rule breakers" can play and did win the championship because the PRINCIPALS decided the punishment for Dobbins.




    You are mistaken.  The player in question played in the regular portion of the game.  He did not play in the 5th quarter.  Yes athletics at the middle school level is about about building character and participation.  What kind of character are we building when we say it is ok the break the rules and/or do nothing of any consequence to the rule breakers?  I asked this question earlier and everyone has stayed away from answering it.  So here is is again.  Why are the students on another team being punished (By not being allowed to compete on Saturday), while the rules breakers play for the championship? 


    By the way, Dobbins was fined for breaking the rules.  They are glad to pay that fine because they will make it up and then some at the gate Saturday.  Are they really being punished? 




    You are right, there are other rules for ineligibility.  Like residency rules, infraction rules such as being tardy or absent, missing more days than allowed with or with out a doctors note, being ins ISS or OSS for what ever reason.  All of the reasons to be ineligible you listed are local school rules with the exception of residency and ISS / OSS rule.  How would a middle school kid even be on the team?  How would he get to practice?  Also, If the kid was in ISS or OSS that would involve the Admin for not inforcing the rules also.  I assure you that those two rules were not broken.  Yes the coach failed to do his job because HE DID NOT check his players eligibility before allowing him to participate.  That is the coaches job to do.


    I know this forum won't change things nor can it change things.  After tomorrow the game will be played and a Champion will be crowned.  Yes, none if not all this will matter in the years to come.  So, with that said, I will no longer post on this topic or reply to any post in this topic.  I have accomplished my goal here.  That was to make folks aware of a situation that happened and now you know it did. 


    Thanks for reading.

  7. Thank you TBAR. I couldn't have said it better myself.


    Well, well. Looks like I'm gonna step in it now.


    If they don't pay their bill, someone else has too. The report I heard on the radio just a few minutes ago was that some of these people were years behind in payments, to the tune of tens of thousands. That is lost revenue for the city. Someone else has to pay it or the city is giving away services.


    So why does it fall on those people who do the right thing, pay their bills, & then they have to also pay for someone else's water?


    Money. The successful people are paid more. They are the ones who have made the sacrifices, put in the hard work, made good decisions, & have done what it takes to succeed. Why shouldn't they be rewarded for it?


    Sure, there is more poverty in ATL. I agree 100%. There are assistance agencies there too. McDonalds is hiring everyday. Yes, it may only be $7 an hour. So? The point is? If these people had better skills that are freely afforded in the public educational system, they would not have to work at those wages.


    But let's get to the heart of it, shall we? I realize this is terribly insensitive. Yes, I'm a SAWB when I say this, but here goes: those people made poor choices a long, long time ago that placed them in the situation they're in now. Did these people get a high school education? Did they get good grades by studying hard? Did they go on to get further education? Did they delay having children until they could afford them? Did they choose to live below their means to save money for better things later on? Did they work the long hours to get ahead in their endeavors? Do they admit that it is their responsibility to go out & find a job or create their own job, or do they simply want the gov't to give them a job?


    Look, I'm not talking about when someone falls on hard times due to a variety of factors. Everyone needs some help now & then. But where is the personal responsibility that says they will get better, do better, pay their obligations, & stop relying on (yes, sponging off of) others?


    My money is my money. I have obligations too. I have worked hard for what I do have & I want to use it for me & my family, not someone else. Period.

  8. surepip, I stopped in last week out of necessity. I still adhore that store. Even though it is refurbished, it still smells like an old Kroger and the floor is still dirty.


    My favorite place to shop is the SuperTarget. Prices are low and the store is clean.


    Have you been to the Hiram Kroger lately ?


    Totaly refurbished inside.  Produce, Seafood, Meat, and Deli / Wine.  Very NICE.


    And for those who did not know, Regina Rogers, the manager, was a GREAT supporter of Heart Walk.  Not Kroger, but Hiram Kroger.

  9. If I have learned anything about the City of Atlanta, it is that they will try to pawn everything off on the State of Georgia except the airport.


    Now folks, this almost made my jaw hit the floor. Here's the AJC link.


    Do what? 25% of ATL folks haven't paid their water bill to a tune of $35 MILLION? What do these folks want, everyone else to pay their bill for them?

    Look. I am considerate of the elderly. I realize they may not have thousands of disposable cash. But good grief! It is not the responsibility of the rest of ATL to pay their bill for them with higher rates to overcome the deadbeats.


    Yes, yes. I know. "They have higher medical costs." "They are on fixed income." My response to that is simply, "So?" I too have higher medical costs. I too have a limited income because I have bills too. It is not up to me to pay another's water bill in Paulding either.


    I'm sorry, but this is just plain goofy.


    And ATL had the nerve to ask the state of GA (that's you, me, & everyone else in the state) to help them pay for their sewer repairs? Goofy. Plain goofy.


    Just aa "SA" comment that may seem terribly insensitive but really has ticked me off.

  10. It would allow restaurants in Paulding County to sell liquor by the drink! I think.


    Hey guys!  I'm new to this site...


    I was hoping you all could help me to understand one of the County Rererendums.


    It's this one...


    "County Referendum

    Shall the governing authority of Pualding County Georgia be authorized to issue licenses to sell distilled spirirts for beverage urposes by the drink, such sales to be for consumption only on the premises?

    vote for one YES NO"

    At the risk of sounding like an idiot...what is this?? 


    I've asked several people and no one seems to "get it" either.


    Thanks in advance for your help.



  11. There was a player that was ineligible and was found out by a basketball coach checking his players. The football coach, doing the right thing, then notified everyone that the kid was ineligible. Mistakes happen. The principals of the middle schools decided the consequences. If it would have been the consensus that Dobbins forfeit games, they would have. You claim, IJAR, that you don't have sour grapes but I beg to differ. So, if you have a problem with what happened, take it up with Cliff Cole and the principal of East or South or Moses or from whatever middle school you support. From where I stand, the Dobbins coach did do the right thing and would have accepted whatever punishment that the principals decided. Don't blame the Dobbins coaches. They did exactly what they should have and have accepted total responsibility for their mistake. It wasn't Dobbins that decided the outcome; it was the principals.


    This story is all fact.  Nothing made up and absolutly no "sour grapes". 


    Just go ask the head coach and/or the admin. at Dobbins.  You will find this to be true. 


    Here is another question.......


    What if this ineligible player played in a game or games that had a direct influence on the out come of the regular season?  Also, what if that player, while in the game, accidently got in "the way", made a block, and a game changing event took place?  Now is it "ok" for this to go unnoticed?  What about the players on the other team that did nothing wrong.  Are they not being punished? 


    One more thing.  Does it really matter how or why a player is ineligible?  Is that person any less or more ineligible? 


    Again, I am just asking a few questions because this stuff really happened.

  12. Maybe the City of Douglas knows something that the Paulding County Chamber does not! But, I doubt that the airport here will spur industrial development. Maybe I am wrong. And, I don't think the 75-85 corridor has lost the appeal as you state. If so, why is Jackson County on the receiving end of industrial development? It might take 2 hours to reach the airport from Gwinnett but Jackson County is 20 minutes north.


    To compare Douglas to Paulding County is like comparing apples to oranges. Two different communities and two different economies.

  13. surepip: I didn't see one thing on there that other counties in metro Atlanta could offer a company. Seriously. We maybe close to the transfer station but we are at a tremedous disadvantage that we have no major interstate close by. That is where we are getting killed, I believe.

  14. I am all for economic development in Paulding County but why would a company want to relocate here with or without an airport? I am being serious. Maybe the Chairman could chime in here. What advantages do we have compared to say Cartersville, Villa Rica or all the industrial development in Jackson County?

  15. EXACTLY! The birth of your niece may not have been "meaningful" for me but I reveled in your joy!


    not scared, but a little taken back about all the "what's meaningful" and what's not talk. Obviously people feel what they post is meaningful, maybe not to you or me, but it is to them, whether it's a joke or in all seriousness..

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