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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Call me crazy but I don't think I have ever seen them build an ES in a year.


    Plus, a MS in that area? It is needed in central Paulding and not South Paulding.


    5. This one floored me. Apparently they are going to build a new ES off of Clonts RD near Sweetwater Churh RD and Austin Bridge RD. This is to be ready the following year. And there is also supposed to be a new MS in the same area at some future time not specified. I looked at a sat. map and there does appear to be plenty of room to build there. Man, talk about right in my back yard!
  2. Tee hee. I bet you are a real hoot when you are drunk.


    With people like catsh*tinahat and those that think he/she is doing such a great job of conveying the big picture, it is no wonder the politicians in this county remain in office and have a damn field day when it comes to stealing money from the citizens.


    I have seen some dumb ass people in my time, but never this many grouped up in one county.

  3. No one of any quality ran against the incumbents.


    The taxes on my home increased $415, slightly more than $1 per day. I lived in this county for 15 years before I ever added a child to this school system. The bond hasn't even been in place long enough for us to realize any benefit from it. Where was all of this discontent last year during elections? Same people went right back into office.
  4. Plus, out of all the incumbents, the Sheriff is the only one I would vote to put back in office.


    Since when does a Sheriff have anything to do with how a County is ran? I guess you could use your deputies to intimidate the elected officials. But then Sheriff is also elected so he is no different then the other elected officials.


    Ok, why?

  5. Drink heavily before your appointment!


    I've finally gotten an appt with the dentist to have these two infected molars pulled.

    I went in for a consult this morning, nice lady dentist banged on my teeth wif a hammer to make sure that they really hurt.

    Um, yeah. :wacko:

    It was all I could do not to knock her out. <_<

    So, I'm supposed to go back in at 2:45 to have the offensive teeth extracted.

    Please pray that when confronted with pliers, I don't become violent.

    I don't wanna go to jail wif a toothache. :mellow:

  6. Why is it funny? Because his "roommate" is black?


    Not mad, I don't care that they played better than Tenn, just wait until LSU. Then we will see who is the best. Maybe twice this year. I am sure they are better than my dawgs.

    I just thought it was funny that this is his "roommate".

  7. I have always lived by the rule that if the baby is hungry, the baby should eat. I nursed all three of mine and one would eat every hour on the hour for a month. Go by the baby's hunger cues and you will be fine.


    we just had baby #4 and he is so different from our other 3 that I feel like Ive never done this before. My others were always average to small and ate an average to less then what they recomend. Well this baby weighed 9lbs at birth and by 48hrs he weighed 9lbs 3oz...so he is a big boy. He is now 3wks old and eats (formula ) 4oz every 2 hrs if we are lucky. He drinks every last drop but I dont think he is ready for 5oz, maybe if we could get him to go longer then 2 hrs he would eat more at each feeding but less often(3-4hrs). Everyone keeps telling me that since he is so big he needs to start cereal; However the doctor has always told me not to start cereal too soon or it could cause digestive problems or food allergies. He goes to the doctor next week but Im not sure what his weight is now. Like I said by 2 days he had already gained weight and he is 3wks now and he wears 6month clothes! Between him being big/holding head up/staring/laughing everyone thinks he is about 2 months old.


    So anyone have advice on what i can do to help my poor baby from eating so much so often? What have any of u been told about feeding cereal at this age?



  8. Emalee Rain Galamore

    Memorial Fund


    As some of you are aware, Pecos Galamore recently lost his 7 month old little girl. A Memorial Fund has been set up at Regions Bank in honor of little Emalee in order to help the family pay for some of the funeral and medical expenses that were incurred.


    To Donate: Please stop by your local Regions Bank and leave cash or a check donation to the:

    Emalee Rain Galamore

    Memorial Fund

    Acct #6591335472

    To Wire Donations:

    Regions Bank

    Birmingham, Alabama

    ABA # 062005690

    to ABA # 061101375

    Emalee Rain Galamore Memorial Fund

    Acct # 6591335472



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