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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. You should post more often, voices.


    Not so sure I believe it's hard-wired. I was a bed-wetting uber-liberal for damn near half my life.


    That is until I finally woke up and realized how stupid and wrong I was.


    I don't understand why liberals hang on to their school of thought. When I had my awakening, it was as clear as daylight. And making the change was easy. Yeah, I had to eat many words I had previously said. But, I could intelligently explain how it is I could change positions on so many things. Of course, the liberal friends and family I had just had their typical blank stare when I approached them with logic.


    While life in general has gotten harder to take since I made the jump (having to look around me and deal with the idiocy of the liberal mind, of which once I was a member of), my personal life is so much nicer because it just feels right... to be right.

  2. Word. I would love to have the $7,000 per child spent in Paulding to help pay my private school tuition bill.


    Being a home schooler I get hit twice. Not only do I have to pay for schools that I don't use. I also have to pay for my own materials to teach my own kids because, the school system that is raping me, is doing such a cheezety job.
  3. You are downright hateful when it comes to someone complaining about the school bond or any tax increase.


    come on HG, show me one post in this thread that I fussed at someone complaining about the increase?


    cloest thing could be my comment about Whitey and $8/month increase. (wow!!!!)

  4. I truly don't understand why you fuss at others on here who are upset about the increases.


    By that time I will have moved to Western North Carolina. Trust me - I can't see an additional tax increase working for me in the near future so I'll be with you next time.


    I don't think the fire tax will expire - we voted to change the funding model for the fire department - to take it out of the hands of the funds in the general fund and place it as a line item that can be assessed as needed to maintain and grow the department.

  5. Let your grandmother plan it.


    I guess my problem is that I'm *horrible* at throwing parties. Decorations? What are those? Oh, you have to have a cake? Really? :rolleyes: My grandmother has been driving me nuts all summer wanting to know what I was planning. Um...I'm planning on her turning three. :blush:
  6. When will it stop? What about when your new elementary school has trailers because of increased development and the new elementary school is way past capacity? What happens when your fire tax expires?



    Mystery, it cost the County $6000+ per child for education. I have two children in the system. In a few years, the fire department will be fully staffed in my area with a new station on the way. Having an engine arrive on the scene with at least two men on board (so they can affect a rescue if required without waiting for backup) is well worth $180/year. For the additional school tax, my kids will be able to attend a new school next year.


    I'm not a demorat that expects the rich to pay my share - in this case, voting for the tax(es) was the best for my family.


    Believe me, in a few years when the south Paulding people are crying about trailers all over their schoolyards, I'll be voting no to repay the favor they displayed during the past election.


    I'm sure the amount you will pay this year is a fraction from up north, right?

  7. Consider yourself lucky, FreeBird. I don't have anyone around me that has had a 30% increase in base salary. Yet, powers bills increase, gas bills increase (yes, we all know you telecommute - again, you are lucky), and the property taxes are increasing.


    I know that you won't believe me, but since January I've had a 30% increase in my base salary. Commission stayed at 2%. Power bill increased 25% this month. Such is life. Do you have anything else to add? Your "points" are missing the mark with me.
  8. You forgot the greenspace bond. <_<


    Don't forget the fire tax, the school bond, the new courthouse and then the BOE hiked the taxes that were already in place.


    I figure most of the yes voters have probably been foreclosed on by now.

  9. Pack them up and take them with you. ;) Or, leave them out some food and hope the new owners will continue to feed.


    I am moving this weekend and dont know what to do for my hummingbirds.The last couple of weeks the have grown to about 20.I hate to just leave and them not have food anymore.Any suggestions?And dont tell me not to move....
  10. This is what having a republic is about: having a candidate and supporting them. Why is it tacky?


    Oprah has announced her support of Obama for President. She is holding high profile political parties and plans on actually being in commercials for Obama.


    Now, I love Oprah, but this is so incredibly tacky. We're already a joke of a country to most of the world, and now we're celebratizing our presidential elections?

  11. Any bank should have a notary on staff.


    OH yeah, this just burns my butt-they're giving her a hard time about not vaccinating!!!! (HENCE one reason I homeschool!!!!) We're working on finding the exemption form now-does anybody know where the nearest notary is to Scoggins Rd?
  12. Congrats, Maxi. Double the blessings!


    Supposed to be here around Jan 16, but the doc said that the vast majority of twins arrives 2 - 3 weeks early.


    Here's hoping for a December 31st birth (for tax purposes, of course)! B)

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