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Everything posted by TJB

  1. All of the oil drilled domestically would go on the open market and would be part of the world's existing supply. The multinational energy companies would make huge profits subsidized by our tax dollars, and the price of gas wouldn't decrease. This doesn't seem like a win for the average consumer.
  2. I'm assuming that you believe more domestic drilling would lower prices? According to this CNN article, that is not the case. Drill baby drill won't lower gas prices http://money.cnn.com/2011/04/25/news/economy/oil_drilling_gas_prices/
  3. I'm sad to hear this. One thing I've learned in the past few years are things in life are rarely like they are supposed to be.
  4. My thoughts are with you and your husband.
  5. It works both ways. The teatards and conservative radio hosts are every bit the "race pimps" that Al and Jesse are. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfxVkLhlu5s
  6. My question is: Is it even legal for outside groups to monitor elections? Regardless if it's the Black Panthers or groups like Freedom Works, both of whom have a political agenda. Aren't polling places supposed to be devoid of political influence? It seems to me, that having "watchers" at the polls invites scrutiny and trouble. If someone tries to prevent me from voting, I might hurt them. I'm sure conservatives may feel the same if the Panthers showed up at their polling place. To me, having poll watchers other than state, local, or federal government officials is looking to stir up trouble.
  7. What you failed to say, was there was no mention about race in the article nor was there any editorializing. While the Daily Koz is liberal, in this case, they were merely reporting the facts.
  8. Mississippi nixes FreedomWorks plan to 'monitor' polling places http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/06/24/1309234/-Mississippi-nixes-FreedomWorks-plan-to-monitor-polling-places#
  9. My heart goes out to Spunkywoman and her family. I know she's had a rough time the past couple of years.
  10. Wisconsin Republican donor busted for voting 5 times in Gov. Scott Walker’s recall election http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/06/24/wisconsin-republican-donor-busted-for-voting-5-times-in-gov-scott-walkers-recall-election/
  11. When I saw the title Poll Watchers, I thought it was a thread about Lindsey Graham.
  12. I'm sure people remember the not so fresh commercials. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_a_yfWlgaE
  13. My thoughts are with Surepip and family. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
  14. This thread has been vagicational for me.
  15. Someone posted this on Facebook. Very funny. http://mic.com/articles/91563/the-tampon-commercial-every-woman-has-been-waiting-for?utm_source=policymicFB&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social
  16. Panic attacks can mimic some of the symptoms of heart trouble. I hope the doctors find out what is going on. M thoughts are with you.
  17. Close to 20 years ago, I had the opportunity to meet Merry Clayton; she sang background on Gimme Shelter. She said Jagger was a horny guy and had to smack him away during the session. Here are her vocals isolated. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=gimme+shelter+background+vocals+isolated&FORM=VIRE4#view=detail&mid=7C82B1DC4B57C9E9C4197C82B1DC4B57C9E9C419
  18. Sex must really be hot when Mick takes his Depends off before doing the deed. http://wonderwall.msn.com/music/report-mick-jagger-moves-on-with-27-year-old-ballet-dancer-1820320.story?ocid=answw11
  19. A baseball great has passed. 54 is too young to die http://espn.go.com/mlb/story/_/id/11091626/hall-famer-tony-gwynn-san-diego-padres-died
  20. I'm giving you the sanitized version. It was much worse and if I saw this administrator dying in the street, I'd walk the other way. I can't begin to describe the contempt I have for this individual.
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