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Everything posted by michelay1000

  1. It is so good, but but like someone else said, a little goes a long wy.
  2. They spent a ton of money on the new parking lot alone.
  3. I keep hoping his family will catch a break.
  4. Same here, unless I happen to be outside and hear them.
  5. Two minutes in these cases is the equivalent of two beers for a DUI stop right?
  6. I didn't see the tongue thing when I posted it, it is pretty gross.
  7. I've had the All in the Family ringtone on my phone for almost a year. RIP Edith
  8. Please come to the Crossroads Kroger and take some of these Axe coupons off of my hands. $2 off of 3. I even have some shower tools left for FREE! I am by the Axe products until 4:30.
  9. I know what you mean by the ads, some of them were but of course I don't know what happened either.
  10. There is one on the ground heading towards downtown OKC
  11. Perhaps. I didn't realize there were so many bartenders for hire on CL. Holy moly.
  12. Try to have a nice day, and happy birthday
  13. Maybe she met him in a location she felt would be safe The article said he returned her to her car.
  14. http://inmate.paulding.gov/webinquiry/searchCH.asp If you search yesterdays arrests, he is there on the bottom.
  15. My link Despite a Facebook page that states otherwise, natural foods supermarket chain Whole Foods has no plans to build a store in Acworth, company spokesman Darrah Horgan told Acworth Patch. The Facebook page, Whole Foods Market Acworth Development, which was created Sunday and claims to "groundbreak" the new Acworth store set for Cobb Parkway at Cedarcrest Road, has promptly collected about 2,500 "likes." But the Fabebook page—which lists the phone number of dry cleaning business and contains a number of other errors—is not official, Horgan said. "We have contacted Facebook
  16. Whole Foods Market Acworth Development https://www.google.com/search?q=Whole%C2%A0Foods%C2%A0Market%C2%A0Acworth%C2%A0Development&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS518US518&oq=Whole%C2%A0Foods%C2%A0Market%C2%A0Acworth%C2%A0Development&aqs=chrome.0.57j64&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  17. I spoke with Mark Weinburg and it is a fake page.He posted so on there, and whomever created the page is removing all negative comments. No word back via email from the Whole Foods reps.
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