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Everything posted by michelay1000

  1. http://atlanta.about.com/od/landmarksattractions/a/georgia-aquarium-discounts.htm
  2. And the answer is..................
  3. http://paulding.gov/index.aspx?nid=475 Ph: (770) 443-3030 Inmate Mail Mail Contact All Mail must be addressed to: Paulding County Detention Center (Inmate's Name and ID number) 25 Industrial Way N Dallas, GA 30132 All inmate mail must have a return address on the envelope. All incoming mail will be opened and inspected for money orders and/or contraband. The only thing an inmate can receive through the mail is certified checks, money orders and 3 pictures that are not Polaroid. These pictures can not contain nudity, depict violence or depict illegal activity. An Inmate is
  4. Damn straight. She also owns a chain of clothing stores, and she knows how to market herself. Both of her parents were successful in their own right. I don't get all of the Kim hate. Someone must love her to make her worth millions. I nominate myself to be her "Ed McMahon"
  5. Christina did you ask the other poster what the license plate number was on the car that cut them off?
  6. It is their right to do that as long as it is clearly marked. It is the consumer's right to steer clear of that store.
  7. We went through Graham's @ Bobo & 120. www.usedcarsdallasga.com/
  8. From the PCSO's FB page: This post has been prepared in regard to the incident that occurred on 03/24/13 with Deputy K. Dutton. This matter has been reviewed over the past several days, which review has included discussions with the deputy involved, review of audio/videotape of the incident, discussions with the involved towing personnel, as well as subsequent correspondence received by this office from Mr. Simmons. Such review is necessary in any circumstance where the integrity and professionalism of a deputy has been called into question in order to accurately determine the facts of eac
  9. And sometimes people pull out in front of buses to avoid being behind them for every stop.
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