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Everything posted by cruisegal

  1. I always warm my car up before I put my kids in it, I too have a little car thats not worth much of anything but its mine and I like for it to be warm for my kiddos. Maybe I need to get full coverage insurance on it real quick in case someone decides they want it more than I do.
  2. I thought it was just delayed 2 hours??
  3. I think we should all send our bills to 1600 pennsylvania ave... tell them WE, as citizens of the US, need a bailout!
  4. Insurance Funnies The following are actual statements found on insurance forms where car drivers attempted to summarize the details of an accident in the fewest words. These instances of faulty writing serve to confirm that even incompetent writing may be highly entertaining.......................... Coming home I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don't have. The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intentions. I thought my windows was done but I found out it was up when I put my head through it. I collided with a stationary truc
  5. HA!! I found these on the internet. I thought they were good for a laugh this cold morning.
  6. Found this on the internet, things actually recorded by a court reporter... Enjoy!! ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning? WITNESS: He said , ‘Where am I, Cathy?’ ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you? WITNESS: My name is Susan! ____________________________________________ ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact? WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks. ____________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active? WITNESS: No , I just lie there. ____________________________________________
  7. Hee Hee Hee.... its all good! I enjoyed the photos anyway.
  8. The pictures are awesome, but they are saying that they didnt come from that camera and have not been stored for that many years. I dont care if they did or not, they are real pictures and they are pretty darn good.
  9. Oh yea, she knows what an actor/actress is. And I dont object to the videos at all, Im fine with her watching them for now...I guess as long as she doesnt see any of these kinds of videos of her, it will be fine.
  10. Thats so sad...My 5 yr old daughter LOVES her...so how do I explain to my daughter why she cant watch her Hannah Montana videos anymore...or do I?
  11. My awesome is when I dropped off my 3 yr old son at my mothers this morning and he threw his arms around me and said "I love you more mommy"!
  12. It annoys me when someone's child is screaming to the top of their lungs that they want something (say, at walmart) and the parent just ignores them, or just tells them to "calm down honey", calm down my ass, spank their little butts until they stop screaming! No I dont beat my kids (for those of you who will ridicule me) , our kids are well behaved and know better than to pitch a fit for something...if they ask and are told no, then no is the answer.
  13. So are we to assume you are one of the ones who lets your kids run wild in a restaurant or u dont mind if other peoples kids run around your table while your trying to eat? Or if they are running amuck in walmart screaming to the top of their lungs... just asking...
  14. We're the same way, our kids know they are not to get up from the table until we are all finished with dinner. I hate to see kids running around in a restaurant as if their parents have no concern at all what they are doing.
  15. Oh no, he will talk to women as long as they are in an equal position or higher than him.
  16. OMG, this is so funny! Perfect way to get rid of some junk. Wrap boxes with christmas paper and stick them in huge shopping bags or garbage bags, and leave them in the bed of the truck.. I so need a truck! LOL
  17. People who think they are SO much better than everyone else. I work with a saleman who absolutely thinks he is above and beyond me and anyone who isnt his "equal". I can say something to him and its like Im non-existent, he never looks at me when Im talking to him, drives me crazy! At least give me courtesy of looking at me when Im speaking to you.
  18. Couple of people Id like to friend first before I said that LOL
  19. Hmmm, might be interesting to visit once.
  20. Ummm, you dont want LPPT to know but you post it here?? HELLO?? lol, this is the gossip ring of Paulding county.
  21. I agree with you there, my husband shaves his head and I like it!
  22. What aggravates me with comcast is we have been with comcast for our internet for a couple of years and i saw on their website a lower internet price but they wont let us lower our bill because we arent a new customer. Why not try to keep your current customer as well as gain new ones? I told them that i am looking at another internet provider and could get directv and internet for what im paying for internet with comcast and they didnt seem to care, so screw them...we are switching. Im glad they worked with you on your bill but I have tried over and over to get them to lower our internet bill
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