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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. There were 2 in my family who did not vote and one who would like to change his. Rest assured if they have another choice in the primary they will vote. They didn't think it mattered in this one. Boy were they wrong. Just goes to show you that every vote does count and you should never waste yours. I did vote and I am proud that I cast mine the way that I did.
  2. I won't slash you. You backed him because he says that he reflects your religious and political views. I am not at all surprised that you support him.
  3. Unless he has a challenger with money to run a campaign against him he will become the District 19 Representative in November too. There is no doubt that he will run in the primary and if he wins that he will go on to the general election.
  4. Love the pictures Joe. What amazing things you and the Mrs. are doing. Stay safe and let us know when you get home.
  5. I don't think our tax dollars are being spent wisely. Course that is nothing new. I was surprised to hear on the news how many jobs are still open with the Census. I would have thought that with all of the folks out of work every one would be filled. Seems the issue is that they need folks who speak foreign languages to take the Census. I thought there was something wrong with that picture. If you only speak English (in America) they can't hire you to take the Census in America.
  6. Wonderful news PS Dad! I am so happy for you.
  7. Watch out for the trees and stay safe! That means stay on the road.
  8. I know that there are strings attached and any program that gets those funds has to fit into the guidelines. It would be great if the 4-H program did and it could get those funds. I think someone has to go apply and make the case for them.
  9. You mean the Federal Government? Not sure it would help to call the State of Georgia folks about that. I agree with you about some of the money being sent over seas. We are hurting right here in our own back yards.
  10. "CC" I love how you are all about the kids, community, and the less fortunate. What would you suggest they cut instead. There are so many state workers being let go, not furloughed, let go. There are families attached to each of those jobs. I am sure that they are open to any suggestions as to how to save the jobs of those folks.
  11. I think it is a great program. I was in the 4-H club as a child and loved it. The problem here is money or the lack of it. My kids did not go to summer camp because we could not afford it when they were young. I see the choices the state is having to make now as a similar choice. They are going to have to make choices about the survival of major programs such as S-chips, or Medicaid, or a host of other programs. I would love for the the 4-H program to survive. If I had to choose between sending kids to camp, or helping them to eat, or to get medical care, I have no doubt about the choi
  12. The State should have already done that. When the well is running dry you don't water the lawn.
  13. Have a great time and come home safely!
  14. I just heard Dick Williams and Phil Kent's comments on the Georgia Gang. They were not complementary. If you think they are picking this up from P.com. Think again! I won't say what they were. I really don't want to repeat it. Maybe P.com is a good place to start the "Get out the vote campaign". I know that I have always valued the voting process and I have worked to get others to get out and exercise that right. I have always valued free speech too. I will be working as hard as I can to encourage both.
  15. There is much more out there and in my opinion it won't stop until the next election is over.
  16. None of this is real issue here! If you want to believe it is that's OK by me. I just see it from a different perspective!
  17. Ditto!!! Paulding County, his family, the state of Georgia, nor the Republican Party needed this headline. It will be used to slam them all. I know how it could have been prevented. He should not have run. Perception is everything in a case like this.
  18. Except they were all running as Republicans. Of course the Party did not endorse anyone. It will move to the next election. In it's wake, it will leave a totally new understanding about Political parties and what they do, at least with some of us.
  19. I know some will disagree with me about this but I have always thought part of what a Political Party is supposed to do is seek out good candidates. I always thought the Party affiliation was something you could look at to see if the candidate is most likely to vote in line with your beliefs and core issues. If the Party has nothing to do with who signs up and runs under it's ticket, then I have been very much mistaken in that belief for years. I have learned something new in this election. I agree with you about this being embarrassing.
  20. I was speaking of the one on PT's site, repeated here on p.com, and on one other site. I still don't think it would do any good to apologize further. Why should he when he had to know this would happen?
  21. And that is the real issue here. Do any of you think an apology is going to change that? I think Mr. Stout has already made one.
  22. NO!! As a matter of fact I think they will point out that they were Republicans and that the winner was a Republican.
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