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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. Then your freedom to travel by air is infringed upon. You have to give up your Constitutional rights to do it. The government is choosing to target all of us instead of profiling a few.
  2. Cancer survivor humiliated. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40291856/ns/travel-news This story just keeps getting worse and TSA is now saying they will impose huge fines on folks who refuse to be searched and choose to leave instead.
  3. I believe these are the advance voting dates for Paulding: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 General Election Runoff: 11/22/2010 - 11/24/2010 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Days: M,Tu,W Board of Elections and Registration Watson Government Complex, First Floor 240 Constitution Blvd. Dallas, GA 30132 Supreme Court Justice Tammy Lynn Adkins David Nahmias (Incumbent) Appeals Court Judge Antoinette "Toni" Davis Chris McFadden
  4. They are going too far. This DOES NOT make us secure it just makes some people feel secure. We are giving up the freedom that the Constitution guarantees us and It is not worth it. Is this to keep from profiling. If so then they need to start profiling. The Israelis do it right and they don't abuse the right to privacy to do it.
  5. This is a crime and one that hurt folks who are having a tough time already. I would hope that most people have NOT done that, at least not on purpose!
  6. I want to know why anyone would do such a mean thing. Glad they have been caught!
  7. I haven't tried any in Marietta but there is one in Douglasville and one in Powder Springs. My kid really likes the one in Powder Springs.
  8. OK,you lost me. That is not part of my reading material. Way over my head!
  9. Busy writing that down. I read non fiction too but didn't think you guys would want to hear about "Don't Vote It Just Encourages The B_ _ _ _ _ ds" by P.J. O'Rourke or "Real Education" (Four simple truths for bringing America's schools back to reality) by Charles Murray. LOL Sadie you listed one I have never heard of.
  10. I don't know. I picked it up at Sam's when it first came out. They may still have some. I have about 2 years worth of books stacked up to read. LOL It did not appear to be a sequel. I think the author may have written some other books but not this type..
  11. The Passage by Justin Cronin. Experiment goes wrong. The world crumbles into a primal landscape of predators and prey. The predators are a cross between the walking dead (zombies) and vampires. First few pages are slow but after that it is fast paced. Very thick book about 750 pages. I am half way through it and so far still very interested. Course I love good horror books. True Blood, Twilight series, and some Steven King are among those I have enjoyed. Read 'Pride and Prejudice' a long time ago and enjoyed it very much.
  12. He is a great guy and I hate this for him. He will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope the surgeons are not on vacation.
  13. Airports in Florida and Georgia are debating whether or not to replace TSA with private contractors. Sounds like a good idea to me. http://savannahnow.com/latest-news/2010-11-17/southeast-airports-debate-dropping-tsa-scanners
  14. I just know that gangs will demand that folks do things like this to become members.
  15. The company is now owned in part by the union if I am not mistaken. Our government is responsible for that. I would disagree with you about the majority (bulk) of people who profit most from GM .
  16. You know that companies do not (should not) exist for the benefit of the unions don't you?
  17. I wonder if it could be some kind of gang initiation?
  18. Matter of opinion based on the facts as we know them. It is never a good idea in a country based on capitalism to allow the government to take businesses at will. The company should have gone into bankruptcy and been made to restructure. I will feed at the trough of free enterprise and the freedom to find answers for ourselves via many different paths. That includes different news media. Far better than feeding at the union trough. JMO
  19. Last I heard on the subject the tax payer is not going to get repaid. This was a bad move and a bad precedent. We do not need to allow the government to take businesses at will. The unions were winners, the original stock holders, and the taxpayers were losers.
  20. Two Pilots are suing over this and other citizens are starting to line up to do the same. Some Democrats and Republicans in congress are starting to ask questions. I wonder how long they will get away with this? They have crossed the line in my opinion and they are doing it with no profiling. Muslims may be exempt. How much sense does that make?
  21. I knew him a long time ago. He is actually a pretty good Doctor. What a way to end your career.
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