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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. That's funny I heard all these same jokes only about people from Georgia! :lol:

    Coney, anyone?



    I was born in Alabama as were my parents and grandparents. My mom warned me to avoid two kinds of men NASCAR fans and bass fishermen.


    Ya know why birds fly upside down in Alabama? Cause there is nothing worth poopin on in Bama!


    You're ELECTED to your position aren't you? ;)

  2. I thought for sure my p.com friends would have more ideas than this! Where are all the jokers at?


    I went through the box of gifts that hubby got for his 50th. One that caught my eye was an autograph hound (stuffed dog) that f--ts when you squeeze him. Of course his name is Old F--t.

  3. I believe that the statue of limitations has run out. Do not quote me on it but they need to pursue you for the money have they.. If not contact an attorney ASAP... It could be just a glitch or even a sneaky way to get their money...


    I don't believe that they could have frozen the account without a judgment. I'm not sure what the statute of limitations is on judgments but I was able to pursue collection for several years on a rental agreement. Hiring an attorney is excellent advice.

  4. My mom turns 50 This week and I want to get her some kind of gag gift. I want something funny, but I need to keep it clean. Anyone got ideas? I am fresh out of them!


    I will also get her something special, but want to embarrase her at her party!


    For my hubby's 50th birthday, I made him a CD of the #1 songs for each year of his life. I also made a CD of the theme songs of all his favorite TV shows like Mighty Mouse, Andy Griffith, Hill Steet Blues, etc... At his birthday party we had small signs everywhere with things like Y2K, sock-it-to-me, flower power, cold war, Nixon resigns!, etc.. written on them. One of his coworkers gave him an "over the hill" survivor kit that included things like Depends, Fixodent, prunce juice, etc...

  5. Was this in Georgia? Who told you to wait three months or was it a part of the lease? We file dispossessory on the 15th if its not paid and have them out in just over 30 days usually. If you do the rental thing, don't have a soft heart about it, hold firm on your late fees and dispossessories. Send a very clear message that their priority should be their home.


    This was not in Georgia. That is why we hired a management company to oversee the property. The 90 period was a legal requirement at the time. The late fees and return check charges that we were stuck with was part of the agreement with the management company.

  6. i've got an idea here for a possible retirement or long-term investment for my hubby and i. this would be a COMPLETELY new venture for us, so i'm hoping for good input.


    i'd like to know some pros and cons of owning rental property. this would be residential. i'm not looking to get rich quick, but more like holding on to this house, making a little along, then when retirement comes along, we'd have a little something to work with.


    so.... what say you? :)


    Hubby and I owned one rental house several years ago. We had a lot of difficulty collecting the rent. Due to the legal requirements for eviction it took until the lease expired to get the people out of the house. The tennant had to be 3 month behind on the rent before we could start eviction proceedings and every time we started the proceedings they would pay one months rent to the management company who would cash the check before the ink was dry. When we finally got the renters out, we discovered that the house had been trashed on the inside. There was a two car garage attached by a breezeway that was left full of garbage because the renters hadn't paid for trash pick-up the last couple of months that they were there. The security and damage deposit was barely enough to cover all the late fees and returned check charges that the management company deducted from it. So we were out the last 2 months rent plus repairs and clean-up.

    I'm sure that there are really nice people out there who live in rental property, but I would never take the risk again. JMHO



  7. Bubba, Blue Merle, male, #4137 & #5012 six month old female, white with spots


    I have a half Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) and I can't say enough about the intelligence of these dogs. I purchased my dog to remove him from an abusive situation when he was a tiny puppy. He was not allowed to interact with his mother except to nurse. Both my dog and his only sibling were sold before they were 6 weeks old. The good news is that the mother was eventually taken from the owner and placed in a wonderful home. Even with the lack of nurturing his first few weeks of life, my dog has made a wonderful companion. He was easy to train and keeps my five horses in line.


  8. Every morning I turn out my driveway (I don't live in a subdivision) and just as I'm picking up speed.......someone pulls out in front of me. Lo and behold......they have just run a stop sign. It's people coming out of Sherwood Forest Subdivision on Friendship Church Rd. They roll up to the stop sign, and without stopping, they keep coming out into the road, pulling out in front of people. It's these kind of drivers that cause accidents and cause others to form road rage. It's a STOP sign people! You know it's there, so be prepared to stop. At that time of morning, I have a toddler in the car with me, and I DO NOT want to be in an accident.


    Can anyone else relate? Thanks for letting me vent.



    YES!!! This sorta goes hand in hand with another thing that makes me crazy and that's the "2 for 1" thing that happens at 4 way stops.

  9. Theres not much difference in peoples reactions to blue lights (or Police in general). Everyone wants to see whats going on. Now everyone has the video cameras in their cell phone and are just trying to make it big on YouTube. They just sit and wait with the cameras out hoping for the worst so they have it on tape. What about the morons that actually hold their camera phone out the window snapping pictures while passing a particularly bad accident scene slowing to a crawl not even watching the road ahead. I was on 285 a few weeks ago when a mobile crane (huge vehicle) rolled over off the side of the road. Even thought the crane was travelling the opposite direction as me I was just as stuck in traffic because of the rubberneckers who have to stare at the wreck and take pictures from the opposite side of the freeway.


    I will say that out here more people will actually stop to ask stupid questions right in the middle of an accident scene or traffic stop. Pulling up beside the officer while he's standing next to a car he has stopped for who knows why and asking how to get to I-20 is classic. Even better to just ask "Is everything OK?" or "Is that my son?"


    Last week I got behind a line of traffic that was waiting for the police to clear a wreck from the intersection of Mt. Taber and East Paulding. There was a school bus in front of me and over half the kids on the bus were hanging out the windows taking pictures with their cell phones.

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