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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. You know I read alot of posts and don't usually give my 2 cents on the matter, because frankly the people on this forum bash everybody for anything. Nobody is happy with the school system no matter what they do. Nobody is happy with the police force no matter what they do. And someone in our community made a mistake and so many of you are ready to boycott him. And some people think his wife should leave him and take everything he has, where did that come from?


    What happened to the "community" we have here. I did a search on Rodney's name and so many of you were praising him and his restaurant a few months back. This is a family that will give you the shirts off their backs, and for many people they have.


    Rodney does community work, helps needy people rebuild their homes and things such as this.


    I tell you what, some wise man once said "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw at a stone at her." I'm sure we could change "her" to "him" in this instance. How many of you have sped, have answered your phone in the car and crossed the yellow line just for an instant? How many of you have gotten to your car after a tiring trip to the grocery store, only to find that pack of gum in the bottom of your cart? Do you think these things are so much more horrible than what Rodney did? What difference does it make if they are worse or not. A sin is a sin is a sin. He will have to suffer the consequences for his own actions and so will every one on this forum that has been gossipping and trashing Rodney's reputation.


    I can tell you something else, if any one of you is ever in need. If Rodney Dobson knows you and knows of your need, he will be the first in line to help you.


    Sorry this is such a long post, but I have been reading all this crap from everybody for the past day and half and I just couldn't stand to not say anything.


    Pubby, thanks for you unbiased journalism and thank you for trying to set the record straight a few posts ago.


    May God bless you all. And think before you start throwing stones again.



  2. All it takes for the trooper to cite DUI with a building being smashed is for him to ask the man, "have you had anything to drink" and if he answers yes, that supports the charge.


    The building will be rebuilt with Dobson's insurance money and the fact that the man spoke with me - not just the forthright manner - tells me that folks might not only cut him a break, but wait on the Blood alcohol content analysis to come back.


    The other thing is that at 4-4:30 am, any one of you might fall asleep at the wheel whether or not you had anything to drink.


    Is being 'out at 4 a.m.' now a reason to sully someone's reputation as savagely as some of you have done.


    I'll simply state that the man told me he was responsible and was not making any bones about it. The insurance will cover the Salon 61 repairs and as far as drinking and driving, I was pleased that he even agreed to speak.


    Humans make mistakes. Some are more guilty than others. The main test is whether the individual is responsible and in my books Rodney is standing there accepting his responsibility like a man.


    I will say that I have less respect for those who judge harshly than I do those who are willing to consider facts and render measured judgement.




    Thanks for the wise words, Pubby. I get run off of the shoulder of the road on Mt. Tabor Church Rd. at least once each month. It's usually by someone driving way too fast and talking on a cell phone. They cross the line coming around a curve and force anyone coming from the other direction to leave the road. It's a shame that more of these people aren't arrested.

  3. Ive been through all the woods, from Mt Tabor to Brightwater and down to Toby Magarity. An old man on Magarity told me that Pits get snached up quick around there. . I call the shelter several times a day, went to Cobb animal shelter. Put up reward signs. Somebody has to have him. I don't know what else to do. I can't sleep or eat and Im on the verge of going postal.


    I'll be glad to ride the woods on one of the horses after work today.

  4. Where is your rescue LLF? Do you ever need volunteers?



    The rescue is owned by a friend of mine but she has several volunteers helping with the horses. There's a number of kids who help with everything: stall cleaning, feeding, grooming, fund raisers and collecting aluminum cans. Send me a PM and I'll give you details, if you like.

  5. Paulding County has a new equine rescue facility. What do we need to do to be able to set up an information booth?





    I still need info about setting up a booth for Harmony Meadows Equine Rescue.



  6. I just wanted to ask that you pray for me...I have a job interview tomorrow and it is a position that I have been waiting a long time for. I also have to see a surgeon (tomorrow too) to see about having my gallbladder removed :(


    I'll be praying for you!

    I had my gall bladder removed on a Friday and returned to work the following Tuesday. That was 8 years ago.


  7. After dinner, my grandfather would always throw the leftovers out on the ground behind their house. Then at night, they would open the curtains in their bedroom, and lie in bed and watch foxes and other wild animals come and eat. It was a fascinating thing as a child, and I'm sure it would be still, as an adult.


    I named one of George's daughters Strawberry. I put out a few berries and spotted her eating them with her cheeks full and juice dripping from her chin. From time to time, George would come and sit close to me to watch whatever I was doing. He would move to a more comfortable distance if he sensed from my reaction that he was too close. I haven't seen him in a couple of years. There was a very young female drinking from the horse's water tank and taking dust baths in the arena who showed little fear of me. I had to shoo her away when I let my dogs out. She was hit by a car on East Paulding Dr. a couple of weeks ago.

  8. How wonderful!!!! We've just now, this year and the end of last, begun to watch the foxes in our area. However, we've done the above with the Barred Owls and Red-Tail-Hawks in our area for years and years. :D


    I'm taking the kids that will be here for summer camp next week on a nature hike. Last year they got to see the big owl that lives in the woods behind the farm. I hope we are as fortunate this year.

  9. We have enjoyed the foxes that live on our property for many years. Their kits are usually born in February but aren't usually seen out and about until late April or May. A few years ago I named one of the male kits George after Curious George the monkey. He was always watching me clean stalls or playing with the horses in the evening. When he took a mate, they raised their babies here. There have been several generations since George but he will always be my favorite.

  10. :unsure: Lady Raider, I agree. I don't know of one in that stretch. Maybe someone is thinking about the one that used to be on Bobo Road between Mt. Tabor and Dallas-Acworth Hwy? If so, that one is gone too.


    It is there, it's behind my house! I was told by neighbors that the owners were ordered to clean it up years ago. You can't see if from the road.

  11. :unsure:


    I feel the same way. There is a beautiful spring fed creek running along the back of my property that I would love to be able to use as a water source for my horses. Unfortunately, the water isn't safe because of the run off from the junk yard.

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