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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. LauraLeigh Farms would like to welcome the latest addition to their equine family, Miss Apple!



    Oops! I must have double posted when I tried to attach the pictures. Sorry, everyone!

  2. LLF


    No reply?


    Sorry, I totally missed your post. Yes, it was your dog that took the brush and bit Bongo. I wasn't aware that he had ever been in your yard since he stays in our fenced in backyard when he's not in his crate. I do know that my lesson kids have let him out a few times. Bongo goes with them when they hike through the woods. He's very protective of these kids. I've seen him herd some laborers who were putting up fencing away from the riding arena when the kids were taking their lesson. We are fencing our entire property soon and turning all 4 dogs out to help cut down on the thefts that we have experienced. I aplogize for Bongo "trespassing" on your property. I'll make sure the kids put him on a leash when they walk with him from now on.

  3. Sorry didn't mean to ignore you. We About 8 -10 of us people who are horse lovers that are working with the Dept. Of Ag . in the rescue care and future of these poor animals. My wife and I got involved and volunteered the moment we heard about it. Her and some friends went that day down south and brought feed and blankets (lots) cause the it was going to be very cold that evening.We have been helping in every way we can. We stilll need the donations and feed and hay are the Biggest things we are Buying. I hope this helps your question. Truly sorry took so long. But work for a store during the day .. My wife and i have a business and we have a farm and children. so , Time is not enough..lol.



    Donations can be made to GERL (Georgia Equine Rescue League) and earmarked for the Pike Co. horses. The GERL is working to supply feed and hay. There is a special website that you can go to and apply to become an on site volunteer. I'll try to locate the web address and post it here.


  4. So now I am a witch huh,


    Cracked me up when I saw that one LLF.

    Everyone is fooled into thinking i am funny and cuddly by my avatar and siggy.

    Been meaning to stop by and say hi,

    Got something cookin I will tell you bout later.


    I really think MO2 was very annoyed by what had happened with the dog, and came off pretty strong.


    I think we should cut her some slack,

    Some people find dogs frightening.


    And by the way Ihave a shepard who likes to bite the butt of unwelcome visiting dogs.

    Try to keep her put up, one day she is gonna get it back.


    She likes to take a little walk about sometimes also,

    Keep walkin away the whole time your callin like eat s#$t I got places to go.

    But the neighbors do not appreciate it when a large dog barks at them in their own driveway,

    I am terrified that someone like MO2's son will actually hit her instead of just chasing her.

    So I do my best but dogs will be dogs.


    Yeah, but you got to be the "pretty witch"!

    I can understand being frightened by the dog. I was attacked by a shepherd several years ago when I lived in Cobb Co. I was getting out of my car and the dog jumped on me pinning me against the door biting my hands and my legs. The owner stood and watched for what seemed like an eternity before she grabbed the dog by the collar. She had just adopted the dog from Cherokee Co. I later learned that the dog had bitten two other people who lived on our cul-de-sac. I still have scars on my right hand and right thigh. Before this happened, I thought of most dogs as friendly. Now I question any strange dog that approaches me.

  5. nemie you won you won!!!




    i shoulda known you would want more nuts. :ninja:


    i'll get wiv ya in a PM and finalise the deal.


    thank you so much for helping out our county's furry friends.


    Lauraleigh, i'll be doing this monthly, so maybe march will be your lucky month.


    me :)


    Hey, when did Nemie bid $55? That's what I get for not paying attention. Mrsjones, I'll be waiting for the next batch!

  6. I was thinking REV, but could also be StGTJacket (although I have no clue what she looks like)


    When I got home from work yesterday, a friend was waiting at my house. She told me that she let my Golden Retriever out to play in the yard with her daughter. A neighbor's dog came into my yard and jumped on my dog. My Golden got the best of the other dog and from what my friend said, he bit the other dog several times on the rump as she was running away. This is the same dog that was stealing my brushes. I hope she's not hurt too badly but I'm really tired of retrieving the stuff she has taken from my front porch and cleaning up her crap out of my front yard.

  7. How ungrateful. Concerned citizens offer to help you out by cruising your subdivision, picking up your problem dogs, and taking them to the shelter, helping you out, with nothing to gain, and you say don't forget the SH-- on your way out? I find that comment downright unpleasant and unreasonable. No gratitude at all. Plus you call people stupid, and idiots and so on? As far as I've seen, nobody has called you any names (Cruella). With that attitude, you go ahead deal with your own problem, your way. Just don't get caught...animal cruelty is a felony and that includes poisoning and shooting animals. :excl:


    I'm rooting for the shepherd next time. :lol:

    LLF...that's me on the left...




    I'm the one in the middle. The one on the right looks kinda like Pal. lol

  8. it is going to take a long time to get those horses to any sort of "healthy" level ......

    thoughts to ALL involved!


    and a side thought ..... donations are MOST needed, no doubt at all ... but we need to send letters to all representatives, senators, dept of AG and the governor about a lot of issues with this situation -- but mostly the fact that they can give a government division (AG) the RIGHT and the POWER to seize animals who are in there conditions (which they should), but they don't give them any way to support, care and rehabilitated for those that are taken into their care ????? Does anyone else see a problem with that???

    letters being drafted and sent!


    I agree with you 100%. I delivered 3000 lbs of feed that was donated by Lawson's & DJ's. It will only last a few days. The amount of hay needed is staggering and we're in the middle of a hay shortage. Prices for hay have skyrocketed. Our local feed stores, stable owners and concerned citizens can't be expected to shoulder such a huge undertaking without help from the state. Hopefully, some of the feed companies will donate feed, supplements, etc... but the hay is another matter. It will take approx. $8000 worth of hay per month to feed these horses if each horse receives 1/4 to 1/2 bale per day depending on each individuals needs.


  9. No, they did not drive through cause my mom was watching for them to talk with them. If we knew who the owners are I would definitely speak with them about it. I do not have a garage to lock them up. This is not a master escape artist. They are out all the time roaming. I have contacted AC before about the situation in this neighborhood about the roaming animals.



    There are loose dogs all over my neighborhood also. One of my neighbors chased one down to retrieve and return one of my horse brushes that the dog had swiped from my house. :lol:

  10. If anyone would like to make donations of the items mentioned in my prior post - there are three drop off locations at this time:


    Lawsons Feed

    Paulding County Animal Shelter

    Discovery Point Child Care on E. Paulding Drive


    LLF and myself are coordinating with each other for the long term, long haul, continuing donations for these horses. If you don't wish to make a donation of the items but would like to make a monetary donation that is MUCH appreciated as well. The returning of health to these horse might take months and God willing the folks in Paulding County can be a resource of love and care for animals that have been so harshly abused. Some of the horror stories I am hearing about from this farm are just that - horrible.


    From my heart - just saying thank you is not, and cannot express to everyone how deeply effected I am by all this. God Bless.




    Here is a list of supplies requested for this week:


    Dewormer: Panacur, Safe Guard, Strongid pastes

    Psyllium powder (not pellets or crumbles) labeled for horses: Sand Blast, Sand Clear

    Digest Aid


    These items are available at most feed stores and can be delivered to any Horsetown location or to any of the drop off locations in Paulding Co.


    Thanks and God bless!


  11. Hey LLF - where is this farm, Whisper Ranch ??? Will they be letting volunteers help out with the horses - I have no money but I have desire. Will they be put up for adoption ? Or will they try to place them in homes to be rehabilitated?


    I hope the dept of ag gets a lot of back lash from their obvious lack of effort until they were forced into it. I know if all the items offered just on this site made it to the horses, it was a huge step in the right direction. Instead he poor mouths about what he doesnt have - instead of trying to save them.


    I think we all need to send DR Perdue a little note about the suffering of a lot of animals because the poor overworked and understaffed and uncaring department that has athority over their poor souls.


    You all have fun this weekend - go learn a lot and see you soon !!!!!!!!!!!



    Whisper Ranch is an equine rescue but they don't have custody of the horses. The state has them. The Georgia Equine Rescue League is taking donations for the Pike Co. horses. My money is going to them.

  12. That is good news that they are moving the horses. I wouldn't think it would be a problem to quarantine Jim Miller or some other facility for a few months for a good cause. Oh I forgot, it's the government we are dealing with. :(



    It would have to be more than a few months, I'm afraid it would have to be closer to a year. And you are right, dealing with government agencies always seems to take twice as long.


    It is worse than that . . . breed and sell from this location!! :unsure: In a strip mall!!! :( I'll be giving more info soon.


    I think I know the one you are referring to. I went in once to buy some dog toys for my fur babies. I had to leave as soon as I walked in.

  13. Why can't they use the stables at various fairgrounds in the area? They are only used during events. I am sure there are enough volunteers to care for the horse. I myself would go and feed, water, and clean some stalls. It seems a waste of resources if you ask me.


    The strangles virus lives in the soil for several months. The fair grounds would have to be quarantined.


    From previous post:


    Please make the check payable to “Georgia Department of Agriculture” and write “Equine Impound Program” in the check’s memo line.


    To make sure your donation goes to the horses referred to in this thread, please put Pike Co. starving horses in the memo line.


    Good news!!! The horses are being moved today!!!!


    For those of you who made donations at Lawson's or at Horsetown, you will receive a contribution letter from Whisper Ranch for tax purposes. Thanks to people like you, the horses have received over 60 blankets, plus halters, lead lines, buckets, feed, hay, electrolytes, mineral blocks, dewormers, etc...

    God bless,


  14. :( I am so disappointed in the way this is going - I have seen hundreds of comments of people wanting to help, offers of food and blankets and time - people offering to go there from as far away as we are, and they are letting this "man" shoot horses, refuse food for them, and still dictate what can be done....if he is so interested, why wasnt he doing something all along - I just dont buy that there is no funding from the state - GERL is out there, and I have seen other offers to house these animals - Is Mr Irving going to wait until he shoots them all - and why is this man not in jail - is the OBVIOUS condition of these animals not proof of cruelty -

    Is there going to be coordinated assistance for feeding, worming or helping these animals - I have two ready to go kids and myself !!


    LLF, Horsegirl - gooooooddd job you are such blessings and everyone else helping out - God Bless you !!


    I was told that this is not the first time that these people have been charged with cruelty. I also heard that other horse owners in the area had been trying to get something done about these people for weeks before anyone investigated. I believe that it's time for a public outcry to our department of agriculture and our lawmakers.

  15. Why hasn't the state seized all these poor critters like they do an Animal Cops?


    Many of the horses have a highly contagious disease called "strangles". They have been quarantined to prevent the spread of the disease. Volunteers working with the horses will have to be very careful to prevent spreading the disease to their own horses. Although there is a vaccine, vaccinated horses can still catch strangles even though they should have a milder case. A boarder brought a horse to my barn that carried strangles and, even though my horses were vaccinated, they still got the disease and my stable had to be quarantined.

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