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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. our teacher left and we are now in search of a new teacher....does anyone know of anyone that teaches it? or that teaches the basic western ride? We have a new teacher in the barn but she teaches english.Might I add that my friend and I are older students...not childern, so it is taking us alittle longer....so we need someone with patience.

    Thank you for your time,


    Are you looking for someone who teaches western trail class or competitive trail riding?

  2. This is terrible, Dr. P has run across a few that he felt were not being fed enough.

    I guess people just want them and then realize they can not keep them up.

    The same with dogs too, The shelter is over run with labs.

    I just hate to see anything miss treated just breaks my heart.

    Mine think they are humans, I guess because they are treated like them most of the time.

    I am headed to the shelter in the morning with toys and treats, Dr.P and I try to get over there at least once a month,

    Speaking of Dr.P he just walked by and said to tell you hello.


    Hi, Dr. P!!!

    Both of you have such a heart for people and animals. Paulding County is fortunate to have you as citizens.

  3. LLf,

    Do you think some of the problem is due to the popularity as horses becoming a hobby animal, Just like breeders

    over breed a popular dog, and glut the market with them.

    Horses are a very exspensive hobby are they not.

    I wish people would think it through before they take an animal.

    I guess were there is a market there will always be people willing to take advantage.

    But doing it with companion animals just seems disgusting to me.

    Is there a shelter for unwanted horses, and other livestock.


    Sadly, the statistics are that most people who buy a horse wind up selling it within 3 years. This is one of the reasons that, 20+ years ago, I decided to start teaching horsemanship rather than just teaching riding lessons. So people could learn what owning a horse is really like.

    The horses from Pike County that were taken into custody were breeding freely. There are many other owners out there doing the same thing. There are also the Premarin mares that are being bred over and over again and the foals treated as a "by product" of the drug industry. Some wind up going to the killers.

    There are shelters but there aren't nearly enough.

  4. there are far too many people out there that view horses as a "business" - solely in it for the profit - I've met my fair share & I'm sure LLF has met more -


    My oldest son used to tell his classmates about his "brother" (his brother was a QH gelding) - My son was an only child at the time - :wub:


    I promised myself that regardless of the circumstances, I will NEVER bring another horse into this family until I can assure that he (or she) will NEVER have to leave - parting with Webb was the most devasting, heartbreaking, gut wrenching moment of my life - and what I learned from that moment will last me a lifetime -


    thank you LLF - you brought me to tears, but I enjoyed your post -

    now - where's my winning lottery ticket???????????




    I have known the heartbreak you experienced with your horse. When my husband was transferred to Atlanta, I couldn't find a place to keep my two horses so I gave them to a friend who promised to find them good homes. A few years later I learned that one was sold and the other taken to an auction. I asked God to watch over them and I know He hears our prayers.




    I was thinking of an organization run specifically for those types of situations. Have any of you heard of anything like that in another part of the country---or even in another country?


    There are retirement homes for horses but most are overflowing.

  5. I ask this question about all of our companions all the time ... I can't tell you how often a dog or a cat is turned into the shelter because their "companion" died and the family just doesn't want to deal with the surviving furry one ... I'm sure a horse poses a bigger situation ...

    LLF ... glad to see you have addressed this with your friends, mine are ready for a LONG life of support too!


    That is wonderful! One of my Border Collies is on a lot of medication. She has seizures and a thyroid condition. I worry about what could happen to her, if my husband and I were both gone. My other dogs and my kitties would have homes but no one wants Bonnie. As a matter of fact, I got her from someone here on Pcom who was going to take her to the shelter.

  6. Why don't other people provide for their horses like you have planned? I don't understand why all the horses don't stay with their owners through out their lives. Aren't they companion animals?



    There are many owners who do plan for their animals but there are also many who think of them as a commodity and not as a companion. I can't tell you how many times I have heard people who train horses, raise horses or teach riding lessons say that they don't even like horses. These are the people who will never know the true joy of working with these animals. Horses are kind, patient, loving and forgiving. I have learned so much from them about becoming the kind of person God intended for me to be. Don't get me wrong, I still have a long, long way to go. But horses have the ability to look right into your soul and point out any evils they find there. My best friend is a 20 year old mare. I don't think of her as my "baby" but as my sister.

  7. Some of ya'll may have seen my post last week about us looking for a family pet....


    Well my daughter and I went to the shelter last weekend and took a look around............I could just take all of those sweet babies home.......but Dad and brother wasn't there so we could not bring one home.............but there was one that I just fell in love with............


    It was a small poodle mix..........I checked the website and didn't see it on there.............do ya'll know if she is still there??


    Also..........I saw on the website that there are two Border Collie Mix puppies.........are they still available???? Are they good with kids?????


    Thanks for the help!!! I just want to make a good decision and be happy with the animal we decide on


    I have two purebred and one border collie cross. All are great with children, however, the border collie crossed with blue heeler is not good with strange adults.

  8. I would love to have horses. Just cant afford the fence or barn. If someone wants to donate them I would be glad to take some horses home. ;)


    I get offers for free horses every week. Most are no longer useful for a variety of reasons. Old age is the most common. I have made arrangements in my will for my horses. I wanted to make sure that they would have homes for the rest of their lives.

  9. What happened to all the wild horses out in the plains? Is letting them go free and letting them re-aquaint themselves to the wild inhumane or out of the question?

    ..or are there no plains anymore to run in?

    seriously asking, no snark meant at all.




    The wild horses are being rounded up and adopted out. Ranchers who run their cattle on public lands don't want to share grazing with the wild horses. Their habitat is shrinking rapidly. My horses would never be able to survive in the wild. I can trace my Quarter Horse mares ancestries back 12 generations. Throughout the generations they have been raised and trained to serve mankind. They wouldn't know where to begin to fend for themselves.

  10. http://www.sierratimes.com/rss/newswire.ph...274&feed=us




    STAFFORDSVILLE, Ky. - The bidding for the black pony started at $500, then took a nosedive. There were no takers at $300, $200, even $100. With a high bid of just $75, the auctioneer gave the seller the choice of taking the animal off the auction block. But the seller said no.


    "I can't feed a horse," the man said. "I can't even feed myself."


    Kentucky, the horse capital of the world, famous for its sleek thoroughbreds, is being overrun with thousands of horses no one wants — some of them perfectly healthy, but many of them starving, broken-down nags. Other parts of the country are overwhelmed, too.


    This situation will only get worse as feed & hay prices continue to rise. Those who want to ban the slaughter of horses hearts are in the right place, I believe. But I haven't seen a workable plan for taking care of the unwanted animals.

  11. LLF - I'll come look at it.


    Problem with medicare is that his need is sorta urgent and it might take to long to get one. His open heart surgery has resulted in a massive hernia right in the middle of his chest and I'm taking him to the plastic surgeon and other docs on a regular basis to see what can be done for him. In the long term we will see if we can get a new one - just kinda short on time.


    Critty - one that you sent me for the $40 looks great but it's on the other side of the world from us!!!


    I'm going to swing by the salvation army today and see if they have anything.


    If you can use it, you are welcome to it.

  12. My dad has finally decided his hips can no longer support him. He's had one hip replaced twice and the other hip once - on top of the fact he had triple bypass last year and is just as weak as a kitten. While he can shuffle around the house ok it is becoming a nightmare to get him into the doctors offices for his visits. Anyone know where I can get a decent, don't care if it's been used, cheap wheelchair?


    If your dad is a small man, there is one at my house that he can have.


  13. Laura,

    I don't know what type of fencing you are in need of....wood, chain link ? But, I have seen many times on craigslist.com, people selling or giving away different types of fencing material. Most of the time, all you have to do is pick it up. Maybe, this would be a way to begin fencing in your property. In fact, I get on craigslist all the time and can keep my eyes open for some for you. Also, since what you are doing is of benefit to children and this community, maybe we could round up a few volunteers to help install that fence. With even just a few strong guys help, this might not be as overwhelming, or expensive as it might seem to you right now. :)


    And she does sound like a wonderful girl, and it sounds like to me she is lucky to have someone like you who obviously cares about her and is willing to watch out for her. :)



    A large portion of the property is already fenced. I just have to close off the open areas including the driveway. It will take approximately 2500' of fencing plus new gates that the dogs can't climb through. A fencing company quoted me $8 per post to set the fence posts and I would have to purchase the posts and wire. Then run the wire myself. Or I can have a fence company come in and do everything for about $10,000. Right now I can't really afford to do either.


    Thank you for the kind words. I love kids and I love horses. Being able to work with the two together is like heaven on earth. I can't begin to tell you about all the truly beautiful moments that I see and experience on a daily basis.

  14. Stuff like this, is what ticks me off! People and/or kids , taking it upon themselves to tresspass onto other peoples private property. What are the parents doing about this?? They all need to be hauled into jail, for criminal tresspassing, destroying private property, attempted murder, for shooting the girl w/a .22 gun. I'm sure there are other charges they could come up with, I don't know the legal terms but, I'm sure they are breaking the laws in more ways than I listed. We have some property a couple of hours away and people dump stuff on the land and I'll never find out who did it but, I can't do anything without proof of "who" did it! People need to leave other peoples stuff & property alone!! IF IT AIN'T YOURS DON'T TOUCH IT!!!


    I have talked with some of the parents but it hasn't helped. We are faced with having to spend several thousand dollars for additional fencing or moving. If I stay, I will have fencing that will allow my four dogs free range of my entire property. Three of the four can and will bite.



    I would also like to thank ugagrl for her honesty and maturity here. None of us are perfect. We are all guilty of this at some point in our lives, especially when we are young or when we are caught up with lifes daily things. It is easy to do this when we are in a hurry. Sometimes we forget that there can be consequences. Consequences are also something we learn more about as we mature.

    I am sure.....all is now forgiven. Just remember......arrive alive. Taking a few extra minutes to get there, could save your life. :)


    She's a good kid and although she's not mine, I still love her and am proud of her.

  15. I was watching that home-maker over show with Ty on it. (forgot the name...something like extreme home makeover) and there was a family who lost a brother/son. It was very sad and heartwarming at the same time. The mother of the family said something that stuck with me, "We can't choose how we die, but we can choose how we live." That quote was like a reality check for me. I mean I'm not a horrible person by anymeans, but I'm not the person I could be. Like I have had the holy spirit pull on my soul so many times and I just ignore it and move on. If God has spent time to plan every past, present and future detail in my life, then why can't I do what he wants me too?? The reason...I'm lazy. I need to get off my butt and liove for Him. But anyways, sorry to go off topic, this quote meant alot to me. Several times I have thought of how I want to die, like most people, a quick painless death in my sleep. But reality is, only a few are blessed with that death. I mean, there's cancer, AIDS, murder, heart attacks, and the list can go on forever. Therefore, since I can't choose how I die, why not choose how I live. It wouldn't hurt to walk up to the new kid and introduce myself even if I feel like a dork. As a matter of fact it wouldn't hurt anyone.


    Okay. Quote 2: "The person beside you could be your best friend and you would never if you don't talk to them." Well the quote was really close to that. But that quote was said to my class and I the first week of Government. It meant alot to me. When you think about it, this quote is true. How did your best friend become your bestfriend?? There had to be communication along the way. So yeah, there are two of my favorite quotes, there's more...but I don't have enough time to write about them.


    Great words to live by! I buried my mom earlier this month. She just drifted off to eternal sleep. I am so thankful that she died peacefully.

  16. I am assuming that you have gotten the police involved in this. Also, if it is a matter of idenitifing them before you can stop it, I would suggest maybe setting up some cameras. Don't know if that would be feasible or not, but might be a lot cheaper than moving and trying to start all over. No guarantee it won't happen at your new place, ya know.

    So their kids can learn early on how to "keep up with the Jones"? And also, now days a lot of kids work and buy these cars themselves.


    I've talked to a couple of the parents and to the lady who owns the land that the kids are riding on. It didn't help. I finally got the police involved when I got home from work yesterday and found where my driveway was being used as part of a dirt bike track. After the police left, someone stole the Private Drive sign off my mailbox post. The police officer said that one of them almost hit her patrol car when she started down my drive. The ATVs are just a portion of what has gone on: throwing rocks at cars coming down my driveway, one kid aimed a pellet gun at me when I was driving down Antioch Church going home one evening, thefts and my granddaughter was accidently shot by one of the kids while she was standing in my front yard with a 22 rifle. Not to mention catching the kids in my barn jumping up and down on my bales of hay, messing with my electric fences, etc...

  17. Lets see here a 17 yr old driving, I should say speeding in a RED CORVETTE, DOES NOT SOUND TOO RESPONSIBLE TO ME. Lets hope she does not make a habit of speeding in that RED CORVETTE. Why do parents give their children cars like this anyway. This is an accident waiting to happen. And when it does, they wonder what went wrong. They think" Oh not my child"


    It's not a corvette, it's a convertible and a compact not a sports car. And she IS usually pretty responsible. Without going into detail about her personal life, I can assure you that many adults might have had a "slip-up" if they were having to endure what this child has.

  18. Oh geezz I am sad to hear this. :( It actually sounds to me that you are doing good and helping people. Don't let some punks discourage you!


    I've been fighting this battle for a long time. I'm a volunteer equestrian coach for Georgia's Special Olympics but my dream is to hold a free summer camp every year for children with physical deformities (burn victims, accident victims, birth defects, disease, etc...). I would love to be able to offer these kids a break from the everyday world where they can spend a week just being kids. There are so many things to take into consideration: housing, meals, medical, etc... I'm hoping to find some property where I don't have to worry about the ATVs spooking the horses or running over the campers.

  19. I had an Aunt who lived way out in the country who kept having folks(of all ages) driving their 4 wheelers, atv's and the like on the hills and hollers of her land. It was most woods but they had really made them a path through there, even had made them a little hump to jump off of. My Aunt was near 90 and her house was about 1/4 mile from where they were doing this but still on her land. Well she just hired someone to come in and dig a deep hole on the far side of their little hump. Next thing you know, one of those vehicles was nose first in her hole. Never had anymore problems. She may have been old but she was a force to be reckoned with.


    Smart lady! I believe that my husband and I are going to put our place up for sale. It breaks my heart because we have put our blood, sweat and tears into our little farm for almost 7 years.

  20. I prefer video to stills because speed, an obvious issue here, is more effectively and conclusively communicated.


    Send me what you have before you post it via PM.


    Happy wife and mom... I recall a video I had from AJH that caught some gal in a white van (if memory serves) that drove past a stopped school bus picking up elementary children. Put it right on the front.


    So where you got the idea that you can't do that here ... I'm not sure.


    Where the concern comes is if someone were to snap a still picture of a car going the speed limit and then, in an effort to libel them, wrote that they were going 50 over 25. A still photo just doesn't prove the assertion and the poster may find themselves the subject of a lawsuit. (Not me... you are responsible for your speech.)





    From your response, I assume that we can post videos of kids on ATVs also?


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