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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. I choose to believe people are concerned rather than nosey. I have adult children and grandchildren who all live in Paulding County and the alarm goes off in my head when I hear of an accident or a shooting in the community. We live in a world of uncertainty and it may be one of my own or a very dear friend that could be involved. P.com has afforded me information about people I know very well in times of crisis on this website. It gives me an opportunity to pray for them, send cards to them, and/or carry food to them. Paulding County has a lot of caring people in it, and that is one of its perks for me!



    I agree with you 100%. Like you, I have children and grandchildren living in Paulding Co. The mother of two of my former students is a school bus driver for the county. In a smaller community, our lives become more intertwined.

  2. I just posted on the other thread that there is a news helicoptor flying around but I can't see which one it is. One of the channels is probably going to have some info. It looked like Channel 2 but we can't be sure.


    My office is on Merchants Drive, very close to where the news chopper is/was hovering. Sounds like it just moved away from the area.

  3. my daughter has to invent a cleaning machine that is due on friday. the only instructions she was given were to use items around the house to create a "clean machine". it can be a machine that cleans people, animals or objects. i'm assuming it can be funny or serious, it doesn't actually have to work. she has to include a 5 sentence paragraph describing the way the machine works and what it does. this project goes along with a story called harry the dirty dog in their reading book.

    i'm hoping someone has ideas on something she can make.



    If your daughter would like to make a "horse wash", you're welcome to bring her to my farm to get pictures for her project. We can put one of the horses in the cross ties for some demonstration photos.

  4. Second thing I was wondering. Yes, trying to get healthier, but my hubby has a thing for burgers and I was wondering where I can take him for the best hamburger in Paulding County? Does anyone have an opinion on this?



    Rodney's has great cheeseburgers.

  5. Cats should be indoor animals. I'm sure many will disagree, but I think even more so than dogs.


    I'm NOT saying that it's right for dogs to be loose (cause it isn't); but cat owners should take responsiblity and leave cats indoors. There is too much "outdoors" for a cat just to run loose (specially since they aren't as likely to listen to humans as a dog when called :blink: )


    ETA: Sorry June, I didn't read the whold post before I posted :blush:


    I have to disagree. One of my cats is a "barn cat". She patrols the barn and feed storage building for rodents. She does an excellent job. She is fed twice a day and doesn't attempt to eat anything that she kills. Iddybiddykiddy is allowed to come inside whenever she wants but she prefers keeping watch over her domain. All 4 of my dogs have jobs to do as well.

  6. My son is very interested in learning more about riding (western) and getting a chance to go riding on a regular basis. I'm hopeful when we move to S.GA. that we'll buy a horse. Any suggestions for local riding (rental) places that aren't going to cost an arm and a leg?


    I don't know of any local rental facilities but there are some in north Georgia.

  7. try some of the used tack stores in alphretta or talk to jenifer at lawsons she has a lot of contacts around in the circut that might have what your looking for.



    Jennifer no longer works at Lawson's. She left about a year ago.

  8. I have been warned by several friends about dogs running loose on the trails at Kennesaw Mtn. One friend's horse was attacked by a white German Shepherd (my friend was thrown and hurt badly) another friend's horse was attacked by a boxer. The owner of the white GS leashed her dog and ran when she realized that it had hurt someone.

    There is no excuse for the lack of regard for others displayed by these dog owners who refuse to leash their animals.

  9. Graciegirl's neighbor left town on Friday and when the neighbors' friend came to feed him, he was gone. I am not sure of the age but I do know he is skiddish around people he doesn't know. They are checking with the shelter every day. If you do see this collie, please PM Graciegirl or call the shelter. The dog's owner is out of town till Wednesday.


    That's Publix on Dallas Acworth Hwy


    I live close to that area and will be glad to watch for him. What color is the collie?

  10. I haven't been on a professional interview in a while......


    What is "normal" interview wear now?


    Used to be for girls: dress or professional type suit w/ skirt, no pants

    Guys: suit only


    Is this still the case? Or for girls is a nice pant suit "acceptable"?



    When interviewing for new employees, I prefer to see women attired in pant suits or dress slacks.

  11. 10+ years ago I wrote a story for my granddaughter. Since then, I have been sharing the story with anyone who would like a copy. The following is an exerpt from "Benjamin's Blessing":


    " Long ago, just outside the walls of Jerusalem, there lived a young donkey named Benjamin.

    Benjamin and his mother belonged to a kindly merchant. Twice a week the merchant would fill two large pack baskets, one on each side of Benjamin's mothers back, with all kinds of things: pottery, cloth, rugs and containers of spices whose aroma filled the air with their perfume. Then they would start off for the city to take their wares to market..."


    This is a story about the donkey colt that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and a little miracle that occurred that often goes overlooked. If you would like to have the story for your children or grandchildren, please send me a pm along with your address and I will gladly mail a copy.


    Have a blessed Palm Sunday!


  12. As some of you may recall I posted about our Great Dane Zeus had been diagnosed with heart failure but just on the right side of his heart. Well the vet put him on medication to treat his rapid heartbeat. He explained to us that there was nothing we could do to "fix" his heart just medication to try and slow it down.....


    Zeus was on the meds for about a month and a half, with no signs of him being any better. I immediately called the vet and explained to him that he was miserable and had gotten very aggressive toward our other dog. He told us that his condition would make him aggressive along with the meds his was on. Zeus had so much fluid in his belly he could hardly lay down and once he was down he had a very hard time getting up. It was so sad to see him this way :(


    My husband insisted that we needed to make a decision, well my mind was made up!!! Zeus would continue his life with us until he finally went on his own. But the more and more I watched him everyday, I was terrified to walk outside and find that he had already past. The vet warned me that his was a HUGE possibilty. I realized that it was my own selfish reasons that I didn't want to put him down. I was NOT ready to say goodbye to him. Zeus was only 3 yrs old :( :( :( Everytime I looked into his eyes, he looked so sad. It broke my heart.


    The decision was made to have him put down(this was about 2 1/2 weeeks ago). Hubby had to take him up there cause there was NO WAY I could have done it. He talked with the vet and the vet agreed that this was the best thing for Zeus but it didn't make it any easier to do. :( :( We were completely and totally heart broken. He was our Zeus -e-kins :( :(


    I do have to say that The Ark Animal Hospital was fantastic through it all, they gave us reassurance and support which means alot during such a difficult decision......


    On a happy note, we decided to look around at the shelters cause we knew that this would make it a little easier. Knowing that we could give another dog a second chance, a happy home with lots of love. We drove from shelter to shelter looking for the "the" dog. We found one at the Southern Hope Rescue. :wub: :wub:


    He is a maltese/poodle mix and he is a wonderful addition to our family. You can almost see him "smile" he is so happy to have a home :wub: :wub:


    This is in NO WAY a replacement for Zeus cause that is not even possible but it does feel a little better knowing that I saved a life too!! Our new little guy's name is "Brady" (sorry I am a hopeless Days of Our Lives fan). He is scheduled to be groomed today and once he is finished I will take some pics and post them. He looks a little like a 70's shag carpet right now ;)


    Life can be bitter/sweet. Your actions were loving, kind and thoughtful for both Zeus and Brady.

  13. Our property has a easement on it and please take my advice and don't purchase property that has a easement on it or a peice of property that you will have to get a easement to get to your property. Ask most people that have easements and they'll tell you the same. We'll never purchase another piece of property that has anything to do with a easement.



    I totally agree. A large portion of our driveway is an easement and even though the easement states that it is for our use and the use of our visitors only and we are completely responsible for maintaining it (grading, gravel, etc...) people in our neighborhood seem to think they can park on it, ride their 4 wheelers and dirt bikes on it or use it for any purpose they desire. We even have kids coming through the woods from a nearby subdivision to ride on our driveway. My hubby wants to sell. I'm really conflicted because I love my home.

  14. I am a photographer and I'm looking for a lamb (little) for easter pictures. Does anyone know were i can rent a lamb for a day? Please contact me at 770-846-1775 if you have one or know where I can get one! I would be willing to barter if you have one and want pictures. Thanks so much!


    Theresa Burt





    A friend of mine has a few sheep. I"ll ask her about the lamb and have her contact you,


  15. Okay , this is kinda a sensetive issue but here goes. Someone I know has a dog who had puppies a while back. probably 4 months a go or longer dont really know. Well, the puppies are in a pen and have been all this time. Well, this is not a healthy enviroment either . If ya know what I mean . Anyways now the dog has had puppies again ! I asked the owners if they were gonna take the other ones to the shelter but I never get an answer. They dont want these puppies and havent gotten rid of them. I have personally thought about just getting them and taking them myself but dont want to cause any problems. Now they are saying they want to get rid of all the puppies and the mom but keep one puppy which I really dont think they need any if you ask me. Okay , I'm probably asking for trouble here but here goes. What would you do ??


    There was a dog in my neighborhood that was having puppies 2 or 3 times a year. Recently she just disappeared along with her last litter.

  16. Alright, maybe everyone remembers my last post on here asking advice for destructive behavior in my dogs, brought out by Oliver whom I just adopted. Well, all of your advice was good and I was taking all of it into consideration when I stumbled upon a post on Craig's list that was pretty much a testomonial for this trainer and his work. I decided to give him a call and liked his attitude and the info he gave me and his theory on how to train a dog. He is different from the group sessions you can attend at petsmart and mans best friend in his tecniques and philosophy of how a dog "thinks". Not only did I like his attitude and theory, he has a pretty impressive background. He trained bomb sniffing dogs in Desert Storm while in the air force and has been training dogs for 18 years, 14 years in home. He came to my home Sat. for an evaluation and he even sold my husband whom is a penny pincher if there ever was one. He came out today for our first session and I was amazed at the progress he made with Oliver, although he will be working with all of my dogs. His perspective is you have to gain respect from the dog and gain the "alpha" position, which if anyone is at all knowledgeable about dogs and their history, they are pack animals and "need" an alpha leader to follow, which in turn makes for a happier dog, because as we all know, it is easier to follow than to lead. Anyway, long story short, he told me everything my dog was going to do before he did it and all of the ploys he was going to have to try to get out of being "OBEDIENT"! He explained to me an obedient dog is not a dog that does something he should because he wants to, but is obedient because he does something he does NOT want to do, because he has respect for you. All in all, I am more than excited to watch my dogs transform into well behaved dogs that respect me. No more waiting for them to finish sniffing the yard to come back inside the house, no more threatening, they will come when called. For the 20 minutes he worked with my dog today,(he normally doesn't start working with them until the second session that much to give you time to understand what all he will be going over) my dog actually respected him and began doing what he told him to do, because he gained that respect. He is awesome and does not use choke collars or prong collars or treat reinforcement, only a flat collar and 6ft leash. He is truly amazing and I will be posting updates with my dogs' progress. Also, last but certainly not least, he is affordable and will work with you on payments that fit YOUR budget. PM me if anyone wants anymore info. I was just so excited and wanted to share this with everyone!


    I would love more information! I have a GR with major aggression issues with other dogs including the 3 that he has lived with since he was 6 weeks old.

  17. Well, if it is going to be a subdivision I hope they check out the schools in this part of the county before any of the new homeowners decide to buy. And if the old dragstrip is going to end up being a Kroger isn't it nice to know that the land wasn't fit for houses, but it's fit to build a place where people will buy their food. The land across from the dragstrip is really too small to accomadate much of a strip mall, but I'm sure that at least one tanning/nail salon and maybe a small auto parts place would do nicely. God I want to move away from this place.




    Someone who has lived here a long time and lives very close to the places I've mentioned here.



    My little horse farm is less than a half mile from the old drag strip. I get letters every week from developers asking me to sell my land.

  18. The barn I keep my horse at is Rountree Recreation in Hiram.

    I had been just doing competitive trail....but I need to work on all my horse skills....looking for someone to come to our barn.....we don't have a trailor to move them.


    I don't know if Jennifer is still teaching or not. I know several people who took lessons from her and she traveled to their barn. I'll try to find out for you.

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