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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. hmm i didnt even know they had a sweet sauce, I only knew about the 2 on the table ( reg and hot) Thanks I will check that out :-)



    You have to ask for the sweet sauce. They keep it in the back. I told Rodney that he needs to put it on the table with the other sauces.

  2. Good grief, that is terrible. I'm so glad you were right there and paying attention. That is what these people look for.....unconcious parents that are oblivious to what is going on around them :angry2: .


    I guess the experience made me more suspicious of people but there are just far too many crazies in the world.

  3. I don't know if this is true or not misty, but we do know that it can and does happen every where. Everyone needs to watch their children like a hawk. You can never be to safe. Thanks for sharing this.


    Two men tried to grab my daughter in front of an Eckerd's when she was about 10 years old. Fortunately, I was only a few steps behind her and yelled at the guy. His partner pulled up to the curb, he jumped in the van and they sped away.

  4. I bathe and groom 5 horses. Load ten saddles, show halters, saddle pads and bridles into the horse trailer along with the 5 horses. Then haul all of the above and a half dozen kids to a horse show. Guaranteed to bring about a "gully washer".

  5. My sister is opening a deli/bakery, Sugar Bakers. It will be in the Plaza, next to Subway. Everything will be homemade. Just to name a few:

    Red Velvet Cake

    Italian Cream Cake

    Carrot Cake

    Coconut Cake




    Wedding Cakes

    Birthday Cakes

    Mississippi Mud

    French Coconut Pies

    Wedding Cookies



    They will deliver lunch. They cater all events. Not sure of the phone number as yet. Their Grand Opening will be June 4, 2007 (next Monday).





    Wonderful! This is close to my office!



    Yummy! If we could just get a bagel shop.



    I agree!!! I love "everything" bagels.

  6. Hubby has been up all night, can't breathe. We live close to the drag strip and there is a blanket of smoke covering the area. In some places the smoke is very heavy. I believe that there is a brush fire or someone is burning in the area.


    There is a person burning a HUGE pile of rubbish in My neighbor hood. :angry2:

    (sweetwater churd road area)


    Please report them.

  7. Several years ago a couple of fox kits started showing up at night playing with my horses. I named one of them Curious George because he was always following me around to see what I was doing. He would sit just outside the door of the barn and watch me clean stalls. He would watch me put out hay for the horses then run and jump into the pile and roll around in it. Eventually George took a mate and brought her to live on our property. Georgie is gone now but his great, great grandchildren are still playing with the horses. I just love these little guys but that "honking" sound they make is really creepy.

  8. Maybe there is one and I didn't see it. Does anyone else think it would be a good idea to post local charities in Paulding and possibly Douglas County on here? Maybe some volunteer activities involving local nursing homes, schools, homeless shelters, etc.



    Yes! Excellent idea!

  9. On Saturday, June 23rd from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm the American Quarter Horse Association will team up, once again, with our Dallas/Hiram Tractor Supply for "Out Here With Horses". The AQHA representative will be offering photo ops, test rides and answering questions about the beautiful, intelligent and versatile American Quarter Horse.

    This will be a great day for the entire family. Don't forget to sign up for all of the drawings!

  10. As I see more and more "green" conscious vehicles arriving on our dealership lots, I wonder where you can find fuels that can be used in them.


    Biodiesel can be used in diesel engines and can be made at home, but where can you buy it if you don't have a garage lab?


    Ethanol, although somewhat controversial, would create a new agricultural industry in our state (the first facility to use pine tree celulose is being built in South Georgia as we speak). Yet, I only know of one station on Metropolitan Blvd. that sells it.


    Does anyone here know of businesses that sell alternative fuels?



    I am interested in trying the biodiesel.

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