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Everything posted by sexymom

  1. I think it's a great idea and wish you the best of luck!
  2. Shannon is my name, Shan is what most call me and 06' is when I signed up.
  3. I think I've got the worst. About 10 years ago, I got a phone call from the police saying that they have my (then) boyfriend in custody at the local county mental institute. Apparently he was caught hanging off the side of a bridge trying to jump when the police were called. Happy Valentines day...Um...it was also the last one with this dude. LOL
  4. I'm so jealous!! LOL I've got 2 months beyond that! LOL
  5. :yahoo: WOO HOO!! That's the day before my son's birthday!!!! Congrats!!
  6. Wish I could. I'm O+. Once the baby is born I'll donate for sure.
  7. I THINK they are a team in this crazy sport everyone (but me) seems to enjoy called football. LOL I hope when everyone is down stairs screaming the the inanimate object called the TV, that they holler at me for commercials. LOL Thats the only part of super (boring) bowl I watch. LMAO.
  8. That's because they don't listen and therefore don't remember what they're not supposed to tell.
  9. Yeah with guys the #1 quality is must drink beer. LOL
  10. Have you picked out a middle name yet? Here's my picks: Trenton Riley Brendon Landon Sterling
  11. I have 2 that I would consider "Best" friends and several very close friends.
  12. Ohhhh, AJ's gonna beat you too. LOL
  13. LMAO..ya think? Geesh, and here I thought it was something in the water all this time. Go figure. Guess we better figure out what causes it...LOL She's just a preggo hater cuz she's afraid that it's contagious and doesn't want to be next.
  14. I don't mind the kicks now...they are gentle and sweet...but when I get a foot in the rib or she stretches so far that I can see what body part is pushing on me...that I don't mind forgetting . LOL Those HURT. Hoping you get your babyB soon. I swore I wouldn't drink the water, but I guess I must've had a sip or 2. LOL
  15. LOL I will. And why is it scaring you? Is there something you're not telling us?
  16. And you're next!! so in 8 weeks we'll have one of these for you! LOL
  17. LOL Not me...at 38 weeks I'm drinking caster oil and eating eggplant!! I'm already ready...LOL but she needs to cook longer.
  18. OHHHHHH AJ's going to beat you....LOL
  19. LMAO..you're not far behind me. LOLOLOL And my age isn't being question for a wedding...yours is...LMAO!!!
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