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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. Penquin has been so nice to me this is hard to do.



    I know....I :wub: the little Penquin myself!


    However, her B-day is coming up in September...and she has declared (in another thread) that the entire month is all about her! :lol:


    I just don't know what Lesley will do for that entire month! :ninja: :lol:


    In the meantime....swing away! ;)


    Edited to say, since Penquin has declared the entire month of September as her month, she needs all the smackings she can get! :lol:

  2. Oh no, you didn't :excl:


    Somebody grab that lighter fluid from Osfan! Get the lighter too! :o


    Thoughts the whole Jack Sparrow/Will Turner thing....it's just soooo wrong! :lol:


    Don't worry p.com weatherman...no harm shall come to you! :wub:


    May I start a petition to Pubby for the color "PURPLE"? It could be the color for the p.com members who were "guilted" or "shamed" into paying memberships! :p


    .....running away with her shield over her head! :lol:



    Edited for color.

  3. I haven't become a member, yet. Though Osfan has encouraged me to do so, several times! Osfan is a paying member. I can't understand paying for a service that won't allow you to get on the site after numerous attempts, or throws you off the site, or renders "sorry error" messages numerous times while visiting the site! Why would I want to pay for that? That is not service!


    I visit the site as a non paying member....Tolerate the inconveniences (because I am not a paying member), hoping that Pubby will fix the site problems; for all the already existing paying members and the potential paying members.


    In the meantime, this is a public forum....open to all...paying and non paying, alike. :)

  4. Oh goodie! Does that mean you'll become a subscribing member when the server is updated?!?!?!


    I don't appreciate your tone TBAR!!!


    Osfan was simply expressing what has been frustrating many on here!


    This has been an ongoing problem; one that should be fixed for members (it is a service) and potential members!


    I think your comments are mean spirited! <_<

  5. I got it, sent ya one back ;)

    And hot sand and cool water!! :rolleyes:

    I need a vacation :blink:



    The Osfans continue walking away from p.com....but turn to wave and smile at, Rev! :)


    They shout to Rev...We love you girl....thanks for understanding! :wub: ;)

  6. I have obviously missed something :huh:


    Rev, I sent a PM your way....hope you get it.


    Maybe YOU could "start sumpin"...good luck! :)


    Osfan's walking away...and I'm going with him! ;)

  7. Os, they don't get you....just walk away and be done with it! :(


    You'll get no comfort here! <_<


    Just lame excuses! :blink:


    ...or lame statements! :huh:


    I PM'd you....please cheer up!

  8. Osfan, I'm glad that we are going away! I know that p.com has been boring lately.....maybe the moon? I just came on and saw that no one had bothered to respond to your thread. Geesh, where are your friends on here when you are obviously down about this? -_- Just say no to p.com for awhile sweety.....I'm sad that you're so sad, Osfan! I think getting away and not being on p.com will help. I :wub: :wub: :wub: you sooooooo much! Try to cheerie up a bit love. ;)

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