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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. I know I realized that I spelled it wrong after I went back and checked it. That's what I get for trying to do two things at once. I did go to the website and picked a rep. close to me and she never responded to my email. Thanks though. :D


    You're welcome. I like your word "Tubberware" better; much more fun to say! :lol:

  2. That was a beautiful and touching story, fastpitchmom!


    So all of you democrats, republicans, and libertarians who support our troops...


    wear something red on Fridays! :)


    We can all support our troops, regardless of our political feelings about this war! :D

  3. Thanks! I was feeling pretty good today but now am feeling crappy again, ever since I had to fight with my kid who decided to be a brat the whole 20 minute drive home. Now my head feels like its going to blow up. I think I'm going to take some more pills and hope they make it all go away.....haha too bad there isn't a pill you can take to make your kids go away when you don't feel good ;) Is it me or do they want to hang around you more when you are feeling lousy?


    Ahhh...I remember it well.(car rides home)....once in a while, I would refer to that time as "the poison hour" ...even worse when you're not feeling well! In answer to your question....no, it isn't you...kids seem to want to hang around you more when you're feeling lousy...gives them a sense of power, I think! :lol:

  4. Yes, it's that time of year again...cold/flu season.


    Do you know the difference?

    Cold versus Flu


    Keep your body healthy

    1. Frequent handwashing (buy hand sanitizer for all family members).

    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water/day.

    3. Eat nutritious foods (increase vegetables and fruit).

    4. Get adequate rest/sleep

    5. Invest in room humidifiers (The rhino virus loves dried out nasal passages).

    6. Get your flu shot


    Stay healthy! :)

  5. We have found with gift baskets the shrink wrap really is nice.


    I agree. It doesn't take much time (shrink wrap+blow dryer) and it looks great! :)


    Plus one can always add cute ornamental twisty ribbons,etc.

  6. They will give free estimates.


    We had 2 80' Sweet Gums that were struck by lightning. They brought them down, hauled them away, ground down the stump, for under $450. (I think)


    I would use them in a heartbeat.


    It was $450 exactly, Os. Plus you tipped them and gave them icey cold beers, Remember?


    These men executed the removal of the trees with precision. They were thorough and I highly recommend them! :)

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