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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. This does sound like a cyst. If it is the physician will have to do an I&D (incision & drain).

    Please try not to worry. I'm sorry that your daughter is having pain. Keep trying for the appointment, but take her to the ER if need be. Give her some Tylenol for the pain. I hope for a speedy recovery for your daughter. :)

  2. My MIL is an exquisite cook! Osfan and I have often enjoyed shopping for specialty

    items, food stuffs, etc. We purchase either a beautiful basket or box (large) to accomodate all of the items; then shrink wrap (assortment of colors are available) the entire basket/box.

    She enjoys receiving the gifts all the more because of the presentation! :)

  3. It should not be left up to THE STATE to decide anything in regard to what your children read! This kind of crap is a waste of time!!! I'm a Christian and my children go to Christian school but it is up to me & my husband to decide what they will or will not read/do. Just because it's available in the library doesn't mean her kids have to pick it up!!


    So true! :D

  4. WELL NOW Osfan, that looks like enough for TWO!!! Can I come keep you company for your last meal??? I promise Ms.Osfan that I am only interested in the FOOD!!! OMG Those are Costa's crabs too. Have you ever eaten crabs at Costa's? I miss that place, we used to go for karaoke and crabs and have a helluva great time!


    Maybe I need to make a pilgrimage back soon...


    June, That's a feast! Let's all pull up some chairs. :D


    Pass the oysters, Utzs, and crabcakes to me, please. :)


    I am starving! :lol:


    Don't feel like picking today. ;)

  5. Japanese Steakhouse... do you think they can fit that big griddle thing into my cell ? :lol: :lol: :lol:




    Maybe....but you'd have to cook your own last meal....'cause there wouldn't be any room left in your cell for the japanese chefs with their ginsu knives. :p

  6. Ummm.... I think you should do what ever you need to do to get him under control LOL


    If the spoons do not work bring out the hot wheels track :p

    Ummm.... I think you should do what ever you need to do to get him under control LOL


    If the spoons do not work bring out the hot wheels track :p


    Well, alrighty....cause a girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do! :lol:


    Hey, wasn't it Bush who said..."NO child left with a behind?" :lol:

  7. 2 Maryland style crabcakes from Angelina's (the best)

    Premium saltine crackers

    1 large Greek salad (extra feta cheese and olives, please)

    2 National Bohemian/Premium beers

    1 large homemade strawberry short cake (lots of strawberries and whipped cream)



  8. "That's the reason we're calling for an inactive October - because October hurricanes usually form in the Caribbean, and closer to the U.S. coastline, and that's where El Nino puts the strongest wind shear," Klotzbach said.

    of course you could also say that it is either from


    Global Warming


    or it is


    Bush's fault.




    No, no, no...It's Misty's fault! :ninja:









  9. Beech Tree (Creative) has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.).



    I love the beach! :lol: :p


    Edited to include Osfan's tree:Elm Tree (Noblemindedness) pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, nobleminded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.




  10. Osfan and I bought our son a used car when he turned 17...with the understanding that his grades were to remain up and he was to maintain his employment at a local box store. He had to pay for his own repairs and gas...we paid for the insurance. He graduated with honors from high school, earned a scholarship for college (which he later lost/sophmore year @ KSU). When he graduated from KSU earlier this year, Osfan and I bought him a brand new car for his graduation gift. We are very proud of him. Now, he paddles his own canoe. Osfan and I do not regret our decisions and wish our son well in all of his future endeavors. :D

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