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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. Whatever blows your skirt up.

    I'll get there on shanks mare.

    Between a rock and a hard place.

    Wakey, wakey hands off snakey!

    Whatever floats your boat.

    Good to go.

    In for a penny, in for a pound.

    Dollars to donuts!

    So it goes.

  2. viking.gif





    How did Friday get its name? :unsure:




    The name of the day is derived from yet another Norse God (in this case a goddess), Frigga. She was believed to be the wife of Odin and was the goddess of marriage and the hearth. The Roman's had named this day for their goddess of beauty, Venus. They called it "dies veneris". When the Germanic tribes invaded England they imposed their goddess upon the day meant to honor Venus. The day was called frigedaeg, it has been corrupted over the centuries (since the 500's) to be "Friday".




    TGIF (Thank Goddess Its Friday) ;)

  3. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    You need to axe your ol' man!!!!

    I can't believe you went there, that's really some history better forgotten.....


    Didn't need to axe the 'ole man...discovered it some time ago...along with other stuff!


    Believe it!


    Wasn't it Oscar Wilde that said..."where ever you go, there you are"? :lol:

  4. I just laughed so hard with my mouth open I spit pizza on my laptop...ewwww! I love that picture! I'll have to send it to Hubby, he'll just LOOOOOVE that! My wrist is finally better from when I hit him in the arm and I think I sprained it.... next time I'll just get out the ol' frying pan!



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