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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. Ash, I'm so sorry that you and your little one are going through a rough patch. Is it possible that your little one is cutting his first tooth?


    The first tooth generally appears at about the sixth or seventh month.


    Just a thought. :)

  2. My vote will be for our children and for the teachers. And it is a no vote. I am very tired of reading that voting yes is for the kids. I do not believe that saddling my children with an even heavy tax burden is in their benefit. I do not believe that writing a blank check will solve the problems for our teachers.


    I do believe that setting an example of holding people accountable is a wonderful thing to do for my children. And I will not blame everything on 'big business'. It is all about fiscal responsibility.


    My pocket book is not a grab bag for this county.


    Excellent post shawna! Two NOs from Osfan and myself. Enough is enough!

  3. the source was a 22 year old guy named Dylan Avery...not the person your snopes link referred to


    I realize that.


    I also realize that Thierry Meyssan may have influenced Mr. Avery. ;)








    April 9, 2002 8:55 a.m.

    9/11 Denial

    The French bestseller and its company.




    O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.

    — Voltaire, 1767


    ell, it did not take long for the ridiculous to find its way into print. In what is billed as the "first independent inquiry" into the events of Sept. 11, French left-wing activist Thierry Meyssan comes to the shocking conclusion that the Pentagon was not hit by American Airlines Flight 77. His book, L'Effroyable Imposture (The Frightening Fraud) is apparently a hot seller in his native land, the first 20,000 copies having been whisked off the shelves with more to follow. Meyssan, who had published his views as early as October 8 on his website, the Voltaire Network, (the philosophe must be spinning in his grave having his name appropriated by this imbecile), proves, at least to his own satisfaction, that the damage to the Pentagon could not have been caused by a Boeing 757, but was in fact the result of a carefully planned truck bombing or missile strike which was then made to look like a plane crash.

  4. All I'm sayin is the video is thought provoking.....I didn't express an opinion one way or the other, beyond stating that it was interesting.




    The video is thought provoking; until one considers the source! ;)


    I realize that you didn't express an opinion one way or the other, beyond stating that it was interesting.


    Do you like Freedom fries or French fries? :D

  5. We will never forget !


    A sunny Tuesday morning in September, nothing would ever be the same... :(



    mrshoward, thank you for starting this thread! ;)


    Osfan, thank you for flying all of our flags today! :wub:

  6. I will never forget! I remember calling, Osfan at work. Like many Americans, when I saw the first plane hit the first tower I thought that it was some strange, bizarre accident. As I was on the phone with my husband, the second plane struck the second tower. I remember our world changing ,forever, in that split second! I remember saying to Osfan, "We are at war!" I will never forget what those sons of bitches did to our country on that day...The day our world was changed forever!




    Let Freedom Ring!



  7. I seen this also, they did not report any of the ones that had sucess with this, I know that froggy, ken, and OsFan has had the shots and I don't remeber any of them saying the shot did them this way,


    There has been thousands of people have this shot, I wished they had interveiwed the good side also.


    Excellent post, Lady Raider. Osfan did have the shots and hasn't touched a cigarette since 4/12/06. Keep it up, Osfan! Ongoing research with double blind testing is needed. Anticholinergics have many purposes in medicine. Some anticholinergics are used to treat poisonings, because they block certain neuroreceptors from "taking up" certain chemicals/poisons, like nicotine. I do believe that the media presented only one perspective in their reporting of this story. I support my husband in his decision and am proud of his accomplishment thus far! I do believe that more research in this area (with double blind testing) is needed; I think that the tobacco industry should contribute to that research! I wish anyone trying to break any bad habits, Good Luck! :)

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