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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. where is OsFan? I have seen him here today and his sweetie, but they have not been in the hi jack thread yet...


    are we being punished for something? LOL and they are not gonna grace us with thier appearance today? LOL


    :unsure: :o ???


    Can't speck for Os.....but here I am....gracing you with my appearance! :p

  2. We didn't eat for 8hours that day, but we figured this is what it meant. Maybe he cheated!


    Thanks for the info, it helps!


    You're welcome Peach! :D


    He may have thought that one stick of gum...or one little cookie wouldn't change anything...but it can! ;)

  3. I thunk this CHRIS is a guy. :unsure:


    If they alternate between male and female names, Alberto was 1. Beryl was 2, now Chris as the male name.


    Either way, we need the frecking high pressure systems to stop parking their butts over us, and allow the rain to get here. <_<


    Look, Os....I don't give a damn if CHRIS is a.....





    flippin drag queen! Just as long as s/he flips and drags the dang rain this way! :lol:

  4. My husband and I got our medical exam done for life insurance and yesterday we got our results by mail.


    My question is on the glucose part I had a normal score but his said INVALID DUE TO GLYCOLYSIS

    we looked it up but it explains the breakdown of cells etc...

    So is this something bad or did they mess up?


    His other scores were normal all but two.

    We are in our late 20's

    We also don't have a family physican, any recomendations?


    I called the insurance agent, but she is in a meeting until later. It's driving us crazy.


    Anyone know?




    Peach....because you and your hubby were doing this for life insurance purposes, the insurance company wants to rule out Diabetes Mellitus. The diagnosis of DM is based on fasting serum glucose levels. Normal fasting glucose levels are between 80 and 120 mg/dL. A fasting glucose level of 110 and 125 mg/dL is classified as impaired fasting glucose. People with impaired fasting glucose levels are considered at risk for DM.


    Hubby probably ate something (instead of fasting) and his serum glucose reading was inaccurate. The insurance company must have accurate lab reports on both of you to issue the policies.


    Hubby will have to repeat the fasting(no eating/no cheating) serum glucose. That's all! :D

  5. I have to ask. What's a freck? What's a hyjack thread?


    I am reading it because the name of the thread instructed the Newbies to come on. I'm a Newbie, I assume.


    Hey, spongemom!


    freck= freak ( and several p.commers too!)


    hyjack= no particular topic...discuss anything you like...including humor.


    Post away...have fun! ;)

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