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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. Mrs. OsFan I doubt your hubby would give you your .25 cents back: LOL


    But I am sure you could convince him other wise LOL


    Would you help me convince him to give me my quarter back? :ninja:


    Hey, Lady Raider...if I managed to get two .25 cent cuties....well, could I trade

    them in? :unsure:


    You know....for one of these....




  2. Karebare, I don't know you.


    I will not pass judgement on you.


    As a nurse, I believe that you and your children are in need of help.


    Please, take action and get some help.



    Three Rivers Behavioral Health

    24-Hour Help Line



    I wish you and your children well. :)

  3. Is this the same as Hardi-Plank? 60-80% of the homes in Paulding have Hardi-Plank type material..


    My understanding is that Louisianna Pacific made a siding product which failed ( absorbed moisture, buckled, enabled mold to grow, etc.); this is the product which was pulled from the market due to so many law suits. Hardiplank siding is a completely different siding. It is made with portland cement. Hardiplank siding has a 50 year life, when installed, sealed, primed and painted correctly. I have Hardiplank siding on my house, and I really like it. My insurance company graded the siding "as good as brick". I hope that helps to answer your question.

  4. Whether you believe it or not the BOE expansion WAS necessary. As I have said before schools are being built constantly and the BOE has the best interest of our children at hand.


    I believe the parents of the children have the best interest of their children at hand!


    I am voting NO for the children and the teachers. Enough is enough!

  5. oh, I didn't even think of that one.


    And the thing is that all kids react different to different situations. So you can't say, this is what it was with my child...because they are all their own special person. So sometimes it is a matter of ruling out one thing then moving on to the next.


    Good luck.


    So true, lacey! :)

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