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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. Had too, I figured it was about squirrels with boobs that hate going through the self check-out lane that don't read the entire thread before posting.


    Call the penguin popo, I can't follow directions.



    LOL...touche! :lol:

  2. TGIF


    Oh, the drama of it all....I use self check out...even talk to it...call it Hal! LOL


    What's wrong with fluffy bras and sparkles for everyone who wants them? :unsure:


    The fluffy bra (another thread) gives a whole new meaning to...


    Birds of a feather! :lol:


    Did that other squirrel steal Osfan's beer? :o

  3. It Figures, please do some reading/studying about passive-aggressive marraiges/relationships.


    Your brief description of the turmoil in your marraige is classic passive-aggressive behavior on both sides.This is an extremely distructive one-way road! Both of you need help.By the way, he doesn't get to dictate what you express to your marraige counselor...unless you give him permission too!


    I wish both of you well! :)

  4. He wouldn't like a "surprise" or two he didn't know about? These parties are so much fun I just hate for someone to miss out.


    Maybe we can have the party somewhere in Hiram if Yorkville is too far out. I bet somebody wouldn't mind having it at their house.


    We'll see.


    He gets plenty of surprises! :p

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