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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. I read the link and I do sympathize with airline employees. LOL Lucky. That is what I am hoping for on my return trip, but I will again show up prepared for whatever is going to happen. (and I am sure you are much better on the eyes) Does anyone know what is the criteria for a random selection? Much of the family flew in for Thanksgiving and while comparing some of our experiences one thing came up a lot in regards to which passengers seem to be randomly selected.
  2. Last year my husband was in line an hour early at HD (I can not remember for what) and did not get it. I tried to go to Target 2 hours prior to them opening and the line was around the building.(People had propane fires going, who knows how long they had bee there!) We settled on the mall. (We did get some fabulous deals! ) HD will have their ad in Thursdays paper. They just did not want the really early release.
  3. Sat. Atl.to NY Still gone Opt out, cause I would have to get the feel up even if I go through (medical) Metal detector and 14 people behind me (I didn't think to count all the ones ahead.I started counting when I realized the darn thing kept going off..and btw I had no metal at all on me.) When you looked around there were many, many people getting the enhanced pat downs, but there were also way more TSA agents then I had ever seen, so the lines were long, but not unbearable.
  4. I have friends that are going to Ted's. (We invited them, but they really just want to go have dinner and go home)
  5. We go every year and my family and I were just talking about how most of the sales look terrible! I saw a few really good prices on larger tv's, but what will they have, 3? I am not so sure I want to be in line at 3 am for a toy or sweater that a few days later I will get for the same price.
  6. My experience flying out of Atlanta was a bit different then DGIW's. Many people were being chosen for the scanners or feel ups and the dang metal detector sounded like the scanner in the grocery store. It went off for most people that went through, which in other circumstances I would think that people were just not thinking, but now? Eh, either they are really sensitive or just going off. You choose. I did get the feel up. Now I was prepared to punch out the person (and yes go to jail, I had my one call person on stand by) but fortunately I did not have to call. I did ask that she
  7. I have to put that on my list! Pretty panties to the airport. Where are you flying? I will be heading to NY in a few days, can't wait to be felt up. Ok..there is no way I could do that, but if you could..you should! Do not forget to video!!!! You know the video would go viral and you would be famous!
  8. Just once...just celebrated 20 years.
  9. Really? I thought 34 would fall into the good age category for most.
  10. What do they have already? Lap tops I pads Smart Phones Game Systems What about? Gas Cards Movie tickets Last year a gave my DS a prepaid visa for date nights. He was able to go out a few times for dinner and movies and loved it. (now mine haven't been 9 in a loooong time so I have no clue there. )
  11. momof3 ~ I also wanted to add that I respect your opinion if you think it is not a problem with the enhanced security, even though mine differs. I just was trying to understand why you weren't believing it.
  12. Well if you only believe your family and not the news, tv, radio, the agency doing this, p.com...then what exactly are you saying about them? I took it as your family is telling you the truth and you believe them until you are told otherwise, in turn all the reports made are not truthful which I would take as someone not being truthful a liar.
  13. Until you here from someone you know, everyone else, including the TSA is not telling the truth. I am a level headed individual that flies at least once a month and I am not happy with the enhanced feeling. How much do you fly? You seem very okay with it, but haven't mentioned if you fly. I think you have a young one still at home. Are you okay with their naked image being looked at and/or the enhanced pat downs? ( I believe some with pilot spouses have even posted it was true. I understand that you have had family not experience it yet, but that does not make the rest of the world liars)
  14. LOL how could you have not heard? I fly a minimum of once a month and I am not happy with the new policy. It is not back of hand anymore and they must touch both your breast (circle, squeeze) and your vagina. This is if you opt out of the full body naked scan and even if you have one, any implants of any nature will still possibly subject you to a feel up. TSA is not denying it. You keep posting about that one video from the radio guy. Fine do not believe him or the person that posted it, but this IS what is happening, including children. Why do you keep saying it is not? It is all o
  15. I have been following this and it is scary that someone can just seem to fall off the face of the earth! I am a diabetic also and this just worries me so much. I am praying for his well being and hoping some good news will come. (I know initially they did check with hospitals, but have they again? He could be there and not even know his name.)
  16. No one stated anyone here is lying. The new procedure just rolled out and the scanners are in very limited locations as of today. There are many more videos on the net, from others, and reports too. It is happening I am sorry to say. It is not imagined. TSA is not denying any of this. (well the part of the scanner memory, and their version of how much radiation) I will be flying at the end of next week. I am hoping not to be felt up, but I am not going to hold my breathe that I won't.
  17. I don't believe I would. This has to do with physically violating citizens and their children. The hands off violations of the Patriot act are not good, but the literal hands on or looking at my or my childs body is revolting and people are personally seeing and witnessing this daily. That x-ray is not the typical one you think of when you hear that word. There is way more detail and it is not the point of I will not see them again (though I could, they live in the city of your home airport) it is the point of when does this end? What will be enough? When something happens that they did n
  18. ABSOLUTELY NOT. I would bet money that no matter who is/was President most people would not like this, nor defend it. (of course there are the few that say "whatever it takes", but when that involves this new pat down (feel up) I have drawn my line.) Why are you okay with having a random stranger look at both your and your wife's naked image? I have a hard time even believing this is reality and not just a "what if" that I am writing about.
  19. I am not familiar with that one so I can't really give you an answer. Sorry. I do know most of VS scents have middle and base notes of floral and musk, so you might not be as sensitive as I am. (Good thing!) Vera Wang has a couple, Princess and Rock Star, that have top and middle notes of citrus and the base only has either one floral or woodsy note. Those might want to go on your list to try, but I think you might be happy with many listed here if you are just looking for the initial smell. Good Luck!!!! P.S. My biggest tip when trying a fragrance is to get a sample and take it home. Y
  20. I am very sensitive to flowery scents so I understand. Which brand of spray are you using? That will give me an idea of if a base note will bother you. If it does not many suggested could work for you. You could also go to Sephora and ask for samples. The will give you small spray samples of any fragrance you want. I do that any time I am unsure of a new scent.
  21. Love Spell has notes of flowers, so I am not sure you would like that. So does Calyx. (plus a woodsy base note) Actually looking at the list most have at least middle or base notes of flowers/musk. It will depend on how sensitive you are to the smells you do not like. What have you been wearing?
  22. Your opinion, but I found one article immediately and did not continue searching, but you do know one is one too many. How many people has that man touched? Having my daughters vagina and breasts felt up is flippin ridiculous. They are feeling them, touching, squeezing you really find this okay? Seriously anyone else would go to jail! What kind of training do these people have, what kind of background has been run? Are we privy to that prior to being touched? Flight dangers are a risk, but when does it stop? Full body cavity searches next? Will that be the line you draw to say it is
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