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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Are you fairly new to exercise? This could be from your organs not being used to so much blood "pumping" through them. You get hot, then cold, almost feeling flu like symptoms. This will improve as your body is conditioned. You should also be eating a good carb prior to a heavy workout and wear a heart rate monitor to make sure you are not pushing yourself to hard.
  2. Oh my gosh, this topic made me laugh! :rofl:
  3. Was it something they clicked on or actually FB? (I just read an article about the groups and such and it giving you a virus and spreading it to your friends)
  4. No, not from FaceBook. I have had friends get a virus from the links, clubs, and such that they click on. (Gold membership, group that does not want FB to charge, are two that I know have a virus you can get)
  5. I have given you the information that I have, you choose to come up with your own conclusions. (You theorize what you believe to be true, yet counties are doing it and are in compliance with the law) The only non learning time that is written into law is recess and lunch. (Recess is only in elementary school, and the upper grades have the walk between classes) Everything else is considered instructional time. I am not in elementary school, so I really can not state what all that extra time could be. In the middle and high schools they are learning from 1st bell to last. The state also includes
  6. Since they are receiving federal/state funding I have no doubt they are within the law of what is required. If they have to have 900 hours instruction time and go 140 days that would fall within the school times they (4 day school systems) are using as of now.
  7. For the love of pete! You can keep pointing it out, but since that is what is in place it must be legal. One thing you have not said and I do not have the precise number to give you, is exactly what the instructional minutes are right now in a day. They have to equal out whether it be 4 or 5 days, per the law.
  8. No, a bill passed covers that. The children would have the same amount of instructional minutes just less days.
  9. All the schools do this around Christmas time, so I would think it to be no problem if you approach them now. You did say the most weight, right? How are you going to weigh it? We have always just counted cans and used the number. BTW Pizza parties are always a big hit with kids! edited because I have lost my mind and put a sad instead of happy face! LOL
  10. That one was for the middle and high. Elem. is right at 7. about 30 minutes more then they had. The same actual minutes for instructional time will be the same in 5 day or 4 day week. (for the poster wondering about the educational aspect of if her's were to go 4 days verses someone in the county next to them going 5) Unfortunately I am just swamped and have not had a chance to do much research on this. The few things I have pulled up have shown all good things. (money saved, attendance for both student and teachers up, violence down, etc..) I have still not made a personal decision
  11. Shan ~ I think someone wrote the article wrong. The children do not attend school for 10 hours a day. http://bms.peachschools.org/SchoolTimes.htm
  12. You are right, for Paulding county. We are not set up for it at this time. That is not the other counties. I am fairly sure that the BOE would not randomly decide to go to 4 day weeks here and not have talked with locals regarding increased child care for the day off. I put out there what is being done other places. I am sure the other places did not have a massive amount of childcare available. I would think they were involved in the BOE's discussions and came up with the increased child care needed. If, and that is a big if, Paulding county goes to 4 days eventually, I am sure something woul
  13. I totally agree with that. Models have shown that by doing that schools improve.
  14. Yes, actually I do. I am not complaining. I am pointing out proven facts of what is being done in the counties that have the 4 school day in place. While they might not work here, this proposition is not on the table here. If it was I am sure that people like yourself would be more then willing to sit on a panel and come up with ideas for parents that have to work. Both sides need to be out there. Just coming on and throwing out numbers saying it will not work, well, I believe in listening to and then researching both sides. I have not had a chance to do a lot of research, but what I am p
  15. Thanks for not shooting the messenger! I just wanted people to see what is being stated in reference to "how" they are doing it. I have not personally delved into it enough to make my decision regarding it
  16. Apparently it does work in other GA counties and across the country. Some local Boys and Girls clubs helped out. Some 4-H clubs also opened its doors to students. While I do think it might be an issue for some, it has been and is being done and those parents are finding ways to make it work. :pardon:Lots complained about the extra 15 minutes they have added on here, yet they are going to find a way to have it fit into their life. This whole model is not just something new thrown out there. I still do not know if I am for or against it for here, not that it is even on the table, but I do n
  17. My reply was exactly as it was stated for 2 school systems in Georgia on how they are doing it and from one on how they would do it, if approved.
  18. Not fair, no. I believe most counties that are doing this would believe it to be the best situation possible in regards to educating the children. I don't believe the furlough days are fair either, but unfortunately a sign of the times. What exactly are you speaking of in reference to doing things like the 70's/80's?
  19. No. In most cases, in is approximately 25 - 30 minutes.(some less, I have not seen a model for more) In some cases of middle and high, no time has to be added at all. The shorten 5 minutes in between bells to three, or already have a school day longer then required. Peach and Wilcox counties are doing it. Carroll has looked at it, and right now Harralson has a poll up with some FAQ that you could go look at.
  20. I just now read this and I am truly sorry for your family. My prayers go out to all, such a devastating loss. :-(
  21. Mine either! LOL You are right though, some do not care about spelling. It is not priority to them in the computer age we live in. Apparently a couple of other school system are either going to the 4 day week or really considering it. http://www.13wmaz.com/news/mostpopular/story.aspx?storyid=73888&provider=top
  22. She can be gifted and not spell for the life of her! Gifted covers a wide variety of gifts. I have worked with amazing gifted students that have weaknesses just like the rest of us, but in a certain area they exceed standards by miles.
  23. I agree there is a lot to consider. I am going to see what I can find on Peach county and the parents. They would have been through this and dealing with it. They would have great insight to the positive and negatives of it.
  24. Well, not necessarily. It opens up more time for kids to spend with grandparents, volunteering, apprenticing, 4 H groups and much more. Would there be some that would get in trouble, yes, there always is. (I have been told I do see things with rose colored glasses, but I can't help it. ) I am sure a lot of the real concerns being brought up have been addressed in that district. It would be interesting to see what the parents are saying, and how they are all dealing with the 4 days with having a 5 day work schedule. Woo hoo! I could go for THAT!
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