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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. SuperGirl.. Don't feel old.. that is my job these days...


    A 25 year old referred to me as "the nice lady from 'insert hell job name here" yesterday.... EEEEK as if the random facial hair wasn't enough to push me over the edge!!!!!!!!!




    You shouldn't make me laugh so hard, as I could pee my pants at my age! :lol:

  2. How old is he? Does he let you he hurts?


    He's almost 4.


    He does not tell me he hurts. He does tell me things from time to time (this morning for example) like; "If my scar reaches my belly, I will die."


    Now, I don't know where he gets that. His scar grows with him, and he has no memory before having the scar. I just don't know whether to minimize his comments or explain them further.

  3. Children are much more intuitive than we give them credit for, but maybe he just doesn't see it as an obstacle.

    Sounds like you are a great Mom who is helping him see beyond his limitations. I have some inside knowledge of CHD, and it can be limiting as far as physical activity. My prayer would be that it is not painful for him, and that he sees each new day as a wonderful new adventure.


    I sure hope he doesn't see his own physical limits. There are some things he just can't do. I just want him to have the courage to do all that he is able.


    He's lucky and unlucky at the same time. Lucky in the way that he even gets to have a life; but unlucky in the way of having the knowledge since OHS that it's a matter of time before his heart needs "tweaking" again (like most of us as we become elderly).

  4. My son was born with a CHD. He lived through OHS, but will always have a heart that is "ready" to fail. Sometimes he mentions it to me. Most days I really don't think about his heart; however when he mentions it I am left to wonder a couple of things.


    Is he in pain on a day to day basis because of OHS, but so young he doesn't know any different?


    When he talks about his OHS (which he does sometimes) should I tell him how lucky he is or how different he is?


    His scar is very faint. He knows it's there and mentions it, although not bothered by it. I want him to be proud and happy about his 2nd chance, which I tell him. He eats healthy. He is happy. I just wonder, does he just "know" he has obstacles?

  5. Do not let your age get you down!! You are only as old as you act, and if you want to stay young, just act immature like I do :lol: It KEEPS you young ;)

    My kids keep me young, even though they are almost grown, ...after all, I have to keep up with them :)


    Well, I'm still 12 if that is the case!


    I love my youngins! They keep the spring in my step, that's for sure. :)

  6. PLUUUUUH :p

    Really, I hope that it's a GREAT one ;)


    Rev, I've been a little blue today.


    I mean 35. :blush: I'm not young anymore! However, I don't feel old. I'm in the middle. My kids think I'm young, however I can't help but think of my image of "35" 20 years ago and honestly, I'm not there yet. :rolleyes:

  7. I'm no expert by any means. However, I have been married and have been divorced for a while now.


    Loving someone (and staying married) requires a day to day pledge. You may not always like what your spouse does, but you decide each day to continue to love your spouse actively. I know this to be true.


    Sometimes in real life, the cons outweigh the pros and you make a decision based on the circumstances of your life. Does that mean love was never there? No. Does that mean that you hate your ex? No. It just means that life happens and we all have to do the best we can.

  8. what is particularly bothersome to me is that people can and do pay and the software expires them anyway.


    I've got to complain, frankly, because the system is not working like it should.


    (For instance, Mrsjones had paid and I still had to fix it manually after I saw this topic. )





    :::note to self:::


    September, and don't forget to remind Pubby.

  9. What a long and yet short road. :blink:


    How have I been blessed with phenomenal parents and step-parents as time has marched on?


    I have a sister whom I grew up with after a 5 year stint as an only child. Man, I love my sister. :) I have 2 step-brothers and a half-brother that came into my life when I was a teen.


    My children all came along at the right time in my life. My oldest was always most agreeable, and I would have been happy had she been my only. My middle is very outspoken and seems to live to call me to the carpet. My youngest, has an "imperfect" heart, but loves life more than anyone I can think of.


    I have too many friends to count.


    I am very blessed. Blessed beyond measure! :)

  10. Hmmm. Interesting question.


    I am fond of my ex because I really did love him. However, things being what they are, it just worked out all wrong and we got divorced. I wish him no will ill and hope the best for him. We are friends; life is funny that way. :)

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