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Everything posted by SouthernScarlett

  1. Here is a joke and here is a picture sent to you. [Media}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xztGWSpYv1w[/media]
  2. O i was just joking.Here is a nice pic.just for you.
  3. Ha! Ha! Ha! around and around we go. Worked for me. Went into the far side and made my way through p.com net work to here. Had to wiggle a little to get through but i made it back .
  4. You said you made a police report on it. Since you have made a report it goes in the system and out to the pawn shops. Then when the pawn shop put's the serial number in the data base.The police check the serial number and the driver's license of the person who brought it in.I also would just keep a eye out on Craigslist and Ebay in the mean time.Good luck.
  5. I sure do remember it and Doc run the music Store.He was one of the nicest men you could ever meet.His wife Audy was as sweet as can be.She taught piano.The original building that the music store was in burnt down .It was where Paulding Waste is now. My husband used to teach guitar there. That was just before Marshell Fuller road on the left. It happened in front of my MIL's house.
  6. I just recently got the CD's of the Deadwood series.That series is something else. Great movie of the west and the history of Deadwood.They even have the pictures of the really people back then and their story;s of life .Then they have who is playing there part in the movie.Great series.
  7. This pilot was 74 and he was well trained at flying the plane.He has been flying for many years unlike someone who has only been flying for a couple.Airplanes do have failures and that seams to be what happened.I think by watching the video he did all he could .
  8. Local fire officials are reporting multiple fatalities and critical injuries. http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/09/16/nevada.plane.crash/index.html
  9. You know the store owner new the vehicle was there earlier. Maybe they just noticed it again and that it had been there all day. They may have thought the person had left the vehicle since the scanner said the person was laying down in the back seat.It's not the callers fault.
  10. I think the poster was saying she has heard about the damage .Just not any or much about the town of Aurora and surrounding towns in NC. Good links
  11. Sorry to hear of your family. The storm hit at least 8 states and i am sure they were having a hard time reporting on all the damage that it caused.Some places looked hard to get to. There are only so many reporters to cover such a wide area. Seams it would be hard to report on every one of them. Again sorry your family was involved with the storm.
  12. The only way i know of is to.Scroll to the bottom of the page below the pictures and there is a box to select that says "select/unselect all". Check that box, then to the right are options of what to do, such as "delete." You can delete multiple pictures at once this way.
  13. Yes i used the music vintage magazine in the picture i posted. If you try it i think you will like the outcome. Have fun.
  14. If anyone would like to see or try this for yourself.This is where i got the info: on how to do this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIlCZM6Lmus&feature=relmfu If you try this.Have fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntqsVWObYAw&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMvgLjyhtAs&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeEkQMmhyno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5BS77TG12E&feature=relmfu
  15. Yes you can make bags this way.It is fun to make them.
  16. This This A new magazine holder :yahoo:
  17. You people have fun with that .Some of the other banks are going to charge you more than the $3 little dollars. Wells Fargo is not the only one's that are going to start charging. Just a little note. You might want to look before you leap. Just saying.
  18. Here is a couple of links to what happened. http://news.blogs.cn...fair/?hpt=hp_t1 http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/08/13/indiana.stage.collapse/index.html
  19. Got a real kick out of watching this video.Hope you do to.Just wanted to share. :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCvHgppVey4&playnext=1&list=PL36007A7056C95670
  20. Looks like someone has taken care of it.Sign has been taken down at the trailer park.
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