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Everything posted by SouthernScarlett

  1. Balentine Sub. Baywood Crossing S.O on scene 4 subjects on ground in back yard 1 on foot running in direction of H.H.S Now looking for 2 on foot running. One with gym shorts on. That is all as for now.Still in progress. Scanner is quiet as of now.Hope they catch them. Checking vacant house. 4 doors down.Unsecured door.
  2. I would have to say .One of the top fastest cars in the world.The Pagani Zonda R.So cool. Cause i start something and i get it done fast. Hey that's just me.LOL This is one mean machine.
  3. Looks like she is on a good start for a 13 year old. Some grown ups can't do what she has done.
  4. That is so great.He will love the guitar. He will also learn that he can express his feelings threw the guitar and get great please out of it.Good for him.
  5. How is this for blooms?? I love star gazers.Bet it is just beautiful for sure.
  6. Here is a few more for your early morning viewing pleasure. I had a pack of seeds(Scarlett O'Hara) that were years out of date. So i pop them in a old pot just to see what they would do. This is what i have gotten so far. It should get huge red flowers on it soon. So just a heads up if you have some old seeds. Give them a try before throwing them out. They could still live.
  7. Me to. The air is so fresh and new after a rain.I love to sit on the porch and just take it in.
  8. It is so beautiful and so calming to take a morning walk and just see the new stuff in bloom on all of the plants. The wet moisture is on the ground and on the blooms.The birds are out and about. Just a all round beautiful morning outside today. I have wanted a mammoth sunflower for so long and i got my wish this yesr. This thing is going to be huge. :yahoo: :yahoo: This is my baby sunflowers.They stay small.
  9. If someone put you in this time machine .Would you travel forward in time or would you just go back in time?When and where would you go and why???
  10. What is some of the talented stuff that one of your family members makes.Just cause they have always loved to?????
  11. Thank you. He has always carved on wood since he was a little fellow. I learned how to carve my first boat from watching him take pieces of bark offf a tree and make it into a little boat .Then we would take it down to the creek and see who's would make it down the creek and who's would sink first.LOL Thank you to.He made a eagle that looks like it could fly off into the sky. It looked so real. It's funny how when you are little and having fun that you have no idea at the time.That it will follow you all through your life .I carry a pocket knife with me for years.
  12. Just wanted to show everyone what my brother has a talent for. He has always loved to make things like birds,owl's,eagles,Humming birds and now he has hand carved this Shark and mounted it on wood.His daughter loves sharks so he made this for her birthday.A father's love at work. I am so proud of his talent.
  13. It was a wreck at Gregory Court and 61 that had the traffic backed up.
  14. OOPs I haven't used this collison shop.Sorry
  15. Thanks Subby for giving me the info: on the STA-BIL today. I will be getting some for sure.
  16. Have you ever been inspired by a video of someone playing a odd instrument and it makes you want to whip out the craft box and make you one of your own?? Well i watched this guy play this instrument . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmJm91UPGfs&feature=fvwrel and guess what??? This is the Shekere i am working on. It is beginning to sound really good. I still have to do a few things to it but i am very pleased with how it is sounding and looking. Can't wait to finish it. Want be long. :yahoo:
  17. That Polka Dot Lily is just beautiful. Where would i be able to find one of these,any ideas???
  18. Thanks Tona They should be tastie for sure.
  19. Meet me there. Girl you know i just live across the street from you,
  20. I got a call while i was out from The Warehouse Clothing Store. I just wanted to Thank them very much for the Certificate.. I WON I WON I WON I know now what i will be eating on my Birthday. Birdie's wings :yahoo:
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