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Everything posted by dana

  1. Thanks for sharing! I see what you see in her, I think. Beautiful, big brown eyes, funny and a gorgeous smile. She is adorable! I'll see your Kate video and raise you an Uncle Cracker vid! Lol! This one reminds me of my beautiful friend, Amber. Lol!!
  2. I adore Jack Johnson. My son loved Curious George when he was little. Makes this song so endearing to me. Whimsical and also, great meaning in the lyrics.
  3. ^^^^^This, basically. Their customer service stinks but their Internet service is the best around, imo.
  4. Can't wait to see the sweet eaglets! :wub:
  5. You can also try Pat's Apparel. They have some gorgeous dresses at affordable prices. Best of luck to you https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=CjSlC70W7VuD9KoG3hASTlYuICK32u6MIvZPkjfQBpc-vy3QIABABIPT06BgoBGDJvr2H4KO0EMgBAaoEH0_QCNiryXqi7eFkMv5OtWfhuqShC_JMyuls10uy4gaABbP4_hjYBgSAB5nxkRKIBwGQBwKoB6a-G9gHAQ&sig=AOD64_3zBso7ewTgWk6UAlcIC5HzT6VKQA&clui=0&q=&ved=0ahUKEwjNgJD_sO3KAhVC4yYKHZYGDS8Q0QwIGw&adurl=http://www.patsapparel.com/
  6. Good to hear from you Lucky. I've missed you! Hope you have a quick recovery. Please keep us posted.
  7. I'm very sorry for what you're going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless you.
  8. I'm so very sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  9. Breaks my heart into a million pieces. Rest in peace, sweet angel.
  10. Love The Voice, too! I'm watching Idol. I can't believe it's the last season.
  11. dana

    Scam alert

    Thanks for the heads up.
  12. Dallas First Baptist used to have a great MMO program. That was over ten years ago, but I belive it's still in place. My boys loved going there when they were little. Best of luck to you.
  13. Thanks for another non political, feel good thread! I'll be watching.
  14. Congratulations on the birth of your sweet granddaughter
  15. Mike Kitchens. Don't think I'm allowed to put his number here. I'll pm it if ya want. He's knowledgeable, honest and fair in price. Best of luck to you!
  16. What a great thread about a really nice, talented guy, love it! Hope you're doing well, Subby.
  17. Yeah, seems like it would go pretty fast. There's this little place in Blue Ridge that I pass on the way to Ellijay, where my parents live. Nowhere near as exciting as where you've zip lined but hey, it's a start, lol!
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