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Everything posted by dawneykids

  1. .......on Old Cartersville rd. No clue what happened, I just hope everyone is OK.
  2. I'm sorry, but this woman needs her a$$ kicked. She, of all people, should know and should accept that the virus has a 21 day incubation period and acknowledge that just because she's ebola free today, that could change tomorrow. She made a huge deal of the fact that CHris Christie wasn't a dr and shouldn't be making quarantine decisions. Well, in that case, the judge who said that she's disease free and doesn't have to comply, he's no dr either and he obviously adheres to the same irresponsible way of thinking she is. She's a disgrace to her profession. IMO.
  3. And I wonder why Hubby wants me to be armed when I go out, these are places I go, without fear, all the time. This guy is in no worse shape than anyone else who needs money and it makes my blood boil when criminals rob and steal. No one should have to be afraid to man a register for fear of a cowardly, gun toting thug robbing and shooting them. I could shoot this guy myself and not lose a wink of sleep.
  4. If a police officer is issued a gun to protect either themselves or the public, why when they are being attacked and shoot the criminal behind the attack, are they vilified and why does it even go to a grand jury? If that's the case and they are NEVER supposed to use their weapon, why are they allowed to carry one? 'Here's a gun, but don't use it no matter what'. It's just stupid.
  5. Water kills ebola? Good to know. And the people saying this are supposed to be educated??? WOW!!
  6. The giant red alert saying that this is attack site is getting tiresome. Is that going to go away?
  7. Why is nurse Kaci Hickox refusing to follow the quarantine guidelines that are trying to keep ebola at bay? She seems to be very belligerent and uncooperative. I don't get it. She of all people should understand the reason for the precautions. She just returned from West Africa where she treated ebola patients and she expects to return home an carry on as usual? What is she thinking? I tried to post a link and couldn't.
  8. This is devastating. My youngest daughter graduated with Kyle and has known him since 5th grade, they were great friends. He was at my house all the time during their high school years and was the most polite, genuine young man anyone cold hope to ever know. This bizarre and senseless tragedy is beyond comprehension and the loss of this young man will be felt by many for a very long time. Both of my girls are distrought and I hate that 1 violent act has not only taken the life of a decent person and impacted the lives of Kyles family, but also the lives of all of the people who knew and loved
  9. Thank you, same to you! I think what really galls me about not being able to find anything is that so many of the people that I come into contact with who are working, don't seem to have a clue. They can't count money, don't say thank you, roll their eyes when you ask for help and so on. I know I'm a better employee than that and not being able to have an opportunity because I can't apply face to face really sucks.
  10. Did she ever have one to begin with? This woman is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary ugly and ignorant to boot.
  11. I did all of the ones you mentioned and the ones that that asked about over 18 and under 40 were all on that list.
  12. No, I think they 'hook up' or 'sext'.
  13. There isn't hardly any good music out there these days. I swear for the life of me I can't figure out how half of the tripe on the radio gets recorded............
  14. Y-E-S. T-H-E-Y. D-I-D..........are you kidding me??????? Can you even ask questions about age on an application? Apparently you can because they are doing it right and left. You'd think an employer would want a good employee regardless of their former welfare status. I'm doomed. I'm too old at 51, have a huge gap in my employment history and haven't received welfare of any kind. Does a person have to resort to lying just to get their foot in the door? I'm stumped.
  15. I have filled out too many applications to count and I'm discovering something that I don't like at all. Six of the applications had the question, 'are you over 18 years of age', OK. Then later in the application was the question, ' are you under 40 years of age'. UUUMMMM, OK. Every company that asked those two questions has sent back a curt response of, 'thank you for your interest, but we are unable to offer you anything at this time'. Fine, but those same places have help wanted signs and ads plastered in more places to count. These aren't jobs for brain surgeons mind you, but mostly for
  16. Mama June, as she's called, is an ignorant fool. They all act like heathens at best on this farce of a show and TLC should be ashamed and beyond embarressed that they every contracted these inbred loons to a do a tv show.
  17. This woman is sooooo unattractive that it's scary and besides the money, how on earth does she keep getting men, child molesters or not????
  18. Good morning and thank you! We had cinnamon toast this morning and the Albutirol(sp) is making him HYPER. Oh and did I say HYPER? It's OK though because he is obviously feeling better.
  19. DO NOT be a jacka$$ in my topic. Ya' want to be jacka$$, start your own topic and have at it.
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