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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Heroes Vs. Villains. Can't wait to see how Russell plays this time around...
  2. I actually love summer, just not the dog days...
  3. I guess I am the only one that wants a blizzard...
  4. Yes, I have seen this page in the past while searching West Ridge's site. Thanks...
  5. Here is a catch 22 that many unemployed people will also face. Many employers do credit checks during the hiring process. If your credit is not up to par, you will have a strike against you. So far, I am not in the bad credit category, but could very well be there if my job search continues unsuccessfully. Thanks for the info, Markdavd. I wish they had an actual meeting to attend. They can be so motivating and helpful...
  6. I hope Subby sees a herd of ants...
  7. Thank you. If they don't have one, I would love to be involved in establishing one...
  8. Laughing at the topic in general... (inside joke here)
  9. A poll would be great but what we really need to do is start a local networking group. I've been to one at Woodstock Baptist Church that was VERY informative. Does West Ridge offer anything like this? I checked the site and did not see it...
  10. My comment was not meant to lessen your concern, geeze. Chill...
  11. I'm sorry to hear this. I'm in the same boat. If I were younger, I wouldn't be as concerned...
  12. NavyEagle thank you for the most insightful and intelligent PM I received from you... :rofl: I have had this happen to me as well...
  13. He has had a problem with the courts and LE for years now. Do a search...
  14. I'm glad to hear that RNG's surgery went well and so sad to hear about your mom...
  15. Looks like it. Everyone seems to be frequenting the bashing threads, lol...
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