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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I am so glad she won. I'm also thrilled that Jeff Bridges won!!! Yayyyyyyy, Jeff is on next!
  2. She must be feeling sensitive today.... <sigh>
  3. <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cracking up!!!
  4. Bingo! At the bottom of the page on the left, click delete my cookies and then sign back in...
  5. All I see is the banner ads...
  6. A 4 day school week will save money. First thing that comes to mind is fuel for buses. I'm sure the savings would be substantial...
  7. I am more of a private person, so Pcom suits me just fine...
  8. There are several popular pregnant teen shows on tv now. While I think the intention of the show was to warn teens of the trials they would face, I think it has done the opposite. The moms in the shows are now "stars" and looked up to by their fans. They seem to glamorize teenage pregnancy more than deter it... Edited spelling...
  9. I loved it. Reminds me of a modern day Walton's...
  10. That is one of my favorites...
  11. I'm still trying to figure out how not delaying God's will can be considered suicide...
  12. Would death by chemo be considered a homicide?
  13. I've heard her in interviews before where she says she follows the Pagan faith. They will be searching the ancestors for several celebrities in this series. I'm just glad to see a new type show...
  14. Evidently they trace Sarah Jessica Parker's ancestors back to the Salem Witch Trials. Sounds to me like it will be very interesting... '
  15. She deserved to be fired. Whoever hires her knowing this story is an idiot...
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