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About carabella

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday 05/03/1972
  1. UCan move 2 CA an is wont happens,,we don't wee in R pools :lol: :lol:
  2. Can2U make 1 appear sense UR magicman//?\\ Hubby does no show on mirrors :lol: :lol:
  3. HA & canU rmember them now:p :p how mulch RU pay 4 gold 2th this day //?\\
  4. UR GROSS an 4 what RU expected if U eat at hillbilly stakehowse an 4 u2 look at peeples chit duh,,, duhh,,,, .....
  5. carabella


    Hubby rid horse carrige in these 4 a while, tip should be 150.00 - 200.00 depense on times 2
  6. IS NO 2 L8 for howz a bout lucky,,,BEACH U down w/dat..
  7. GO cell ur insuranze 2 someoneelse ur not evne commaers member
  8. UR unsecure& been dumped by UR boyfrienz, is easy 4 all us 2C UR as deep as LOS ANGELES RIVER an matterialastic2.
  9. R we ALLOWED 2 R fyrew0rks THIS YEAR //?\\ THE DROUGHT IS OVER YAY I fyrew0rks 5 julio & shoot R guns 4 celebr8 this day 4 each on us, YES. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  10. an lease we R finally 8bull 2 stand on US grounds victoria.
  11. WE R delay by Crashinental Scairlines 4 days in end an4 many times,,, they R give free lodging in Airport Buses Terminal floor 4 us 2 sleep this delay + 25.00 4food big deal O0H NO :lol:
  12. Excuss ME,,, crapped sounding BOOM BOOM is Muzik 2 U.S. but not 4U
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