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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. It would be a Blessing to be able to arrange a benefit singing for this family,To do my part and help them out..The only thing is that it may take a little while to arrange,However it should raise enough to pay Eberhart,(maybe a month) if interested please let me know....I have known A.Rider since 1st grade,Bless that families heart,I will be glad to help out....JMP




    That would be awesome. I checked with the funeral home and there is no time limit

    to pay this off. A month would be fine. I do know that the family would like to be

    involved and they have went away for a few days. This would give them time to

    cope and grieve. I and Justice's grandma will do whatever we can to help. I will

    pm you my cell #. I also have a restaurant that is willing to help with food if that

    is something of interest. Keep in touch.



    Thank you,




  2. Nanny, You have such good tidbits of information. You could

    possibly save someones life one day. I checked no pancake mix.

    I'm sure that would include bisquick or any kind of biscuit mix.









    PS. I still want that frog.

  3. I wasn't sure wether or not to supply this bit of information, but with the

    lack of support for this cause, I decided to. Baby Cheyenne Rider lost

    her battle with life and death. Death won this one, But in her death

    Cheyenne's parents UNSELFISHLY donated her organs and saved two

    more of Gods precious angels. What a decision to have to make. First

    to turn off the machine that is keeping your baby alive. And second,

    to decide to give part of her up. I DIDN'T AND DON'T want to know all

    of the details of Cheyennes death. I know only what the mother told

    me at the funeral home. Trying to figure out why and how it happened

    right now isn't going to help anyone. Can we as human beings not just

    put aside all the gossip and speculation about this tragedy and reach out

    to this mother and father who have lost the most precious thing in their

    lives. Cheyenne is gone and there is nothing we can do for her now. But

    we can honor her memory by helping those who loved her. I never knew

    Cheryenne. And I only met her parents at the funeral home. So why am

    I trying so hard on this? I guess I can't imagine being in that position and

    if there is one small thing that I can do to help I will try my darnest to do

    whatever it is. I'm not giving up on this one. If anyone else want to join

    and help in the memory of Cheyenne you are welcome.


    Special thanks to Bumplett and just dreaming for $40.00 raised and

    rdstans's $50.00.


    The total amount owed to Eberhart ( not counting the above ) is

    $4000.00. Remember you can donate directly to Eberhart or to

    Dougals Co. Bank.



    Thank you for listening,




  4. j gmaw- Can you post a total of what the family owes for Cheyenne to the funeral home? Does she have a headstone? If you are going to spearhead the collecting of the $ for this, do you accept paypal? It would be real easy for people to paypal you money or send you money for the auctions....




    I will have a total of the amount owed on Monday and I will post it. I do know that they

    had a family plot as to the headstone that is a question I will ask. I did set up a paypal

    account when we were collecting for someone on here. I think all you need is my E-mail.

    If I'm correct let me know and I will post it here. Thanks for your help.




  5. hmmm..... I don't think anyone wants my cooking.......


    but we are determined to find more goodies to auction off......


    what do you guys want??? let's hear some comments from the peanut gallery!!




    I can't speak for everyone but I have had the WORLD FAMOUS FUDGE

    and the lasagna that I didn't even share with my family. I personally

    would bid on both. ( hint hint )



  6. I am so sorry to hear that this child passed away!


    Please let me know what I can do,\


    can we take the donations to Ebertharts our self and just drop it off? and tell them what it is for?




    Absolutely. I did that with Shelley's son Justin. I just made sure that I had a receipt.

    Just let them know that you want it to go to the account of Cheyenne Rider.






  7. Thank you so much. I'm sure that the family will appreciate

    anything that you can do. And I'm sure there are those

    who can't help finanically at all, but the positive thoughts

    and the constant prayers mean alot.




  8. I only briefly last week heard that a child had drown in Paulding. That

    was all about it until I saw the posting about the prayers for the baby

    on life support and then the funeral announcement. I talked to Baby

    Justice's Grandma and we went to the funeral home tonight to talk to

    the family. This story strikes so very close to home. Baby Justice's death

    was such a horrible accident the same as Baby Cheyennes. There is no

    life insurance to pay for this sweet babys final days here. Most of us don't

    want to even think about life insurance for our children.

    The mother and father were two people who loved their child beyond words.

    There were pictures of her everywhere. They had her little hand prints in clay.

    She looked like a sleeping angel laying in her casket. We talked a while about

    her, Justice, and how with the help of Pcommers the burden of the funeral expenses

    were lifted from the family. Please, whatever your opinion about this childs death,

    lets act like a family. Families come together at times of need they DON'T JUDGE

    EACH OTHER they support and hold each other up. I believe that things happen for

    a reason. We may never know that reason but Baby Cheyenne went to play in

    Heavens Playground for a reason. The aunt said that there is an account set up at

    Douglas County Bank. And if anyone wants to help with any fundraisers for this

    family we ( baby Justices family ) will do eveything that we can for this family.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and please remember the family tomorrow

    as they lay their sweet angel to rest.




  9. We have the same kind of dog. We adopted him from the shelter.

    He goes hunting with my husband. They lease 200 acres in

    Macon. He has gotten loose 3 times and he always came back.

    They are very smart dogs. Glad your story had a happy




  10. I passed this story on to Baby Justices family and they

    and I send up our prayers that this family doesn't have

    to make the decision that they had to make. May God

    give them strength. Everyone hold your child(ren) a

    little closer and thank God that you have them.




  11. Hey Brandi,


    I posted the Curfew topic. I just wanted to update you and maybe

    help a little. My son is 14 also, I never thought about spanking him

    after his little incident with the police. I really was so mad at him

    for lying to me about his little trips down the road that I didn't

    speak to him for over a day. We did sit down and talk and his

    was peer pressure. He was afraid that if he didn't go with the

    guy that wanted to go that he wouldn't be friends anymore. Well

    I reminded him that this "friend" hadn't bothered to call and check

    on him or anything. This friend is also 18. I have family out of state

    and I sent him to stay with my mom for a couple of weeks. There

    is absolutely nothing to do there. The nearest McDonalds is

    30 minutes away. I call him everyday and he says he is doing a

    lot of thinking about things and people. I guess your never sure if

    your doing the right thing or not but I do hope I am. I miss him

    being here. But I also know that he needs to learn a lesson. And

    my mom will back me up. Hope things work out . Maybe our sons

    can hang out before curfew time.



  12. Check out the Yard Sale section in the Dallas New Era.

    There were several in there for this weekend. Don't

    forget the bake/yard sale for Toni. I think that one

    is in yorkville at a church.



  13. I was reading from an old site (2002) when the bill was passed for the state of GA, under the age of 18 12am-6am




    I think that this is the revised law. Maybe this will help?



    Thanks for the info. I read it and it sounds like it applys mostly to teen

    drivers. My son said that they have been out a "few" other times and

    a cop was there and he understood them and talked to them about

    whatever and that was that. ( they had their skateboards with them).

    The only times I have heard about curfews is when there is riots or

    something bad in the area. I asked a cop from another county and

    he wasn't aware of any curfews. Maybe each county is different.?



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