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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. Great pictures. That's me in the second picture. I was hiding from the camera.

    All you can see is the top of my hair. We had an awesome day. A few mishaps,

    including one runaway dog and some minor computer issues. But everything

    worked out. The last numbers I heard ( not official ) was 250 animals vaccinated.

    Thats great. Dr. Lugar is so great to donate her time to do this. Everyone needs

    to say a special thank you when you see her. If you missed this one the next one

    I think is in Jan.



    Aileen ( green meadow)

  2. Green Meadows who made your shirt was it buttons n more????


    Do you have the pcom logo on the front? I liked your alot maybe it was the color difference.




    Yes, Buttons made my shirt. I'm gonna see if I can get a few more so

    I don't have to worry about having a clean one when I need one. I'm

    thinking about a nice meadow scene to go with it. Yes the p'com is

    on the front. Any ideas on a picture?


    Green Meadow

  3. Hi, My name is Green Meadow. Favorite color is _ _ _ _ _. My

    children have to get on the computer before I get home from

    work or they don't have a chance. They call me at work to see

    what time I will be home so they can get their computer work

    done. Yes I am an addict. Please someone I think we need some

    professional help. I sneak away from my desk to the one that

    has a computer every chance I have at work to log in to p'com.

    I need help I don't know if I can stop. I have been addicted for

    almost 4 months. Does it get any better or worse? Good luck

    newbies. Try to keep your self in control.


    p.s. maybe there is a pill for this addiction.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  4. :ph34r: I hope (not) they have a very restful sleep

    tonight and that they have very sweet dreams of

    little kittens jumping over clouds. Life does make

    a complete circle and everything that you do good

    or bad will come back to you. In this case I hope

    it comes back triple bad.





  5. Sounds like a great schedule to me. Especially the eating part. I

    can't wait to taste those apple pies. I hope she is bringing some

    ice cream to go with them. Please anyone and everyone who

    would like to help set up or clean up or help with the food, let

    us know. I know this family will appreciate anything we can

    do for them. I'm still working on the bbq.




  6. I would love to help but I am trying to help my parents pay for the Funeral bill they owe for my brother.. they are now paying interest on this.. so pretty much what is being paid is going for the interest.. at this point... Our bill was about the same.. they are on fixed incomes as they are both disabled so it is up to me to help them.. God bless this family and my prayers are said every day for them as I understand their pain and suffering..

    I wish My brothers organs would have been able to have been donated.. He was very healthy.. I read his autopsy report.. he was in better shape than many young kids today..so sad he did it the way he did.



    Just you being able to think about this family after the tragedy you have been through

    is wonderful. People help each other in different ways. Just because you can't

    financially help doesn't mean you arent' doing something for this family. Just having

    them in your thoughts and prayers is enough.




  7. Thanks Madea, Mama Jess and LL for your help. I can't

    wait for you to meet this family and hear their stories

    about Baby Cheyenne. They are so proud of her.

    The love for this child is so visible in them.



    Aileen (gm)

  8. I am looking for an orange vest for traffic control.

    If anyone at the shelter has one can you bring it with

    you. Oh please make sure it has a hat. Remember

    when it rained. Oh that was cold. I'll see everyone

    in Hiram around 2.



    $5.00 rabies shots. Awesome deal everyone.

    Don't miss it.




  9. I somehow completely missed this topic. I went to a party

    once and I think the question I kept asking was what is

    that and how do you use that? Somethings I'm still now

    sure about. We had a great time. I laughed all night.

    Of course the beverages provided helped ease most

    of the embaressment anyone had. I will try to come.

    Would like to meet everyone.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  10. Thanks LL for setting this up. I've been out of town this weekend.

    My palpal is set up if anyone wants to send anything. And we can

    contribute it all in the name of p'com. I also wanted to share some-

    thing I read while at my moms this weekend. A young man was

    on leave from the service and was driving home late one night

    and fell asleep at the wheel. He was killed, not in battle but a few

    miles from his home. This poem was placed in the local paper by

    his mother. I thought of Johathan and his family immediately when

    I read it.



    He Only Took My Hand (by Verity McClugage)


    Last night while I was trying to sleep,

    My son's voice I did hear. I opened my

    Eyes and looked around, but he did not appear.


    He said....Mom, you've got to listen,

    You've got to understand, God didn't take

    Me from you, Mom, He only took my hand.


    When I called out in pain that night, the instant

    That I died, He reached down and took my hand,

    And pulled me to His side.


    He pulled me up and saved me from the misery

    And pain. My body was hurt so bad inside,

    I could never be the same.


    My search is really over now, I've found

    Happiness within. All the answers to my

    Empty dreams and all that might have been.


    I love you all and miss you so and

    I'll always be nearby. My body's gone

    Forever, but my spirit will never die!


    And so, you must all go on now,

    Live one day at a time. Just understand-

    God did not take me from you,

    He only took my hand.

  11. Welcome aborad LL. Love to have you. Anyone is welcome to join in.

    This is for a very special Angel. Anything that we can do in her memory

    will be greatly appreciated by her parents. Doreen I am still working on

    the BBQ but I will let you know. And I have to say Doreen and I are

    sooooo disappointed that you don't get to hear us sing. ( not ) You

    just (really) don't know what you will be missing.



  12. Going to visit my mom for the weekend. I will check in with everyone and pm

    on Monday. Thank you everyone. Have a great Labor Day.



    My friend told me last night that the place she was looking at didn't

    work out. If anyone knows of a place $500-600 a month please

    let me know.


    Again Thank you




  13. My best friend, who some of you know, suffered the lose of

    her grandchild several months ago, is trying to move forward

    with her life. She is getting a place of her own and she is in

    need of household items. She needs the basics to set up her

    household ( furniture included ). If you can help please let me

    know or you can simply call her cell and leave a message.

    (770) 755-0417 Thank you for anything you can do.



    Aileen (Green Meadow)

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