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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. She has a big heart!


    I have a fairy statue that would be nice for the garden.

    Aileen, can I drop it off to you at work tomorrow?



    Absolutely, I will deliver your fairy and place it in a place of honor.

    I sent my daughter out to find the pig statue and actually I have

    four. So I will bring them all. My digital camera was stolen so

    I'm hoping Nanny has one and can post some pictures on here




  2. The more and more that I read this I knew that I couldn't

    in my heart let this dog be put to sleep. Thank you

    so much for talking him into your home. Mine is kind of

    full of many dogs and kids, but I would have done some-

    thing to help him. If a picture of every animal that is

    going to be put to sleep is put on here maybe we could

    empty the shelter. ( I wish )



  3. I'm so glad everything turned out well. I couldn't be with you in body

    but I sure was with you in spirit. Everyone was on my mind today.

    I thought about the Winchester family around 11:00 and the Hicks

    this afternoon. And all of the volunteers that so graciously gave their

    time and love today. Even through today is over there is still tomorrow

    and the day after and the day after and so on. Lets not forget that

    these families will still comfort and support for a long time to come.




  4. I was talking to one of the out of town family members yesterday and they

    could not believe what one community could do. She said she had never

    seen anything like it. I don't know what state she lived in. But I thought

    this was normal. You are supposed to help your fellow man. No matter

    who they are. At least she can go home knowing that her family is being

    taken care of.





    PsychoMom, Don't forget I have paper goods.

  5. Just left PsychoMom at Clark. She asked me to let people know what the

    needs for tomorrow are.


    Paper goods ( eating utensils, plates, napkins and cups.

    Food ( sandwichs, desserts, things that don't need to be heated )



    And most of all VOLUNTEERS. They need help setting up and serving.

    Please pm or let them know that you are available and when.


    Thanks you,



  6. Thanks Nanny for starting the post. Just got back from the Funeral Home.

    I got there around 4:20 and the line was just forming inside. I left around

    5:15 and the line was outside and going around the building. All of those

    young kids were so sad. The parents of both kids were so strong for

    these kids. I didn't know Mrs. Hicks but I felt that I needed to talk to

    her. She never left her sons side and her hand was always touching

    him. She was so pround of her son. She said that now both of her

    men are together in Heaven. I cannnot imagine how she was even

    standing there. She said that she buried her husband 40 days ago.

    And tomorrow she will bury her son. I wanted to somehow take

    away some of her pain, but she said that her faith would get her

    through this. She said if Job in the bible could do it then so could

    she. May God Keep her in his embrace. I got to play in the dirt today

    with Liberty Lady. She is doing an awesome job. She will update later

    on what is still needed in the garden. Hope to have a picture of it on

    here tomorrow. The parents of both kids are asking for notebooks and

    pens for each young person that is there tomorrow. Rianna's mom said

    that she wrote in her journal all the time. There were several books on

    her bed today. She wants all the kids to be able to write down their

    thoughts and memories. They have about 250 notebooks they need

    as many more as possible, and ink pens to go with them.


    PsychoMom asked that people please try to donate paper goods for

    the fellowship service tomorrow. Plates, cups, napkins, eating utensils

    and food. She especially needs volunteers to help set up and serve.

    If you can help please let her know. I can take things in the morning

    if anyone wants to drop them off as Nanny said. Thank you for

    anything you can do.




  7. Everyone handles grief and loss differently. When my first husband died in

    a car wreck I was told that I would go through the stages of grief. Well I

    didn't follow the stages. I skipped many of them and went back to them

    later. No one can tell you how to feel. Somedays I think everything is okay

    and then he pops in my head and my heart breaks again. My son was 9 months

    old and I didn't know until after the funeral that my daughter was expected.

    I still don't remember a lot of the funeral itself and it has been 14 years. I

    wanted to scream when people said I know how you feel and the best one is

    "what can I do for you?" My comment to them was to bring him back to me.

    Of course they couldn't. So why ask? I know people just want to help in some

    way but the best thing is to put your arm around them, let them know that you

    are there and if they want to talk about that person then let them. And don't

    forget about them after everything is over. We all know that is isn't truly over

    for a long time sometimes never.




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