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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. This is Aileen( Justice's Gamaw's best friend ) and we are logged in under the same name

    j gmaw. I would like to order a beef lasagna from the auction and I will donate it to

    Mike, Jesse and the family. I am so proud to say " I live in Paulding County". This whole

    experience has been awesome. None of you had to do what you have done for them.

    I hope in the future there is a way to repay your kindness with kindness. Any of us

    would love to help with any fundraisers that you have going on that needs volunteer

    help. Just send us a message and we will be there. God Bless Everyone of You and

    Thank You Soooooo much. I will take two small trays this saturday. Just let me know

    when and where. I will be volunteering at the rabies clinic Sat. Any time before or

    after will be fine.





    Do you want the lasagna with or without ricotta? Also, is the rabies clinic at the shelter? If so, I can bring it there for you. Let me know, and let Doreen know what baked item you want with it.







    Yes, please add the ricotta. The bread would be great also. The rabies clinic is at the Fire

    Station beside the new Kroger in Dallas. It runs from 2-5 at a cost of $5.00 ( a great deal ).

    If you don't mind I will see you there. I also have a couple of donation checks for you

    ( total of $40.00 ).



    Thanks again,



  2. This is Aileen( Justice's Gamaw's best friend ) and we are logged in under the same name

    j gmaw. I would like to order a beef lasagna from the auction and I will donate it to

    Mike, Jesse and the family. I am so proud to say " I live in Paulding County". This whole

    experience has been awesome. None of you had to do what you have done for them.

    I hope in the future there is a way to repay your kindness with kindness. Any of us

    would love to help with any fundraisers that you have going on that needs volunteer

    help. Just send us a message and we will be there. God Bless Everyone of You and

    Thank You Soooooo much. I will take two small trays this saturday. Just let me know

    when and where. I will be volunteering at the rabies clinic Sat. Any time before or

    after will be fine.

  3. this is mommy and daddy, thank you! we are absolutely speechless :)

    there are no words to express the love that everyone has shown. oh;

    here comes the words, in my imaginary fantasy land in my head I have always dreamed of living in a place where the community comes together like you guys have done for us, so not only have yall helped

    so much, yall have also made my fantasy come true. much love, and tons of thanks.


    we are very grateful,


    michael and jesse (pate) Hollingsworth

  4. Tabby Cat


    I'm not sure if we met at the car wash or not. We met a lot of new and

    wonderful people. I hope something I say from the family will ease

    your heart. I know that God has a purpose and a plan for everyone.

    And I know that Justice was chosen by God to go home with him

    that day. Just like it wasn't in the plan for you to make a new home

    for this puppy. We truly appreciate everything you did or said for

    us. It isn't always the $$$ that counts. It is what you give with your

    heart and soul. And from all that I have been reading on Paulding.com

    you have truly made a difference in our familys life. Everyday that

    we visit and talk to Justice, we will ask him to give God our special

    request to Bless You and Keep You Strong.



    Your in our thoughts and prayers,


    J gmaw



    ( Justices gmaw)

  5. This message is to all Paulding County residents and all pcommers who have volunteered

    and donated for baby Justice's carwash. As Justice's gamaw I sincerely appreciate and

    can't thank you enough for all you have done for me and our family during the time of

    our loss. I felt love and compassion from everyone who was there all day long supporting

    us. Thanks to everyone who came by to make a donation or just to meet the family. You

    may never truly know what a weight has been lifted from our shoulders. And now we

    can finally start grieving instead of worrying about finances. If anyone is ever in need

    of anything please contact the family so we can give back some of what was given to

    us. We will never get over the loss of our precious Justice, but because of each of you

    we can start looking ahead now. God Bless Everyone and Love to everyone that has

    been affected by this.





    Justice's Gammaw

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