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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. I'm getting in late for the bidding and the war.

    I really like both of you so it is not easy choosing

    sides, but you know what they say " money is a

    womans best friend " ( especially a mother and

    son ). So count me in for $40.00.


    Can I still keep the stickers????? And that game

    of pool. Okay maybe I'm pressing my luck.





  2. Burnett Animal Clinic in Villa Rica. They are closed on

    weekends. But he has come in many times for us. Actually

    last weekend we had to go in on Sat. There is a charge

    for after hours. But they are good. Not too far up 61 into

    Villa Rica. Phone # 770 459-2253. Good luck.

  3. Just wondering how the bake sale went???


    We took drinks and help set up so I was curious how it turned out???



    Sorry too tired and hot to post last night. But it was worth it. We raised

    almost $400.00. With the check for Briteman's auction and this we will

    be taking over $500.00 to Clark tomorrow. We are still planning a yard

    sale for this Sat. I think Doreen is starting a post about this. She also

    has the raffle winners. The family was all there and helped so much.

    Anyone reading this right now Double Vision is having a car wash from

    3-6 today for Shelley. Thanks for everyones help and support. And

    also to Mr. Sarcastic for your yard sale help.




  4. WTG CC!!!!! You sure do have a BIG heart and great connections!!




    Oh come on Doreen and show up in a bikini!! Just think of how many pcommers would show up to see that! and if you can convince MizCue, j gmaw, and bluefroggy to be in bikinis too .... what a draw for all to come to!! I'm sure you would sell the place out!




    BEST WISHES TODAY!!!! Take pictures - I'd love to see the crowds!




    The idea here is to raise money by selling food NOT watching people

    throwing it back up.





  5. I talked to the family today. And Shelley and her immediate

    family will be at the sale tomorrow. They will be wearing

    buttons with Justin's pic on it. I had previously posted about

    looking for lockets for the family for ashes. Well a lot of

    people had a lot of ideas. But the big winner was Caped

    Crusader. He has flown in and saved the day once again.

    He has talked to and is going to receive 5 lockets for the

    family. They are valued over $100.00 each. They are

    being donated to the family. I hope he knows what a blessing

    he is to so many people.


    I have heard that Double Vision is having a Bikini Car Wash

    tomorrow for Justin. I think we should change our bake sale

    to a bikini bake sale. And all pcommers that come by must

    wear theirs. ( well maybe not ) Hope to see everyone there.




  6. HUNT! He lives to hunt! If you could see my walls, you wouldn't have to ask that question!


    We have 6 deerheads on the wall, and 10 plaques with antlers. We also have a bobcat mounted, and a black squirrel!


    That's ME time when he goes hunting! I love it! I don't cook, and do whatever I darn well please!



    I SECOND THAT. I help them pack.




  7. First I just wanted to pass along Shelley's and the entire

    familys thanks. The service for Justin was very moving.

    Justin's uncle led the service and the music was so

    moving. I guess the tear jerker of the day was when

    his three sisters stood up and spoke about their brother.

    They were so overcome with grief that it was hard to

    understand what they were trying to say. But there

    was not a dry eye in the chapel. There were some

    very special people there. Several of his nurses that

    had cared for him so lovingly were there. They wept

    openly. They truly loved and cared for him. I truly

    respect these people. To take care of someone every

    day and know that in the next moment they might

    die. How do you not get close to them? My heart would

    break with every child that passed. These are some

    wonderful people. After the service the immediate

    family each released a white balloon in homor of

    Justin. ( another teary moment ) Please don't forget

    about this family in your prayers. They have a long

    way to go.


    Second, Doreen and I were serious about delivering

    cakes, pies etc. If you are in the city limits or on

    someones way home. Please let us know. Don't

    let that pie slip by because you are too busy.

    Hope to see everyone on Sat. We will have name

    tags for pcommers.



    Thank you all,




  8. My husband is a hunter of every animal that you can

    legally hunt. I don't know why he kills anything because

    it just sits in the freezer. I will not prepare or eat

    BAMBI or his mother. So the meat sits in the freezer

    or is given away. My husband and his family lease

    about 250 acres in Macon. I went one time ( and

    only one time ). I went in the tree stand and you

    have to sit perfectly still. I mean no coughing, passing

    gas, sighing, stomach growling etc. I was miserable

    the whole weekend. So the whole family goes

    without me and I do my own hunting ( bargain hunting).

    Maybe your husband can go with mine and we can

    hit the mall.



  9. I have a bunch of stuff to donate for a yard sale. Our All Star team was going to do a yard sale to raise money for entry fees, but, this is WAY more important. There is a problem, I can't drop it off! We have put it all on a small trailor (one of those that you pull behind a 4-wheeler) You can't pull it with a truck hitch. If there is someone that can come to my house, we can help them load it up. It is all in boxes. Also, my BIL girlfriend is moving this weekend, and we were going to go to her house and get a BUNCH of stuff that she is getting rid of. We were hoping to go on Friday to get it. You guys are more than welcome to that aswell. She lives in Douglasville. If someone don't go get it, she is going to throw it away.


    Let me know if someone can come and get the stuff. (There is really alot on the trailor).


    I hope this can help!





    That would be great. I'm sure that I can get someone to come with a truck. I'll get my

    hubby to come on Sat. If you can call me tomorrow ( 770 445-1133 ) at Brookwood

    I will see if I can possible get a truck on Friday and meet you in d'ville. Thanks for

    the donations.




  10. You know what? Delivering pies, cakes etc. is not a bad

    idea. If it is in the Dallas area. Maybe give us your

    request and where you will be and I'm sure we could

    find a delivery driver. I'm going to try to make brownies

    if work gives me time. I think I will have the kids at

    daycare help me on Friday. On and Doreen I'm 99%

    positive that Zaxby's is going to donate coolers of

    ice. I will know for sure and how much tomorrow.

    Are we good on tables? And I will definitely need

    a chair, after a week like this I intend only to sit and

    sample. ( yeah sure ). Funeral is tomorrow, please

    remember everyone that has been touched by Justin's







  11. I think with all of the support that I am seeing on here

    that there is going to be plenty of money to give Justin

    a nice funeral service and still let the girls choise a

    locket with his ashes. I will give their mom or grandmother

    the sites that everyone has graciously posted and let

    her and the girls decide. The girls and I went shopping

    for some nice clothes today. They were given a nice

    heart locket and they are going to put a piece of his

    hair in it. Everyone please remember them all tomorrow

    as they say goodbye to Justin. Don't forget the bake

    sale saturday. Wow what an awesome community we





  12. if all im reading is ture, he is getting cremated? or no?

    hows is funeral gonna be? an open casket...then are they going to cremate him?

    im so confused. sorry guys. :unsure:



    There will be a viewing from 10-2. And then a service at 2. After

    the service the body will be sent off for cremation. You can do

    it that way or not view the body. But there is a better sense

    of closure for the family and friends seeing him and knowing

    that he is really gone. Hope that explains it for you.



  13. OK we may have to go another route, those necklaces are 100.00 and over,


    so please j gmaw see if they will think of something else, I am so sorry I just can not afford that,



    Yeah, neither can I or they. I was talking to Doreen and if there is money left over

    we could put it toward this. Clark would probably give us the best deal. Lucille ( the

    grandmother ) said that Sam Clark said that they could bring lockets, necklaces, or

    whatever anytime and they would fill them with the ashes for them. I'm just looking

    for the best deal. I'm sure Shelley would be happy with anything. The girls just have

    their hearts set on something they can wear that has a part of their brother in it.




  14. I'm here finally. Sorry Doreen that you had to handle this

    by yourself. I have a field trip around 2:00 on Fri. but someone

    will be at Brookwood and happy to take your donations.

    Yes we are across from Dallas Elem. The # is 770 445-1133.

    Lucille ( grandmother ) wants to thank everyone for their

    support in this time. We would like to have a yard sale

    in the upcoming weeks and the grandmother works for

    Ryans and they will help with food for that day. So yes

    drop off your donations of yard sale things to us at

    Brookwood. Special Thanks to Caped Crusader and Briteman

    for their help. Doreen I will be in touch.

  15. I talked to the grandmother for quite a while today.

    And she told me somethings about his passing. Some

    of it Shelley will have to share, but I want to share one

    thing. He actually died yesterday morning and the

    doctors brought him back. Grandmother said that

    when he became conscious after that he said " I

    died and they brought me back, but I have to tell

    you it was SO BEAUTIFUL THERE. There is a peace

    it knowing that he is with God and flying with the

    Angels. His sisters spent the day with us while the

    family made arrangements. They are doing great.

    Justin never hid anything from them. He told them

    everything about his condition and where he was

    going when he died. He prepared them well. They

    told me that they want to keep some of his ashes.

    We talked about a necklace that they can put them

    in. One of them ( I still can't tell them apart ) told

    me that she had 4 quarters and 5 dimes would that

    be enough to buy them all a necklace for Justin. I

    knew it wouldn't but I told her that I'm sure that

    it would. If anyone knows where there are nice

    memorials for them please let me know. Thank you

    for everything everyone is doing. Keep remembering

    them in your prayers.





  16. Does anyone know the arrangements yet? I am so sad to hear this. He was a friend of my daughters.

    My prayers are with this family as they go through this devestating time. He will be missed so much.




    The viewing will be from 10-2 on Thursday. And the service will be in

    the chapel of Clark Funeral Home at 2:00. The grandmother asked

    me to thank everyone for their prayers, support and anything

    that they are doing to help.




  17. I have know Shelley and her family ever since they

    moved here. She is a wonderful lady. Very strong

    and independent. She has done a great job raising

    all five of her children by herself. I have seen first

    hand what this community can and will do when there

    is a family ( especially a child ) in need. You were

    there for the family of Baby Justice and now we can

    all be there for Shelley. Justin ( Shelley's son ) lived

    a short wonderful life and a long painful life. No matter

    how bad it got he never gave up and neither should we.

    Let's all get together and help Shelley bury her child.

    Funeral expenses are what the family will need help

    with. God Bless Everyone who reads this, prays for

    them and finanically helps them.



    Thank You,




  18. One of our dogs gets car sick and our vet said

    to give him a travel sickness pill, just like a human

    would. Give it to him before you go. It worked

    with our dog.




  19. Aileen


    Have you tried calling B&B septic?


    We have used them before and they were great.






    Thanks, but it isn't the septic tank people that are holding us up.

    They have to have a permit before they dig anything. That is

    what I can't get. We have called the office everyday and still

    the guy has not came to look at the property and give us the

    permit to fix it. I have a man ready to dig. His supplies are

    here, but without the permit from the county we are stuck.



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