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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. I go to work for two days and you guys have accomplished

    so much. I know there is no way I or anyone could have done

    any of this alone. Thank you everyone involved in this. I'm sure

    Cheyenne is smiling down on everyone.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  2. Oh how I wish that I could have at least one more day with my precious mother. This time of year is very difficult for me. It was three years on Sept. 11th when my mother lost her terrible battle with cancer. If I had one more day with my mother, I would get in the car with her and drive to her favorite vacation spot, St. Simon's island. We would have a picnic lunch on the grounds below the lighthouse and we would talk about everything under the sun. I would hug her and kiss her and tell her how much I love her and how much I have missed her. I would also want to know what it is like in heaven and how my other relatives and friends are doing in heaven!


    OK, I'm choking on my tears now. :(



    I'm sure those are happy tears for the wonderful memories that you have described.

    I wish I had the magic to grant everyone their day.




  3. I will try to type in my reply, but it is only through tear filled eyes that I do. Guess I need to apologize ahead of time if there are any typos.


    Anyway, it is difficult for me to narrow it down to just one person. I definitely would want to spend the day with my Pappaw. I spent every day with him and miss him so much. We would spend the day just really doing nothing but enjoying each other. He would definitely have to teach me how to fry chicken like he used to do, because no one can fry a chicken like Pappaw could. I also would want him to meet my children. He died in 1987 and my first child wasn't born until 1994. The second person I would want to spend the day with is my father-in-law. Not only for me but for my husband because I know how much he misses him. I know he always wanted a granddaughter too. His granddaughter was born in 2001 and he passed away in 1997. I don't know that he could spoil her anymore than what she already is.


    The thing we must all hold onto is that even though we may not get those second chances here on earth, we will all one day be reunited again to spend eternity together. Do you think I will learn how to fry chicken in heaven though?




    I think your Pappaw is with my grandmother frying chicken together. She could fry the best

    chicken. We could all go to her house every Sunday and eat. She would always save me the

    wishbone and we would make a wish and pull it apart. Funny how I always got the long end.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  4. For me no words are necessary for either one of my special men. One was 17 and the other 51. I would just like to touch them one more time. Just a touch!!!!



    No there are no needs for words. Your grief is still so fresh. I'm sorry if this topic has

    made it any worse. I just bet if you close your eyes and pray really hard that you can

    feel that touch. You are still in my thoughts everyday. May God continue to hold you in

    his embrace.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  5. Ok. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone teary tonight. It seemed

    like a good idea. I know it brings up sad memories, but thinking about

    the people you have lost also brings back all the wonderful, unforgetful

    ones too. Kind of makes you love the ones around you just a little more

    tonight doesn't it? I know they are all watching and loving this tonight.

    The grandmothers are holding the little ones as they listen to our stories.

    And I'm sure there are no tear there tonight.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  6. You know the old saying " Kill them with Kindness". The

    meanier and nastier they are the kindier and friendlier I

    try to be. I always try to let vehicles out at intersections

    and people cross the street. I try to think what if that

    were me. I would want someone to let me cross the road

    with my packages or pull out ahead of them in traffic.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  7. I would spend the whole day with My 7 Month old Daughter who passed away from SIDS on March 2, 2006. I would hold her and sing sweet songs to her. I would also have kept our family at home so that we could spend the last day with her holding, kissing, and playing in the floor with her. I actually stayed home with my kids 2 days before she passed away. There is not a day that goes by that we all think about her. We all miss and love her dearly.



    I had a sister that died of SIDS. I don't remember her. I was too little. Then

    they didn't know very much about it. My mom definitely knows how you feel.



    Aileen (green meadow )

  8. I'll chime in... I'd spend the day with the girl I was going to marry just a few short months after two teens who were racing killed her. A day would be great, had that cbut I'd really love just 5 minutes to tell her that I love her one more time. She was killed while I was out of town on Navy duty, and I never hance...


    I am very blessed to be married today to a wonderful, beautiful lady who supports me in everything I do... But, as they say, 8 years later, and I still miss the first one every bit as much as I did 8 days after she was taken. Perhaps among my biggest blessings today is being married to a lady who doesn't try and "cover-up" the one that was killed. She is very understanding and allows me "alone time" at the cemetery whenever I need it.





    You know I think just being able to say goodbye would fill in some of that large

    hole that is left in your heart when they are taken so quickly. You are truly blessed

    with a wonderful wife. My husband now has absolutely not problem when I need

    time to go to the cemetery or just talk about him. My husband now even buys

    flowers for me to take. I want to keep his memory alive for his children.



  9. Thank you Aileen,Have you talked anymore to CC,Also any idea on who all is going to be there?need to nail everything down tomorrow if possible.




    I will send him a pm to remind him. I invited him but he didn't give

    me a yes or no. He had some ideas for the benefit. If he isn't coming

    maybe he can let us know what he worked out.



  10. Well Mr. Cookie Monster, the next event is the benefit for

    Baby Cheyenne. And I hear Doreen is making dozens of

    those cookies. So you had better start saving your $$$$$.

    These will be some very expensive cookies.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  11. Aileen--I'm sorry for your loss.


    I would spend it with my Dad who passed away in April. The pain of losing him is still so raw, and I miss him so much.


    I'd tell him all of the things that I didn't say then because I didn't want to accept that he was about to die. I was afraid to say it to him, because I didn't want him to think that I had given up hope. Looking back, I have great regrets about it. I'm sure they were things that he knew, but I wish that he and I would have said them out loud.





    I'm sure that he knows everything that was and is in your heart. I believe that they

    are with us watching over us. I still have my Dad and I can't imagine your loss.

    Peace and comfort to you.



  12. This was an article in the Parade in the AJC.


    I'll start.


    I would spend it with my first husband, who was killed in an

    auto accident. We would spend the day doing and saying things

    we thought we had forever to do and say. He would spend time

    with his children that didn't know their father. I would get to say

    goodbye and I Love You this time. And we would be so thankful

    for that last day.


    Aileen (green meadow)

  13. I've lived in my house for almost 14 years and only this

    year did they say I would be taxed for a building that

    has been here since the house was built. And what is

    the deal with one bill for personal property and one for

    real property? (someone I know got this) She was told

    that everyone would receive a bill for personal property.

    I don't understand all of this tax stuff. How do you dispute

    it if you don't understand it?


    Green Meadow

  14. This is horrible! Before pointing the finger at anyone remember that accidents can and do happen. We don't know all the facts and shouldn't judge or jump to conclusions on who should be punished. When you think of it both families will be punished for the rest of their lives knowing that they both equally contributed to the accident whether it was not keeping the child close enough or not seeing the child in time to stop.


    I agree. Please don't be judge and jury right now. That is not our job. There is a

    higher power that does that. Please just remember them all in your thoughts and

    prayers. And hope that they can find some kind of peace.


    Aileen (green meadow)







    This makes me so sad, my baby is 20 months old. When we are in the front yard he always wants to dart for the road, man is he fast!!! This is a big fear of mine which is why we got our backyard fenced and why I keep the kids back there with the gate locked just incase someone tries to sneak out when my back is turned. Sooooo very sad. My heart aches for all involved especially whoever was watching the child.

  15. I'm so glad to see you were able to post. I have seen the pure

    anguish and hurt in your eyes. I hope in some small way that

    the garden lifts you up and gives you some kind of peace. I

    was truly honored to have been a part of Riannas Garden. I

    didn't know her before but I felt like I did in her garden and

    hearing all the stories and just being in her room. You were

    truly blessed and are still blessed with two more beautiful

    children. I know you hear it all the time but if you or the

    garden needs anything please don't hesitiate to call on your

    pcom family. You are and will always be in my heart and



    p.s. we still need to have that hotdog roast in the garden



    Aileen (green meadow)

  16. I'm kind of new on here. I read a lot but don't post too much. It's so fun to read everyone else's posts. My hubby says I'm addicted. I guess he's right. Pcom is my homepage. I often find myself saying, hey want to hear this joke I read on Pcom? My hubby will ask at least once a day while I'm on the computer, "Are you on Pcom again?" or "You're on Pcom aren't you?"



    Just so he doesn't think you are an addict you can reply to his questions with " No honey

    I'm looking for something for work or I'm helping the kids with a project. " If he comes

    in the room turn off the screen real fast. He'll never know.


    Green Meadow

  17. uhhhh.... freck leave her alone.... :angry:


    she is supposed to be doin sumpin else right now...... :D



    Okay Mr. Freaky I think I will just go help her do that

    "sumpin else". But be very very careful when you

    get that "sumpin else". Remember you've been




    Green Meadow ( aileen )

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