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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. I am having hard time just reading this post. That is a

    picture of my baby on my avaitor.

    I had to have her put to sleep on May 3rd. A lot

    of you remember. I cried on here and a lot of you with me.

    Whatever you do make sure that you are with them at the

    end. I will never forget it. And I think that it made it easier

    for her to go, just knowing that I was holding her. It hurts

    just remembering it. I miss her everyday. I took her to

    Dr. Lugar and she was awesome. I couldn't imagine driving

    her home with me, so I had her cremated. Some of her

    ashed are bured in the flower bed with her own personal

    marker and the rest are on the mantel to be buried with

    me. I do know that Burnett Animal Clinic in Villa Rica will

    come to your house for most everything. You could call

    and see what they say. I had a hard time deciding if it

    was time to let her go. And Dr. Lugar told me to look at

    the quality of her life and I knew that I wasn't being fair

    to her. I was being selfish. Remember you are not alone

    in this and you can get on here anytime and any of us that

    have been there will support you.



  2. did you recieve my donation? i never got an email back and i wanted to make sure it got where it needed to go!




    I did and I'm sorry I thought I sent you a message. I took the money to Eberhart

    yesterday. I had 75.00 in paypal. And that included your extra $25.00. Thank

    you so much for your help. Let's all stay updated on the plans for the benefit

    for Baby Cheyenne.




  3. yeah Helen is fun. they have a water park now..if you ride the pink tubes you can pay $15 and tube the river then get out and play the rest of the day at the water park..it has 4 slides and a lazy river.

    We own a membership in a RV resort up there



    I have lived in GA for almost 16 years and I have never been to Helen. We have 4 teenage

    girls and 1 teenage boy. Is there plenty for them to do? And how expensive is lodging?

    Any suggestions on hotels?





  4. I'm a little behind. I just read this and WOW Pcommers Do It Again.

    Sometimes you have to ask for a little help. Pride gets pushed out

    the window. Especially if you have children. Stepping up and asking

    for help shows what kind of person and mother you are. One that

    your kids should be very proud of. I know it is only July, but Christmas

    is approaching very fast. I have tons of Christmas stuff. I always go

    after Christmas ( oops it is after Holiday now isn't it ) shopping and

    get stuff I will never use. Pm me if you need any thing. I would like

    a list of what you still need. I go to yard sales A LOT. And I am always

    picking up deals. Keep your head up things will get better.




  5. RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions.


    Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops.

    Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar will wear something red.


    By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers.


    If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long

    before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.


    The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers.


    Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.




    Thanks for explaining. I wasn't sure exactly where the whole red Friday was coming from.

    I keep hearing about it on 98.5. I don't know about the other radio stations. But they are

    calling it Red Friday and have said that it will last as long as our troops are gone. If only

    that was all that it took to bring them home, we would wear RED eveyday.




  6. Thanks for the ideas. We have done the Chatt. thing. Did you know they

    have a Zoo? It is small but really cute. Most people don't know it is

    there. There is a special on Channel 5 tomorow about places to go

    in Georgia. I haven't been and would like to go to Pine Mountain

    Park. You drive through and see exotic animals. Has anyone been?

    It is near Callaway Gardens. I like the beach, but not the long

    drive. Would like to go somewhere closer.




  7. We are thinking about taking a few days this coming weekend and

    going out of town. Thinking about Florida. I've been, but would

    like some different ideas. We have 5 kids going to. So it needs

    to be very kid friendly. Thanks for your ideas.




  8. I've heard that there is a lot of red tape involved in this. But if you know what

    your doing and how to it, I say go ahead. I'm sure there are as many pro's

    as there are con's to this. I'll see you tomorrow at Paulding Meadows.




  9. On B-98.5 radio this morning they made the announcement

    that tomorrow and every Friday is Red Day. In honor of

    our troops they are asking Americans to wear red on

    Fridays. I didn't get all the details as to when it stops

    or anything. Someone might have heard more.

    Anyway find your red shirt for tomorrow.




  10. We went without air last night and most of today. Kirkland

    Heating and Air came out today and checked it. All they

    did was clean the coils inside the unit with a water hose.

    There was a lot of dirt and grime. Now the house is finally

    cooling down. It was sooooo hot in here last night. Maybe

    we can sleep tonight.




  11. Ok sorry but when I read "Looking for a real Cowboy" my automatic response was. . ."Aren't we all"

    Carry on I have nothing to contribute but my warped sense of humor




    Yeah I thought especially the ladies would read it. ( well maybe some men too. Just kidding )

    At least I got you to read it. Thanks.



  12. Are you able to take field trips? We visited the Booth Western Museum last week. My kids really enjoyed it. It is in Cartersville. While we were there, there was a large group of kids in your age range that came thru.



    Yes, we take field trips. Mexican week we ate at Bandido's. Pirate week we went

    to Captain D's. We have already scheduled the Booth Museum. I have heard it

    is great. Thanks for the input.



  13. At our daycare we have a theme each week. We just finished with pirate week.

    The kids loved it. I wish we could have seen Pirates of the Carb. II. But it was

    rated too high for us. ( has to be G ). Anyway guess what next week is?

    Western Week. If anyone has any old western things they would like to

    donate or sell to us that would be great. We are looking for things like boots,

    western clothes, belt buckles, hats, western pictures, figurines, old movies

    etc. etc. These kids are between the ages of 5 and 12. We have found some

    things at yard sales. But still need more. Also if anyone has a farm nearby and

    wouldn't mind children visiting that would be great. If anyone is having a yard

    sale this week with any of these things we will come and check it out. If anyone

    wants to call the number is 770 445-1133.







    ( Brookwood )

  14. thank you aileen . I have to go see bumplette sometime today and give her my money.



    I hope you and Critty like the pictues. Thank you for your help.


    As to the topic posted today (that is currently closed) all I am going

    to say is what Johnny Moss just told me in a pm. " The more good

    that you do the more that the devil tries to stop you." " Well guess

    what DEVIL? You lost this one. We will move along and plans are

    in the works now for the benefit singing. And anyone who would like

    to help in anyway is very welcome. And if you can't be there I know

    that your thoughts and prayers will mean just as much. Again you can

    PayPal if you like to Caileen947@aol.com. I will have receipts of any

    and all money that is sent to Eberhart. Everyone have a great evening

    and please continue to remember both families that are dealing with

    these horrible loses right now.




  15. as far as the cakes go,You ladies work on that bake as many as you like,Dinner is also good for benefit singings,burgers,chips and cokes maybe even cake for desert...lol, would be enough i would think,sell plates for $5.00 or so each.I will work on getting the group'/band and the place to have it at.should not take too long...God Bless...JMP




    I will pm with the info. but I have someone who will do bbq plates. I will have to work

    out the details. I will let you know.







    Have a Blessed Day

  16. I have never done it, but Ellen sure can whip up the best I've ever had!! :)

    I was thinking about you today,

    wondering to myself, did Aileen go get that frog :ninja: :ninja: :lol:


    I saw the yard sale sign today, it's still up so I have a idea where it is.



    Maybe we can go back and take a pic of it and say that it was stolen

    and someone will bring it to us. Come on you know you want to try.




  17. About the baby Cheyenne benefit singing,I will get started working on it next week and will see if I can find a national artist that is available.from there things will fall in place and I am sure it will raise the funds needed,also homemade cakes are good to sell at benefit singings as well as raffles I am looking forward to this event,Already getting Blessings just thinking about the love that is going to be there for this family,It will be overwhelming...God Bless...JMP



    We gals can take care of the baking ( except bumplett; she said she can't bake ).

    You just tell us how many and when and they will appear. This is going to be

    so great. I think everyone will be blessed.




  18. extra help is always good,not sure yet but we may need you, we will let you know that day .ok,1 thing I could use that I cannot seem to find is a church tent for the groups to use..It would be a Blessing if you could or know someone that could help with that.The event starts at 11:00am until ? it is a fundraiser to help families that have kids with cancer and also for cancer research.would love to see and meet all of you,just come and enjoy,bring your kleenex,these guys have put together a couple of drama skits that will melt your heart,lots of things for the kids too,moonwalk,dunk tank, face paint,playground..etc...bbq,and pizza



    Will see you there. As to the tents, have you contacted the local funeral homes?

    (Eberhart, Clark) I have seen them at different functions.



  19. o.k. will do,If you want to you can come out to Paulding Meadows this sat.I can meet you and talk about it,You will also be able to see how much I put into fundraisers,This one begins at 11:00am,Has been declaired the largest childhood cancer benefit concert of the year,WAGA fox 5 news will also be there covering this event.15 groups,5 are national artists.I love people and helping those in need.I would love to help this family,May God Bless them and give them comfort.




    You are a God send. I was getting very discouraged. There are not enough thank you's.

    I don't know a lot of the details about Sat. , but I will go back to your original post. Could

    you use some pcom help on Sat? I know I will be there and Baby Justices grandma. Let

    us know what time and what you need us to do. Again Thank You so much.



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