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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. Oh man. I've been watching some old Vanilla Ice videos so I would know

    how to make it look like I was singing. Well maybe next time ( not )

    But Johnny I'm sure that you have a special talent that you would

    like to share with everyone there. I hear that you do a mean belly dance.



    Green Meadow (Aileen)

  2. :wacko: Oh No. We are hoping to raise money not have people

    raising their hands to throw things. Well you know they will probably

    pay us good money to stop singing. What do you think Doreen?

    Might be a new career path for us.



    Aileen (green meadow)

  3. cool name change and congrats on joining (I finally did too!!)


    not to hijack .... but how do you find out about what names mean??? google?



    yeah, just google "meaning of names" " what a name means" there are

    many choices.



  4. Hey there!




    Like the new name



    I looked it up for you just in case you needed a change too. Your name

    had several meanings; '' garden of hollies or garden by the pool " or

    " grey fortress ." Do you like one of those?

  5. Like the new name...sounds 20 years younger...do you feel younger?


    Congrats on the new name



    Not any younger really. But if changing your name makes you younger

    I might change mine at least every other week. (ha)

  6. Okay I have changed my screen name from j gmaw to Green Meadow,

    because when I tried at first to join on here I wasn't able to. And then

    when Baby Justice died his grandmother wanted to talk on here so

    she used j (justice) gmaw ( grandma). It takes a while to explain to

    everyone who I am so I changed it. My name (Aileen ) means

    Green Meadow. And I decided since I am addicted to p'com I might

    as well join. So I am officially ORANGE ( go Vols ). That is all that

    has changed. I am still the same person. I didn't want to confuse

    anyone. Thank you and have a wonderful night.



    GM (green meadow)

  7. I had not intented at all to go the this memorial today. Simply because

    I knew how emotional it was going to be. I was working in Rianna's

    Garden when her sister called and they had forgotten something that

    they really needed at the memorial. And asked if someone could bring

    it. LL was trying to finish up so I thought I could just drop it off and go.

    Well they were waiting on me so I couldn't just walk away. Lara had

    already told me the story that she shared with everyone today. Several

    weeks ago, actually at the funeral of Jonathan Hicks father, Rianna had

    looked her straight in the eyes and told her that when she died she wanted

    to be buried in full soccor uniform and cremated and scattered over

    the soccor field. This was her final request of her mother and no matter how

    difficult she would carry this through. Her ashes was placed in her baby

    cup and scattered at each goal post and at the position she played. There

    was not a dry eye in the crowd. Her mother had her first soccer picture and

    her first jersey. The coach presented the family with Riannas last uniform

    and then the announcement was made ( to the awe of almost everyone)

    The number of the field would no long be #11 it would be #21 Riannas #.

    AND the name of the field would not be the lower field it would now be

    called Riannas Field. What a great memorial. I am now so very glad I

    didn't miss it. I was supposed to be there for some reason. May God

    continue to Bless this and every family involved. And remember that

    we have not forgotten you.




  8. I knew when I started this topic that the negative comments would come. And

    everyone has that right. But could you please if you have anything negative

    to say about any of these centers please please start your own negative topic.

    This was done for one purpose only. For the children of Paulding and the parents

    that actually have no way of knowing which centers do and do not have any openings.

    I knew what I was opening up when I volunteered to do this for everyone involved.

    But I'm asking please just let this topic be what it is and don't make it a place to

    air your dislikes of these centers.


    Thank you,





    ( Brookwood )

  9. Wow. I have tears now as I have had since meeting you at the funeral home.

    We talked about the loss of a husband. We could understand each others

    grief there. But as I said then my heart and my mind will not let me even

    imagine the lose of one of my children. You told me that like Job in the Bible

    God would not give us anymore hurt or pain than we could bear. And you said

    that if Job could do it so could you. And that both of your men were together

    now and that gave you peace. What strong faith you have. My faith is strong

    but could it carry me through the lose of not one but two people that I loved

    so deeply? I can't honestly say I wouldn't lose my mind. You spoke so proudly

    of your son at the funeral home. You spoke about his faith and his strong

    spirit. I sure you didn't know that you were doing this but everytime that

    you talked about him your hand was on his shoulder or smoothing his hair.

    The bond between you was still there. As I'm sure it will always be. You have

    just weighed so heavily on my heart and mind. But it sounds like you will be

    okay. If ever you feel the need for someone to listen to you just click and

    send me a pm. You are not alone. Though most of us never knew your

    son he has made such an awesome impact on this community. We will honor

    his life with a contribution in his name so that he life may go on in someone

    elses music. Please keep in touch with us and let us know that you are okay.




  10. I wish the really good shows could start at 7 and 8. Nine is late for me. ( get

    up at 4:30) I liked the show Vanished. The beginning was a little much for

    me. I didn't like the part with the little boy and the bomb. I'm sure there

    will be more to that story. But the story line keeps you guessing.



  11. AMEN sista :)

    note ** this is a picture of a model :D

    not me :lol: :lol:



    OH I was going to say "that is exactly what you looked like when

    I say you today." I really did like the look. I'm not saying it because

    Doreen did but it did make you look younger. Maybe you could put

    some streaks of color in it next. What are the collage colors? I'm sure

    you son would like it when your in the stands screaming. I really

    did like it.





  12. You are welcome to join us when we get together. :)



    Please do come. The more input the better. I also invited Johnny Moss.

    He has more experience in this than we do. Anyone else that wants

    to help Doreen and I will post when and where we will meet later this





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