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Posts posted by carrie2675

  1. Skylar- My neice is named that and it suits her. When I was pregnant I always had a couple of names picked out ,then waited till they were born to see which one suited them. I have a Lea,Jennifer&a Samantha :rolleyes:


    When I taught pre-k, I had a little girl in my class with the name Skylar. I thought it was different and the name also suited here. She had a sister named Delaney. I liked the names since they were different. My girls are Elizabeth, Amber, and Alicia.


  2. So after all the uproar here in our County about the water going up if you didn't conserve, they have added this note on your water bill.....


    Since the county did such a good job conserving water, the surcharges are on hold. If things change in the future, the surcharges will go into effect and at that time we will know what the fees will bel.


    I can't believe it, can you?????? I was looking for my bill to double, because I don't feel like we cut down any!




    Yeah, I see it on mine.


  3. Is anyone else having low water pressure/or no water at all in the New Hope area????? I came home from work to no water upstairs and little pressure downstairs.


    Well, just talked to the water dept. Gotta love all this building going on, she told me (and she sounded very aggravated) "yes, we had someone hit a water line. It will be out 3 to 4 hours"

  4. I miss my grandfather. His last Christmas here with us, I couldn't go back to Wisconsin because I had to work. My brother, who was in the Marines at the time, went in his "dress blues" to suprise him. My grandfather was very proud of my brother (my grandfather was a military man) seeing him in his uniform. It was the first time my grandfather had seen him since he joined the military, sadly it was also the last time my brother saw my grandfather. I am glad that one of my grandfather's last memories of his grandkids was seeing my brother in uniform.

  5. I have a few memories from past years. Up until I was 9, I lived in Wisconsin so there was snow on the ground. We would open Santa presents, eat dinner with family, and then go out sledding!!!!! In some ways, I do miss the snow and sledding. This year my 2 year old is excited about Santa. I love watching my kids get all excited about Santa and Christmas. :)

  6. What do they sell there. I drive by every now and then and have always wondered.

    They sell a lot of items in bulk, like meat and canned goods. You just go in the door and tell the person behind the counter what you want and they get it for you. Their sausage is pretty good, and they have a pre-made biscuit flour that is good.

  7. Somehow, I don't think it's going to be any better. I may call first, and if they aren't too busy I will run back over.


    I only get my steaks, pork chops, pork loin, and baby back ribs from there. I get cubed steak from Walmart, and boneless/skinless chicken thighs from Sam's. These are the only 3 places I usually get meat from, unless I just can't get to one of those places. I would Patak's would carry all of those things there.



    Where is it?


    On hwy 6, (old 278) right below the new CVS and Briar patch, across from Farmers Furniture in a brown metal building.

  8. Probably another subdivision. :o I was pulling out of my street this evening and it appears they are cutting in a road.


    That is what I thought pulling out of the neighborhood today. But the neighbor told me that it was going to be a small strip mall (like we need one of those <_< )


  9. I really appreciate those kind words Southern Scarlett, I'm sure TBAR would also.


    Me love FBBC :wub: I don't know TBAR, but I do feel he was unfairly accused of something. There are too many out there who feed off of drama and lies.

  10. Well at least it was just the bangs. My daughter came back from her dad's and her stepmom chopped her hair off!!!! Supposedly, she got gum in her hair and the only way it would come out was to cut her hair. To top it all off, the stepmom did it herself!!!! I was in tears (literally crying) when I saw her hair. Now I have to take her to get her hair cut to fix the damage that has been done.

  11. I think everyone does that... I was talking more about passing on two lane roads while both people are moving...


    Example: You're behind someone on some road, they're going 30 MPH in a 45 MPH zone, so after checking for other cars (hopefully :lol: ) you kick it into gear and zoom around them...



    I don't usually pass on a double line. However, as pp said, when you are going so much slower than the speed limit, then I will sometimes.

  12. you can check them ALL from your child's site...j.s.y.k. ;)



    Yup, that is how I check on my daughter's. I let her have a myspace page with the understanding that I know the signin and password. I also told her to let her friends know that I will be logging in under her name so if there isn't something they want me to know, then don't post it. So far, no problems.

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