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Posts posted by carrie2675

  1. My thoughts exactly!! Unfortunately as with many others. These folks will probably see the light of day again and be able to have other children.



    You know, sometimes people like this don't make it out of prison :ph34r: And I sure hope these people don't!!!!

  2. My husband was telling me about it yesterday. He said he saw the news conference with the daddy and grandmother of the girl (he told me that it was "VERY HEARTBREAKING". I was about in tears after reading the article and thinking about what the poor baby had to go through.


    And yes, I agree with all of you who said that the mother and step-father need to be tortured (although I think that may even be too good for them).

  3. That's why Vanderbilt and Kentucky will never get out of the SEC East cellar. Both had golden opportunities to beat the vols and neither could cash in. Kentucky had chance after chance to win today, but it's like they were afraid to step up and make a big play. It sucks that we won't get to play for the SEC, but it's great that we should still get a BCS bid.


    I do agree with you on this. It is nice to see the Dawgs get a chance at a BCS bid.


  4. I would be careful with what you say esp if this is gonna end up in court.....


    I wouldn't say anything that wasn't the truth (and it can be proven to be true). However, it would only wind up being a court issue for myself and my family. But this thread did answer my question as I have never had an issue like this happen before.


    I am going to request that the thread be closed since my question was answered. I would hope that the person that I have the issue with will read this and do the right thing.

  5. If you had a written contract with someone and they chose not to stand up to their end of the obligation, would you say something on a public board to get their attention? I have an issue with someone and I know they read this board. I have tried emails and letters, but the person has chosen not to respond.

  6. I have a home that is available for lease (probably around January 1st). It is in the South Paulding High School, Austin, Nebo school district. It is a 3 bdrm/2 bth home with a full basement and fenced yard. The home is currently unavailable to show, as I am in the process of evicting the current tenants for non-payment. If you would like to see pictures of the home, there is a thread with pictures of the outside and inside. I am wanting to get the word out that the home will be available soon.

  7. ** update** I just spoke with Katie's dad - and Katie is at home - sore with lots of scratches, some staples and stitches. Most bites were to the back of the head and most damage to the ear was in a fold so most will not be visible, and one place on her cheek. She is worn out and afraid so please keep her in your prayers for emotional healing also.


    A neighbor and she were feeding a Germany Shepherd and the dog attacked Katie - the other girl (a very brave 10 year old girl) was able to get Katie to safety.


    Jeff said Scottish Rite ER was just wonderful and took Katie right in (she had to go there from Cobb because the bites went to the cartilage in the ear).


    Thanks again for everyone's prayers and concern for little Katie and this sweet family - please continue to keep them all in your prayers.


    Martha aka penguin



    I am glad to hear that she will be okay. I remember being 3 and being attacked by a dalmatian that I thought was a "nice doggy" (and those were my exact thoughts). My face had to have many stitches and to this day I still have the scars. It took me many years to not be afraid of big dogs again. Hopefully, she won't be as afraid as I was and her scars won't be too visible.

  8. joint custody only means he has a say so in her sports, religion, and what not, It has nothing to do with time spent with who. That would be joint visitation.

    joint custody will not drop child support amounts either.



    Unless you can prove him to be without a doubt unfit, the judge will more than likely order joint legal custody. Joint legal custody is a little different that joint custody. Joint legal means he has a say in his opinion in the child's education, medical, religious, and so forth. This was changed years ago to allow the non-custodial parent more say in the child's upbringing. In most cases, the primary custodian usually has the final say. Joint custody usually means the child splits his/her visitation between both parents equally.


    As far as becoming a single parent, I went out and got a job, found a place to live (one that I could afford), and learned to live without some things that I was accustomed to having. I was fortunate enough that my ex gave me pretty much everything since I had the children. It is a little scary at first, but after a while the girls and I adjusted.

  9. ok for the past three months when I recieve a power bill the amount due is 0.00 each month I call them and they tell me it is correct .. do to I recieved credits...( credits for what I ask) ... they don't know.. not complaining well kindof complaining I love not having a bill ...but really don't want this to turn around and bite me in the A## ... What should I do ? I really don't wanna have to fork up 3 months at once.



    Hmmm.....I will have to ask hubby when he gets home about the program another poster had mentioned.

  10. He makes about 6x the amount I do, so I guess that would make him the bread winner ^_^ He said he liked being in control of the finances and I let him do it!!!! I gladly let him have that job. As for fighting about money, no we don't cause if there is anything not right with the finances...there is only one person to take the blame :ph34r:

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