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Posts posted by carrie2675

  1. While I think many young women can be great mothers, I also think that the patience that comes with age can be helpful. I think I'm more patient now than when I started having babies at 19.



    I say the same thing as you. I was 19 (almost 20) when I had my first. Then 25 and 30 when the other 2 came along. I definiteley have more patience now than I did when I was 20. I also think part of it was not only being young, but the relationship I was in turned out to not be the best.

  2. It is posts like Number Cruncher's that make me second guess myself as a parent. If only I had done this/that with him, if only I had gotten him into little league when he was a zygote so that he would be worn out at the end of the day. If only I had done everything the way everyone else thinks I should then my middle child wouldn't be so hard to handle.

    I am listening (er, reading) to everything that everyone has to say, and trying to be objective about it. I'm not angry, and won't get angry at anyone for voicing their opinions on the matter. I did after all post it on a public message board and I know I'm going to see opinions that I may or may not agree with.

    It is, however, hard to be objective when your child comes to you and says, "Momma do you hate me?" and "Why am I always the one in trouble?"

    If someone has an actual helpful suggestion on how to deal with a hard to handle child, believe you me I'd be willing to try it. We reward him for good behaviour. He does have a gameboy, but does not play it every day. He gets an hour on the game boy if he does well at school. Even then he's bouncing off the walls and can't sit still to play the darn thing. He does get a spanking when I feel the situation warrants it. At one point last year I took everything from his room, and he was told he'd have to earn his toys back with good behaviour. I still have 80% of his things in my closet because of this.


    I'm NOT looking for someone to tell me to medicate him. I'm not looking for someone to tell me what to do. I'm simply asking parents who have children that have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD to tell me what their child is like. I'm trying to make an educated decision based on research in many forms about what I think is best for the future of my child.


    Whether you chose to have medication or not is your decision. Like I said before, whatever way you decide to chose, you are not a bad parent. In my case, I had heard all the things you have mentioned that people said I shoud do. Those things did not work for my child. I did my research on the medication and its possible side effects before I ever had my child take it. You will have to do what is best for you and your child whether it is medication or not. Not every situation is the same. What works for some does not work for others.

  3. I don't hear any bashing. I hear people stating opinions for others to read and use in making their own decision.



    Yes, there is bashing from those who think medication is not the right way to go and judging of those who chose to use medication. Like I said before, if your medication wasn't your choice and it everything worked for you, then that is great. However, some of the posts are very judgemental of the ones who did/are needing medication to help their child.

  4. I have a younger brother who had ADHD. My parents were both in the Navy and didn't have the time to " deal " with him. By doing so, it would interfere with their lives. So, they drugged him up and turned him into a zombie. Everytime I tried to talk to my mom about it. She would cry about how she had tried " everything " to deal with it. Ummmm BS! He was in daycare until he was old enough to go to school. He was in school and a latchkey kid .. until adulthood. So, if that is trying " everything " .. I am sorry that doesn't cut it. So, when parents say they have tried " everything " sorry, I just don't buy it.


    Well, first of all, my child is not a zombie. You don't know what all I have tried because you are not me or live in my house. I have tried the diet, the spankings, and so forth. Not every situation is the same as yours was with your brother. So please stop judging me and others based on your own parenting or what worked for your family. I am not here bashing you or the others who chose not to use medication.

  5. Thank you. Judgement of my parenting skills by many people is exactly what makes me question myself, and whether or not my child is normal.


    You have to do what is best for your child and your situation. I used to have those same feelings that you are having about being a bad parent because my child needed medication. It does not make you a bad parent if you need to have medication to help your child. People need to stop judging other parents based on their own parenting skills or family needs.

  6. I have seen medication work wonders on a child who was absolutely unable to function in public (not just in school) more than once. But medication should not be the only thing considered.


    Don't blast everyone for choosing medication, each situation is different. If a child had epilepsy or diabetes or cancer or any other illness, would you blast them for choosing medication to treat their child? If so, you have a different problem. One that cannot be addressed in this forum. But if you would blast them for NOT treating their child's illness, then how can you, in the same breath, blast them FOR treating their child?


    Some children do need medication for ADD/ADHD, some don't. For a while, it was overprescribed. Parents need to be aware of their own child. They do not need to bury their heads in the sand and pretend it is all normal child behavior if it isn't. If your child truly needs medication, you are neglecting them if you do not get it. If they do not (which means they can and do function successfully without it), then don't get them medication.


    Psychomom, thank you for what you said.

  7. They do learn to control it themselves, if you let them. The problem is, most parents want instant results. It takes years and patience .. Our daughter is proof of that.



    Okay, I wasn't going to reply to any of the "anit-medication" posts. However, I do kind of take offense to your first statement that"they can learn to control themselves if you let them". I tried to do everything I could to have my child learn to control her emotions. To those of us who did decide to have medication to help our children, your statement comes across like we didn't try or don't want to deal with it. If you are able to do this without medication, that is great. But not every person is able to do that. I know, I tried for 3 years before medication and I am one of the most patient people in the world. It is great that your daughter was able to do it without medication, but just remember not all children are the same. What may work for you and your family, may not work for others.

  8. My 7 year old was officially diagnosed earlier this year. She showed symptoms a couple of years ago. Some of her symptoms were not being able to focus on school work, being able to stay in her seat for more than 3 minutes, and so on. When she was being evaluated, she was literally crawling and jumping all over the room. The therapist asked her if she stayed in her seat, my child replied "no, I don't stay in my seat" as she was jumping around the room. My child also had a very serious problem with controlling her emotions. She would scream, cry, even yell at the teacher when someone would look at her. We choses to put her on medication (which has been great). At her conference this year, her teacher said she stays in her seat, finishes her work, and no drama which is a major difference from previous years.

  9. Please, what cut of meat do you use for the pot roast?


    I buy Chuck roast. To me, it has always been the best. I have tried the other cuts, but it always comes out too tough.

  10. Oh my god!!!! I know Tiffany (when she was married to David) from when she and I worked together at another bank a few years ago. She and David adored their children. I remember Casey as a baby. Does anyone here know how to get intouch with her. I would like to send her something. Please PM me.

  11. I buy a Chuck roast (other types are too tough to me). Then I slow cook it in the crock pot over-night and all day. It falls apart it is so tender. I use Worchestershire sauce (just a little of it), garlic, and other seasonings.

  12. Ours is usually business casual. The guys don't have to wear suits, but must have on a tie (except during the summer). The ladies must have on hose if wearing a skirt and closed toe shoes. During the summer we can wear open-toe shoes and leave the hose at home. On Fridays, it is Khaki pants and our lovely black company shirts...so we can all match :p

  13. Back in the day, in Wisconsin (so you know beer was flowing heavily...) we decided to eat my friends guppies out of her fish tank! Yes...she was right there with us! Ohhhhhhhh the headache the next day!


    Yes, the beer flows heavily in Wisconsin. Don't ask me how I know :ph34r: My family thinks I am weird because I eat bologna and ketchup sandwiches.

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