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Posts posted by carrie2675

  1. At least I can see that there is some hope.






    I am actually trying to not blame myself for being a "slacker mom."

    See, back in Dec. 2006, I was diagnosed with cancer. I had the surgery to remove the cancerous tumors on Feb. 2nd of this year. Unfortunately, the nurse killed me (literally) by giving me too much pain meds. Obviously, I was "brought back to life," but ended up having a harder time with the whole recovery thing. Then, I had to have the third tumor removed in June '07. Leaving me with more recovery time.

    So, as a result of my cancer/surgery stuff, we kind of "put off" the potty training thing. We only started potty training him about a month ago! I feel like I am a slacker because we have waited so late to start trying!


    That is my problem with listening to my friends say that they didn't have many problems..."he should be trained by now, mine was"..."what, he still has a pacifier?! He shouldn't have that still at his age"... But, dang! I had cancer and we thought that the pacifier was a comfort thing for him (since he was watching his mommy go through surgeries, couldn't touch/hug mommy because he might hurt her boo-boo, etc. etc.) We just didn't push him much as to not upset him further.

    We knew that this whole thing would be a life changing thing for all of us, but none of my friends see it the way we are seeing it! <_< :unsure: :(



    You are not a slacker mom!!!!! As for your friends with the comments, no two children are alike nor will do things at the same age as other children. If you want, next time they start making comments...ask them "who made you Queen Mom?" Trust me, they won't know how to respond. I had to tell that to a certain person who was always making comments like what you have said. I have 3 children. My oldest didn't fully potty train until she was about 3 and 1/2. My middle one was at 19 months. The youngest will be 3 in February and she isn't fully trained yet either. So I guess it would be safe to say not all children "should be trained by now" ;) My pediatrician told me that my daughter would go when she is ready and try not to push too much.

  2. Watching the Polar Express helps those who don't believe.My parents NEVER have said there is no Santa and I plan to continue the tradtion.We have always said if you quit believing he quits coming. I do believe.



    That is pretty much the same thing we have told the girls.

  3. Thanks, we are going to try the candy thing. I was trying to avoid going that route, but I am so desperate that I am now willing to try anything.


    dont do candy.... try fruit snacks... they are better for the child. or try a chart with stars.

    See, that's what bothers me too about doing the candy thing. I have always heard that that is a big no-no.

    That is whay I feel like we are out of ideas. :mellow:

    and dont give up, try to only put him in pullups when he goes to bed... b/c it sounded like in your 1st post that he will only poop in his pullups and not his underwear. maybe he will get the point that he is getting bigger.... and try letting him know that he is a big boy now and big boys only poop in the potty. keep reminding him of that.

  4. According to the scanner, the popo already have a suspect in custody..........



















    It is Long John Silver :ph34r:









    I can't believe people fell for this "hook, line, and sinker"

  5. Whelp...I think I know who yer wife is. :lol:


    me too :ph34r:


    I have to say that I have had it happen before at my home too. It is a pain to clean up out of carpet. We had to finally get the steam cleaner to get it all out.

  6. I believe i heard the Waffle House in Hiram, 92 and JLS PKWY is being bought by Walgreens and they are paying for Waffle House to move to another corner. This is the corner where they just built the new STAPLES in Hiram.


    Anyone else here this???


    That is true that the WF is moving across the street into that old car lot. I am not sure about that one, but Walgreens did buy the land for the other one on 61 and 278. I'll have to ask today when I see them.


  7. At work the other day, we noticed the sign up and didn't realize that it was the same store. Yes, you will definitely have more parking space. Hopefully, it should be easier to get out of the parking lot too. I am sure some of us from my work place will come by to see ya. :)

  8. Cant believe nobody has mentioned Krystals.


    "Gas" is actually an understatement after a nice lunch of gut grenades!



    When hubby eats these things, I usually wind up sleeping on the couch!!!!! He gets so bad, it wakes me up and makes me want to puke.


    In our house, he calls them "squirt burgers"

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