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Posts posted by carrie2675

  1. Now something that fits in the driveway doesnt bother me.....but in the neighborhood we used to live in the guy down the street would bring home a 18 wheeler cab and trailer and park it in the road. Made it dangerous for everyone.


    Again glad we don't live in a neighborhood anymore.



    Sounds like my old neighborhood. The guy would park is 18 wheeler in the middle of the road.

  2. I would start with going through Child Support Enforcement (if your divorce papers say that the CS is to be paid through the courts). If not, the next step would be to get an attorney and file contempt of court charges. I do know that you can not go take a warrant out for the ex like in the past. Depending on the county and case worker, it may be fast or slow. I have known case workers that are very slow. Mine has been real good about not letting my ex get behind (mine doesn't get behind too ofter since his mama pays his CS)

  3. well, I can't post it bc I'm not a commerce member. I am just HOSTING the party.. there are rules ppl... :( don't want the popo to take my one good mayberry away...



    you got a mayberry :o !!!!!!!!!!!!! :o Would you like for me to send her an "anonymous" email tomorrow??? :p


    The party FBBC is having is a "Creamier Poolery" (I know it is lame, but it was the only thing I could think of)

  4. Went to the one infront of the old movies this past weekend, talked to a sweet lady named Ms. Allen, got EVERYTHING free, for my super-secret-swiss-ebay-checking account-don't tell-my hubby!



    I will have to tell her what you said. She is my supervisor :)

  5. My oldest son is on Focalin Xr for ADD. He was diagnosed in third grade because his teacher was constantly standing over his desk tapping it to get him to focus on the work. This in turn started affecting his grades. I really wasn't sure about the meds either. First they put him on medadate. This med did not work for him, in fact it made him have very bad mood swings. He was down on himself. We changed to Focalin and it has been wonderful. His teacher does nothing but praise him and how he is always one of the first to raise his hand and always has the right answer.


    My son also doesn't take it anytime he is out of school, weekends, or summer. The doctor didn't want him taking it then. My son has to go in every six months for weight, height, and blood pressure checks. So far there have been no problems. My doctor also said he should be able to stop taking this by middle school.


    I think 5 may be young for this kind of med. Usually kids aren't diagnosed until around 3rd grade from my understanding.


    My child takes the same medication. She was started the medication at the end of last school year and there has been a major difference between the previous years and this school year.


    Fiona, I researched the medications before my child took them. Plus, I looked into and tried other options for my child's ADHD. With my child, the other options did not work. However, they may work for you and your family. The way I see it, you do what is best for you, your child, and your family whether it is with or without medication.


  6. It's a great car, looks good, and right now with the gas prices...

    Hubby is glad that it went to a family that loves it!


    Hubby loved it too. He drove it for the longest until the prices started rising and we needed something with 5 seatbelts. And don't forget, cheap on insurance too :lol:


  7. I know! Haven't talked to ya in a while. How's thing? Car still treating ya good?



    I know, it has been a while. The car is still running great. My brother actually has it now. We had to get something that would seat 5 (just recently did this since gas prices are SO HIGH) and my SUV is sucking gas like crazy. I rode by your house the other day and saw it was still for sale.

  8. She has repeatedly said that she is "entitled" to his differential in pay when it comes in. :huh: Apparently, he is supposed to get some sort of pay for spouse and housing that they never gave him after he turned in his marriage certificate. <_<


    Oh good grief, she isn't too bright. If someone is giving her advice, then she needs to stop listening to them. I hate to break it to her, but she pretty much is only entitled to what she brought to the marriage.

  9. Ash you are the greatest. You could PM me his # and I can have J call him just to chat.


    I don't mind paying the $600 to get it over with. Litterally she took all of his money from every paycheck since mid Feb. ex... 542.87 she took 542.00. She isn't contesting it and has already taken up with her former live-in. She told him the only reason he wants an annulment is so that he doesn't have to pay her any money. It is a crock!!!


    You are welcome...kiss that bud Roofus for me!!! :wub:



    I hate to break it to "her", but she won't be entitled to hardly anything (whether the marriage is annulled or not) since they were only married a very short time.

  10. We went this afternoon. I will say that we will be back for more!!!! The meat looks fresh along with the fruits and veggies. We spent only $50 and that included 3 Ribeye steaks and enough meat to last us for over a week (we are a family of 5)!!! I spend more than that on meat at other stores and it is not a weeks worth either.

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