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Posts posted by carrie2675

  1. If it's the same one I am thinking of (up on Dallas Acworth Hwy beside Kroger and the Macdonalds) then that is the one that I go to...... Great food and great salsa (my favorite)


    I, too, forget the name...



    I think it is Los Maguey's (it is the one at the end of the shopping center that Chevron is in). The one behind it on the end where Kroger is, isn't bad either.

  2. When the girls and I got back to the office from lunch about 20 minutes ago, there was a questionable man walking down from our parking lot. He seemed to either be mentally impaired, or maybe on drugs. He headed up Merchants and was last seen by one of our employees over near McDonalds. He was walking around with his arms stretched out like he was flying. Did anyone else see him? Something wasn't quite right there, so be careful if you are in the area. Still not sure what he was doing in our parking lot. Our parking lot is kind of off the beaten path, rather isolated and partially fenced in.



    You must work really close to me. I have seen him too!!

  3. I too recommend lots of rest today and vitamin C (if you feel like swallowing it). Also, once you get better, be sure to wash your hands as often as possible. I work with the public, so I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in my desk drawer for the times that I can't go wash my hands at that moment. I know hand sanitizer isn't the same as washing hands, but it is better than getting germs. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Does your man still hold doors for you, help you with things when he's sees that you are struggling, offer to get you something when he is up getting something for himself, etc.? I'm just curious as to what is the norm, especially after more than 10 years of marriage.



    I can honestly say yes to your question. We have only been married for 4 years, but he was that way even before we were married.

  5. We do give an allowence for things they do beyond their normal chores. Normal chores for us are keeping room clean, picking up after themselves, etc. My husband has told the girls one way to earn a little extra is to "help momma without having to be asked to help".

  6. I have been on Dr Vitkins for two weeks.. I have currently lost 12.3 lbs. I do take the pills, but unlike every other diet pill I have ever been on before, they don't make me nervous or jittery or completely take away my appetite.


    Any diet ,with or with out pills, once you are done if you go back to just eating anything you want and not exercising you will of course gain the weight back. Its all about a lifestyle change. Making appropriate choices with your food, what types, serving sizes, etc. It doesn't mean you can never have a Snickers again. It just means overall you choose a healthy lifestyle. Everything in moderation.


    I go there too and take the medication that was listed in previous posts. The only side effect that I have noticed is that it will make me thirsty (which is a good thing since I will drink water). So far I have lost 20. I pay about 85 a month (60 for the office visit and 25 for the meds).


  7. Ok I just want to know if I am crazy at the cost of getting my hair done...


    Can you tell me what you have done and prices...


    Like I get:


    Highlights & Lowlights and hair cut and I pay around 150.00


    I just think that is a bit much!


    At the place I go to, that is about what I pay. I do have A LOT of hair!!!! I usually get color, highlights or lowlights depending on what mood I am in, cut and style.

  8. Because we have emotions,

    Most behaviors good and bad are to satisfy emotional needs.


    I agree with you. Also, I know of people who do some of these things because they are unhappy with themselves. I too know of a few who are on a self destruction path, but do not realize it.

  9. My dermatologist told me to use the fragrance-free, additive free detergents like Purex Free, All Free or something similar. He also said to experiment with different formulas of Downy because some of them work great for people with skin problems. I can use *most* Downy formulas, like the original/classic formulas but the newer ones with Febreze or the new scents are some I have to avoid. He also said not to use dryer sheets. You need a fabric softener that rinses out. You just want some scent and some softness, not the additives. If you have an extra rinse setting on your machine, you might try that, too. The clothes will still have a little scent but none of the chemicals.


    There may be sensitive skin formulas of fabric softeners, particularly those made by Method.


    I'm sure you know to keep the kids skin hydrated with lotions applied immediately after a bath. And have them drink lots of water.


    MC, you must go to the same dermatologist as my daughter. He told me the exact same things you mentioned above :p My youngest had extremely bad eczema not too long ago. I had to be real careful about what I washed her clothes and bathed her with. Even though I love the smell of Tide, she would break out all over when I used it. I now use Cheer HE and Downy fabric softner. For those really tight times, I use the Publix brand since it is only $3.99. I usually wash my work clothes with the "pretty" smelling fabric softner.


  10. I like my space. I don't like being crowded. I don't mind hugs, or even kisses (from people I know), so long as their brief. I actually like them. But count to 5. If you make it past five and you aren't moving on to second base, let me go.


    The *only* reason why you should be closer to me than arms length (I have some seriously long arms, too) is if we are having a private conversation and something doesn't need to be overheard.


    Also, if I'm going to sleep - don't rub my hair or arm or whatever. I don't mind wrapped up and STILL, but I can't stand movement when I'm trying to go to sleep.




    I am pretty much like you on this one. Except for one thing, I don't like to be touched at all when I am going to sleep. When others want to lay or cuddle, I start to feel 'smothered'. My dad and brother are the same way as I am.

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