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Everything posted by Nemie

  1. Supper is over here some time ago (just outside of London, England) Hubby fixed me something new to try, a british classic, often mentioned on the old Frasier Shows |(which I love and watch daily).... Toad in the Hole. Well, it is just simply sausages in Yorkshire Pudding (or I suppose any type of batter would do). Over here the sausages are not as good, least I think that way, however I do like Yorkshire Pudding (more of a crispy bread, not so crispy inside). Well, I tried it and all is fine except for that not so done inside of the crispy batter, that just drives me insane a bit. Sim
  2. I did not read every post.... here is my opinion on Socialized Medicine in the UK (I live here, I have it, I use it) FYI, I adore the OP of this Thread, very kind, loving, caring person! (sorry post is so long) 1. The so called 'free' medical care offered here IS NOT TOTALLY FREE. This is #1 misunderstood issue. It is funded by the govt and by every working person in the UK, via payroll deduction (it is a required deduction for everyone who works, a percentage is decducted from your pay). Everyone is covered, working or not, as long as your have legal/proper grounds/documents to li
  3. With ya on the move to England. I lived in Paulding for 10 yrs (Cobb for several yrs before that and Atlanta before that for couple years). Moved to Plymouth England Feb 9, 2010, then moved up close to London England in Sept 2011. I loved living in Paulding, had the best of the best of friends in Paulding, but I also love living in England. Just wish I had all my Paulding friends still near me now.
  4. Ahh yes, you all are getting your cold front. Yall stay warm! It is suppose to warm up a bit for us next week, so glad.
  5. The weather in May is fantastic. You will have daytime of 58 to 70. Well it sounds cool it will be to you but to us over here that is perfect nice warm temps. Folks here will be in short sleeves and short pants. Be sure to bring a jacket you will need it, mainly at night. Enjoy your trip.
  6. Good Morning to everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day! Over here in England in my area (just north of London) it is 25F with the sun shining. Wow, the sun! Cold and still lots of snow on the ground, has been since last Saturday. Should be melting some today with the sun out and I think temps may get up and above freezing. I can hope anyway. Yall have a great day over there in Pauling County !!!!!!
  7. Heya LadyR.... good to see ya still on here. Yep, 2 yrs ago today. We arrived on 10th morning and just after we got out of the airport in London it started snowing, and here 2 yrs later....it is snowing LOL Kinda funny. I sure have miss you and all the others here on pcom.
  8. Heya CO, how you doing? Good I am sure. Well, it has only been snowing for about 2 and half hrs tonight I guess so far and we already have 2 to 3 inches on the ground. As stated we still had a lot of last weekends snow on the ground in many places. Snow is so pretty when it is first laid. White pretty blanket of snow...I love it. I just checked out the front of the house to see if it was sticking to the streets...oh yea streets are completely covered in a new blanket of snow (all streets and drives had been cleared on sunday...and now covered again). I promise ya one thing.......
  9. LOL I just posted about the cold temps and snow we are having over here in England. I do love the snow, but only when it is fresh, a pretty blanket look. Remember that in March 1993, Atlanta has a freaking blizzard hit. I remember that well b/c I hadnt lived in Atlanta long when that happened. Hope you all get some snow during your cold snap. I am ready for some warmer temps myself. Shall we trade weather for a while.
  10. For about 3 weeks now our actual temps have not been above freezing and the wind chill or what it really feels like has been from 12 to 22. Last Saturday night it snowed, good 6 inches and it is snowing again tonight. Expected is up to 3 inches. We still had lot of the weekend snow still on the ground so this will add more to it. I do love the snow. We had had a couple different days of light snow back in Jan. Overall, our winter has been quite warm/light until the first of Jan, then winter hit. Up to then we had been having really nice comfty days of 42 to 46 range temps which is gr
  11. Thanks for the post. Yep, houses are smaller here, but more important is the rooms inside are smaller. I am talking as an average when I say that. At first it seems very odd, very very small, but you get use to it faster than you would think and quickly realize you didnt need all that extra room/space afterall. I will post pics for everyone to view as soon as I remember how to do it. It has been so long I have forgotten how to post pics on pcom. That is pitiful isnt it LOL
  12. WOW, Where has the time gone? It has just flown by so quickly. I really cant believe it has been 2 yrs since moving abroad. Feb 9, 2010 left Paulding Cnty/USA and arrived in London on Feb 10, 2010, treavelled down to SW England to Plymouth to settle down and begin new chapter of life. Sept 2011 Moved from Plymouth, England to just north of London, England. Some of you pcommers are my friends on Facebook and have kept up with me. I do apologize to Pubby, LPPT, and the rest of you for not being on pcom on a regular basis, butttttt... I was busy moving, settling in, getting adjusted and
  13. I am addicted to that show. Always loved it.
  14. Yes, I live in England, (southwest part), know london, love it. What the question? Not sure if I can help or not. I got no PMs on this.
  15. Should be no limitations whatsoever to anyone anywhere. This is /suppose to be a free and open message board, to be used by anyone who wants anytime they want. I am glad this board exist for many reasons. I now have many dear friends thanks to pcom, which otherwise I would have never met. I vote NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, beside I dont live in Paulding anymore, but who knows I might return one day.
  16. Because most of the overall wedding is such a secret, and because having been chosen to make the dress, or the cake (the main one and all the others), the flowers, etc is such an honor to that person(s).........of course everyone wants to know. Everyone wants to know what the dress will look like, and of course that is something that does not need to be published and broadcasted over all networks in advance. It is a huge event, huge historical event, huge economic event. People in general love the idea of royalty, love the visions of the uniforms, costumes, dress, horses, footmen, g
  17. Being that I am here in England, it is all the talk, with lots of tv specials every night on different cable networks, and on the Morning news shows every morning. It has been so interesting being here for it and seeing how the british people feel about it all. I was one who watched Charles & Diana live early early early on tv when they married, and I do love all things Royal/Royal Family/Royal Hetiage, etc. Needless to say I will be watching it all live. We debated about going to London to be on the streets, but when I remembered how much I hate crowds, I / we decided to celebrate
  18. CONGRATS to you both. Such wonderful news to read about.
  19. WOW....... Sounds like a great time indeed. I agree that the way to travel over here is by Train. They are great. I am so looking forward to my venture to northern Scotland (aberdeen) and all the places in between that I decode to stop off at. Your story just re-affirms my thinking on the way to travel and what to see. I just love going out and seeing all there is to see even if it is just riding the roads and admiring the views. Thanks for posting your stories, events, and hope we can meet up one day in the future while your on a visit over here. Nemie
  20. Heya, I think you know England better than I do. You have been to more places up north than I have. So far I havent been any further north than Birmingham/West Midlands area. I will be venturing further north later in the year as I have a trip planned to go to Aberdeen to visit a friend from Cartersville who has moved back home to Scotland. I want to take my time travelling up to Aberdeen on the train. The train is the way to go for viewing purposes and leisure. Iwill likely take a week to venture up and a week to venture back home after spending a few days in Aberdeen and a few days in
  21. Hey deewee, GeorgiaT, sungoddess, blondie Thanks for your post. I plan to get out and take lots of pics during spring and summer, so I will have lots of pics to show everyone in the months to come. I still cant believe a year has come and gone by us since moving from Paulding. The move is something I had wanted to do for a long time, always nagging hubby about it, and now a year later, I still have to pinch myselt every morning as I drink my coffee standing on our terrace/balconey looking out over the water. Everyday I tell myself, wow, cant believe I am really, finally living in be
  22. Wow, your dads family is from here, wow! Your right Devon and Cornwall are probably the most beautiful places on the planet. We are located on the border of Devon & Cornwall, south end, where the Tamar River, Plymouth South, and the Atlantic Ocean all run together. The countryside is just stunning, the rolling hills, green fields, the hedged roads, oh my just stunning. Do you ever visit over here? Let me know if you do and we will definitely meet up. Nemie
  23. Heyyyyy Johnny You got a date for sure next time for a night out of drink, dance, and loads of fun, just as always with you and the pcom gang. I look forward to it. I will indeed send ya a message so you have plenty time to get with others and get it all arranged. Yippee! cant wait! Miss ya Lots!!!! Nemie
  24. Heya Pubby, It was great to see ya and spend some time with ya at the pcom offices while on my last visit back home. Huge thanks to you for having pcom there for me and others to be able to keep a little bit of home with us as we move around the world, as anyone leaving paulding takes pcom with them. Once again, I do think this site would be a great to have over here, as there are none that I can find. If you want to become international, please do so, as it would be awesome to have an international side of pcom. Next visit I will definitely appear at your office for a good cha
  25. Heya gal! I sent ya a PM, so be sure and read it also. A week, is that all? oh my you might want to sleep that week so you can see a lot. Let me know the dates and maybe we can meet up for tea/coffee or sightseeing. We miss your crazy self, love ya, miss ya and all the rest of our pcom friends. Wish there could be a PCOM ENGLAND TRIP done so everyone could come visit us, hmmm a thought there eh. Talk to ya soon Nemie
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