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Everything posted by glassdogs

  1. We have a leather sofa that has removable back cushions. The cushions are down-filled. Will NOT hold their shape. We are thinking about swapping the feathers out for some poly fill or foam. Ideas, suggestions, volunteers?
  2. I've had you on "ignore" for at least the last 40,000 posts you've made. Do you have a chart to illustrate that?
  3. Well, at least your two brain cells will have a threesome with the flag. Anyway....would you please post in your own little forum so the big people can have a conversation without you kicking their shins in your constant quest for attention?
  4. Trust me on this. It isn't just the Conservatives that have that image.
  5. Oh, Lawdddd! Just do your "communicating" in your own little litter box and leave the rest of us out of it, OK?
  6. This means, I hope, that you will henceforth post all your nonsense in your own private forum that Pubby so graciously created for you? And leave the rest of P.com to the sober adults who actually have a few functioning brain cells?
  7. And that logic is proved by the results of a recent election for Post Commissioner. About the same % results, as I recall.
  8. Here's a suggestion: Wait until New Year's eve when all the fireworks are going off. All the noise will mask one well-aimed blast from a shotgun. Problem solved.
  9. I'm sorry for the loss of your uncle-brother. Seriously, you are getting to sound more like Eddie B every time you post. One-trick ponies.
  10. You must be quite a contortionist. It's gotta be really hard to type all that nonsense from the "hands up, don't shoot" position. Trailer park? Drugs? Douglas County? Noooooooooo! Say it ain't so.
  11. If it were to happen..... That's 1 million passengers traveling through Paulding County Inconvenient Airport annually. Let's suppose that those passengers equate to 800,000 vehicle trips into and out of the airport. That's another 2,000 cars a day going through the already congested 278 corridor. That's the potential. Accidents. Traffic jams. Speeders (cause they are late to a flight).
  12. Or, as Mark Levin refers to them, the Washington Compost. I wonder what the outrage would have been 8 or so years ago had a cartoonist done the same drawing with Oblabber and his two offspring?
  13. GWB hasn't been POTUS for 7 years. You need to get over the "blame Bush" mantra.
  14. Oh, Sadam's "mythical" WMD's that both Kerry and Hillary acknowledged existed by their votes in the Senate? You are in way over your head (as usual) about this topic. But, feel free to keep at it. It's fun handing you your ass, figuratively speaking. don't you have some hash-browns to flip?
  15. Or, you could lob a few bombs at an aspirin factory in the Sudan in retribution for an attack on a US warship while it was in port.
  16. Or, you could rely on Obama's NSA to ignore Muslims who rant about jihad on Facebook and then apply for a marriage visa.
  17. Just a reminder that Kareem Abdul Jamar was born Lou Alcindor and Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Clay.
  18. "someone"? Why are you not doing it? You apparently have as much or more information about the situation as anyone else. Channel 2 or channel 5 would have a field day with this. Get on the phone.....
  19. Was that one of the background checks run by Mike Jones?
  20. I'll resist the urge to say that since you are an Alabama fan you had it coming. Google GA bad check laws and read up. http://www.ckfraud.org/penalties.html Did he physically hand you the check in your place of business and carry merchandise out the door? If it was more than $500, you need to file criminal charges. If the transaction occurred in your county, it makes no difference where he lives. He's facing up to 3 years imprisonment and restitution plus penalties and fees. If the check was mailed into you against a statement, felony bad check laws may not apply and y
  21. Yet you have no problem referring to those you have political spats with as "Troglodytes".
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